hieight of iiitcret luIn hs Occasioil al- wascenters 'roir ud thie persoli of the May Qtenlic iw s cktted hy the stu-. dent hody i rom dthe Senior class, but. whose identity î's unknown until she aýlppars ini the pro)cession1. Miss Carr won this honior by a. large niajority of the student votes aud Was escorted 1)3 the <tler f our senior girls, whc ere eligil)le for i- le. hoor, Miss Ruth OOIsononi KenilW' rthý Ruth Fet- zér (if Rok'ord Ly Holton cof Batie Creck, and Florence L.Ovejoy of RosCuýe. 0O1' mitercstiiig Customn is that the quiceti cf the formier ycar returns at cadih festival. to place the crcwn cf violets upon the. new Queeîu's row. This lhouer as 'performné(l) yMiss Elizabeth Towinsenid of Stoughiton. ~i. thie May (Juecu cf 1930. folhowhig wvhicb ,the (dance (raina -of 1-biner's Odyssey was giveën ini full regalia iii houeir of the new q-uicetn, thus making the festival this year> pcrhaps the iiiost, picurequein the tilirty-scvei'l yearts cf its - bistory. ln a repiarkable wayý Miss Carr fuI-1 fi1ls the ideal qualifications for 'the M ay Queen of lier almna mater. #lhese rc- quiremeîîts are that sIe nînst lie a go<>( student, enthusiastic. lhelpi.ul, coopera- tive, digniified, grcios anîd k ijjd.iss Carr's ýfour, year record' at RoéCkford, collegé has .beeni quite equal to> these qualifications and she lias had a ncst construètive influenice inu student afiairs. She wvas, secretary (if lier f reslhman class* president (if lier junior ýclass, aànd p)rcsdenit.of the College ('cverîu- muent board lier seilior vyear. Shieliais bad nienbcrsbip :and offices ini practica[- ly every orgaîlizationln i thie college aud is a mieniber of the Socratîc Houcorary <Soe. 00 People attended the f es- tival, crowdinig the terraces on the 'noftb campuîs, erokg a natural amiphi-' theater. long l)efire the pagvant bcgan, * The May Festival alvays affords an üpportu1iity for the return c i man, ai- umïnae aild the » entertainnient Of.isitr f rouii alI over tlhc central, west. Tlhe bvecasicn is the outstandiiig social event if thme pre-conîînecemnit seascu :ît this. tîhe oldest womian s college' iii tbe %vest. T7'i- Good ýShip P>ublic Speakiiîîy"i ot ifl Nc Trier Public speaieing. re'l'.Speý'c!ies srse lcidea ti i'nIlimarked on:flic shif last .Septue I1'oJel.ç of .shiips decoratcd thetables. Sehool Piano Pupîls in Recital June 3-4 wVilnîcette chljdren -who, have becîti studyinig piano il, the Wilinette Publ- licsch>o'ol piano classes wiil appear in recitals at the I-Iowar(I school Wedîles<day .J une 3, andl at the Stoil) schocil l thrsday, 'june 4, The pro- grains w~Il. start proiiiitly at 2 :30 o'clock ini the afternoon, it is an- nlounlccd. Mrs. Edith Vivian, the teaçiwr. is presenting the' childreîu iii progranîs wbich' shoNw the progressive -steps Ill their piano, work, the, child intercstsý and coinipetitive values of grolîp study, and -a denîocratic. l)articipa-. tio ii n ndiidaly.gainifl group, activitil. Inte'rested pa-troiîsýof, the sholand tie friendsof thie chîldren have tlwei inviteil tô attend thiese progranis Thie six- weeks' suinnmer turtiit\il open on11junle 19, it -,vas aninotinced this week, at 8 o'clocl, In the mton)- ing at the Central school and at 1 - Photoi), Y Mkttllew FIRIeis ivcîs the helile Offlti inial banlquet classes a!flic hili sclîo^ol wmss: hall thai the public speakinfl students had an w'e about 1<> leave it luis Jline. Olibhant Is A warded Medal b» Con fere'nce l.arry Oliphiant, captain and first l)aseinan of N ortliwesterrn university's )aseh)all tcam, xvas avitrded the West-- erii Con ference miedal givein eaclî year to the graduatiug senior showiîîg the ii4)st proficiency. .in