Photo býy Brooks George Quilan of Nett Trier doing Jhis share iii dedicating. his school's nezz,!rack lait Saturday iy shaitfring the Subburbani league record in the 220-yard idashi. Qinlani ran this event in 22 seconds fie, iopping 1.1 secondç off the old mark. Quinlant, iwho is stâte champion ipf the 100-yard alid 22O-yarnf. i(tahes, aiso Iozered the ceititri, record.lasi' Sateirday. ru»- ning 10(. yards in 9.9 secoids-.3 ofa second faster than the foriner retord. Agree on Sewer for -Storm Water Along Lake Ave. Tphe, Wilmette Village board bas. entered, into an agreement with prop- ertv oWners ini the Butler subdivision on. the south side- of Lake- avenue west 'of _Hibbardý road to instali a 12-inchstorm across the front of their property facing on Lake ave- ripe and connecting with the large storni sewer at Hibbard road. W,ýest of 1-ibbard .road the large storri >ewer runs along. the north side o f Lake avenue, anti to connect their drains with the sever it. would be iiecessary for property owners ;n. the Butler subdivision on the south side of the street to bore under- tieatli Lake avenue. To avoid this expense. the. . property owniers lun question aske d the village to instal the sinaller stormi sewer on- the south side of Lake avenue -to con- nect with the large sewerat Hibbard road, where the. large. nm ain crosses utiderneath Lake avenue to the south side of the street. The portion of Lake avenue where the sniall sewer is to be laid is flot yet dedicated, and in entering into i E The Bible and Works of Mary Christian Science Literature may Reading Rooni. makes it mandatory. that the, street be dedicated for widening.purposeg if Public> necessity demnands. MARRIED MAY, 21 Miss Anna Kinies, of the Evan- shire hotel, Evanston, and Raymond I3orre,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borre, 1616 Washington avenue, were married Thursday evening of .last week at St. Joseph's church by Rev. J.. A. Neumann. The bride andi groom had as their. pnly attendants Mr. Borre's brother and sister, William andi Miss Regina Borre. They havé now returned f rom their wedding journey to Wisconsin anti are resid- ing on Isabella street ini Wilniette. MARRIED Mr. anti Mrs. John J. H-uerter, 2023 Schiller avenue, announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna, to Frank Meier, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Meier, 2103 Washington'.av'e- nue, on. May 19. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray: of' 433 Ci.mrnor road, Kenilworth, have gone to, LincoInville. Maine to spenti the remainder of the summer mnonths at. their summer residence. all other authorized or purchased atth. Clear Consomme or Fruit Cocktail choice of Broiled White Fish with Tartar Sauce Roast'Prime Ribs of Beef -au Jus' Fried C hi:na laMaryland Chicken Livers Saute with Mughrems Broiled Club Steak, $125 Hif Fried.,Chicken, $125 Broiled T-Bone. Sirloin Steak, ý$1.50ý. New Potatoes in -Cream, or French Fried Potatoes New Peas or New Buttered Beets Sherbet Rl Pear Salad wi-th, Mayonnaise Fresh Strawberry or Chocolate Sundae Fresh Cocoanut Cream Pie .Strawberry Shorteake- Baked'Cus *tard Cantaloupe a la Mode Chocolate Malted or. Vanilla, Ice Cream and Cake CoffeeRoquefort Ch eeseand .Crackers Cffe Tea Millc Buttermilk Iced Tea There Is No Substitute for Good -Fo-od- Weeks' DiuÉinÏg R900M 1131, CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE WILMETTE 355 ~ .* . .... *9*. . . .. . .. . . ... ... .9.......... .....* . ... .. ....... Beauty.Salon 11331/2 Central Avenue -4sk .Oitr Adv.ce on&Cosmeticsa an4Poludeir B1enidag THE P1JBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT ,THE READING ROOM ..... .....