UW iJ W * IjI *~<~prevent rnould and nioist enough to retard drying; out of foods. It is *the most. efficient and econoniical refrigerant. Invest,-in a goodIle s ref rigerator. Wihuette c emn o '7s Main Ste: F. >Meier, Proptrietor Willnette 53, Low Summer Prices Say:l' 'FILL YOUR COALBIN, NOW". Out siummer prices- on M.e' domnestie grades, of coal- and coke are Iow this season-t."he Iowest they have* been i many years. Why not take advantage of these prices by Ietting us deliver next winter's fuel n7o? It wilt1 mean a reat savig i your heating cost.' Our Service Department wUl 1be- qlad fo nspect your: he e in g plent 'and recommend the. pr Qpp e r grade andrid 5 o f fuel tô use, or ta' hep you salve any 'combustion problems you .may have. There Is no charge for. fhs service. Gý OAL FUjEL QIL D EL 1Y E R Y'V I ~psuers Ompany. RýD S AI ýL 0OV ER T HE 0 R T'F WILMETTE, 1300 WINNETKA 3385 GLENCOE 75, s S H OR, 1 SýT R. C T Telephone Winnetka 3020 Roht. F. Doepel' Cari -L Braun Phil H. Braun.