S'cholarship and' athletics, it Nvas .annomiced by K. L iln.athletc dïrectcr. Iilu addition te being a star .o n the hasehaîl teain, Oliphiant svas lalso a regular enîd for thiree vears on the \Vildcat, foothaîl tearni. His work on both thec basebahiIand( football tearns together with bIis iliaintaîuing a nearly, perfect schioListic staniniig restilted i1i iseiggr;inted liheawvard. He' caie ~vîtin to-tntli ota poinit. of-havinig perfect A .aver!age iii sclholarshlip for four vas )11liauit as alsim active in, campus activities. lie is president of the seior clas-s and a menilier of Deru,. honiorary senior fraterility. lie is a metuber of Vproceedcldown &enilwortfl avenue, and the exercises at the muonument in the park opposite the club) grounds were especially .impressive.. Each speaker seemed to vie with the others, during the programi in the assembly 'hall, as te the brevity of bis speech, for each seemed te bear in. mid other days andi other speeches wbîch were long and tire- somne net enly te the children in the front rows'but te the:aduits as wel. Each number was greatly appreciat-ý ed. The tribute te the beloved citizen, John.Benham, who passecd away dur- ing the year, was of special interest. This Nvas prepared and prese nted' by. representatives of the Joseph Sears school. Miss, Barbara Clark, 'wîth clear voice, and. excellent -enuncia- tioni,.represenited the -Spirit of Kenil- worti": and brought te the audience nieinories of the early days when Mr. Benbam first cainete the village. .The scheol,. the churches, the cein-. nu.nity, and those for, whom Menie- rial Day -was çelebrated were repre- sented l)y Elinor Clark, Arenid Knoop, Peggy Ketchani, and Bob) Mc- Cloud. Each, ini turn, spoke in. be- iaîf. cf Mr. Benham's interest, and(l *presented te the Spirit" of. the town large bouquets. These were sent te Mrs. Benliani at the close. of the exercises. H-ugli Foresnian gave the usual a.d-, dress te -Our Bloy3s," and in a .f ew weor(s breuglit a rather new teuchi te the mnemorial exercises. Heimade thiese boys seeci, to five again as they were whein at home in Keniilworth. 1Thiey did net secite be a. group sel)arated. reithe beys of todav 1byv a great cala ity. Tiîey seelnîed. te b'e little boeys . ini schlool again, foi NIr. k9oresiaiî had kniown ,eachi one, Frankliin Bellows, Courtney Camip- bell. Punr cell M\acklin, Wa7àlter .Schulze, and .Manierre \\Tare frei early .childhood. Niaj. James Cunninghanm, coninianil- er' cf thé. Anti7Aircraft, Artillery regimnent at Fort Sheridan delivered a fewv stirring renia4çýs suitable to, thle occasion and KeihvNortl was i- 1debted to Iliii for the, patriotic .tottclî TO .ing their hionme at 535 $innman ave- nue, Evanston. 'Mrs. Clark is thîe dlàuglhter of M 1r . William Munsen Christie and was the former Esther Lolita Christie. Nirs.: Edward Schnîeider entertaiiie:dl f.lie,.,\ed.iesdav eveniiig Five-h.uîîdred club at lier lhome. weetaken and gaîuus crc playeci., NI1 r > 1. Nairu iwjb,,-an ont of Paauilîati Hawalii. are iloise gulest-s Of Nîrs. ,Willianî * NI. Gav oi 929 'rwveilfti street. Tbey vIilrentain I for several noiîths. M r. and M rs. R. C. Rolfing lae just returnied to tlieir home. at 830 Ashiland avenue after a four weeks' trip in the wes;t. Thiev visited friends ini Californiia and stopped at Les Ani- gelés, San F~rancisco, the Yoseinite Nýatieîîal park; .and visited Washiîtig- ton .aiOregonl. whiere she basa summer home. Mrs. Porter's son, Nýed,. whio is a student at Iowa State uniiversity, will joinl his mother after studies are disconi- tinued, and speënd the suinmçer moîît.hs with ber. Mrs. Porter bas bad a homne n Maine for tnany years.