4I .4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 Sept.. 2 2 2 2 2 .2 2 2 2 2 2 Oct. 6 6 6 6 6 No. 4 6ec G. M. '1'urston, Auaditor................... D.M. Mickey, Jl. P. Auditor............. R.ý E. Siusheimer, J.'P. Auditor:... ......... . . J. .K. Caîhouni, J. P. Auditor ............... J. J. Peters, J. P. Auditor.............. J. A. Williams, Compenisation Highway Comnmissioner.. G. M. Thurston, Comjpensation Supervi.sor........... Margaret S.* Pjerson, Compensation Clerk < ......... G.' M. Tburston, Compensation auto matintenance. . H-arvey Bowcn, statiouery.............. Dr. H. A. Orvis, Compensation Ilealth Conuiissioner. Mrs. A. L. Ojrinnell, Trea.s., Compensation Health Iurse Viliageof Winnetkzi, Tp. office rent... ...... ..... J. J. Peters, J. P. Auditor .................. D. M. Mickey, J. P. .Auditor ..... ý......... G. M. Thurstoxi, Auditot .. .... .......... G. M. Thiirston, Compensation Superviser ......... ('. M. Thrst n om nsationnAuto Mintenance.... Daniel M~ Mickey, J, P. Audîît................... G. M. ThÏurston, Auditor.. ... ...... M. S. Plerson, Auditor ........ J. A. Wlliams, Compensation Highway Coniiioiner -. G. M. Thurston, Compensation Supervisor.. ......... G. M. Thurston, Compensation, Auto Maintenane. M. S. Plerson, Compensation. Clerk ............... M. S. Pierson, Expenses ... ...... .. ......... ... Childs and Wood, Premitum on Supervisers bonds...... Dr. H..A. Orvis, Compensation Health Commissioner Mes. A. U. Orluneil., reas., Compensation 1-lealth Nurse Village of Wlnnetkà, Tp. office rent ................ J. J. .Peters, J. P. Auditor, 2 meetings.............. R. E . Sinslheimer, J. P. Audîtor, 2ý meeting ............... G. M. Thurston, -Audito)r.2 meetings .......... M. S. Pierson, Auditor, 2 mIeetings ............. J. A. Williams, Compensation Hkahway Commissioner Gertrude M. Thurston, *Compensation S8uperviser ........ Gertrude M. Thurston, Compensation Auto Maintenance. Gertrude. M. Thurston, % of expenditures R. and B. Fund Margaret S. Plerson, Compensation Cierk ....... ....... Margaret S. Plerson, expenses.... ................... Dr. H. A. Orvis, Compensation Health Comimissioner ... Mrs. A. L. Grinneli. Treas., Compensation Health Nurse. Legal Adviser Publishing C(>. clerks supplies.......... Lloyd Hollister mne.,, Pibli,,hinig notices and reports ... Village of Winnetka, Township office ient............. Jamnes K. Calhouii, J.' P. Aud Ifor .................. Daniel M. Mickey, J. P. Auditor.............. ....... .Ralph E.,Sinshiemner, J. P. Auditor........ ... ....... John J. Peter-s, J. P. Auditor ............. G. M. hurstoiî, Auditoîr............... M.ý S. Pierson, Auditor .... ............... J. A. %Villiain.4, CompensationHghy Commissioner.. Gertrude M. Thurston, Compensation Supervisor. *..... Gertrude M. Thurston, Compensation Auto Mntenance Margaret S. Plerson, .Compensation Clerkc...... Margaret S. Pierson, expenses............ Dr.,H. A. Orvis, Compensation Heaithi Comimissioner . Mrs. A. L. Grinuel, Treas., Compensation. Health Nurse Village ýo! Winnetka, Tp. office reut............... Frçderick O. Mason, Tp. legs I services............. Stewart-Keator-Kessberýger & Lederer, Pre i.- on Coll. Bond J. K.* Caîhoun, J. P. Audfitor ...... .......... R. E. -Sinsheimer, J. P. Auditor .......... J. J. Peters, J.> P., Auditor .................. G. M. Thurston, Auditor ................. Margaret S. Pierson, Audîtor ......... ........... Jamtes A. Williarns, Compensation Hiighiwa«y C4ojiumissioneir Gertrude M. Trhurs,,ton, Compensation Supervisor.... Gertrude M. Thurston, -Compensation Auto Maintenanýe Gertrude M. Thurston, Petty cash, emierg* ncy & I.R. Tkt. Margaret S. Pierson, Compensation ïlerk........ Margaret S. Plerson, cash advanced.......... Margaret S. Plersen, Tp. storage ln homie for 2 yen rs. Dr. H. A. Orvis, Compensation .Health Comiisaloer.. Mrs. A. L. Grinneli, Treas., Compensation Hlealth Nurse. Village of Winnetka, Tp. office rent ........... ...... . Office Specialty Co., Supplies ............... J. J. Peters, Reimbursement on bond preiums..... H1. E. Sinsblemer, Reimbursement on bond premniumls.. D. M.. Mickey, Reimbursenent on bond preiniums. J. K. Caiheun, Reimbur.sement-I on bond prerniums.. 1.50" 1.50 1.50 1.50 144. 00 A4-901 tween Ridge Road and Z3rd Street.; also, in Ashlàtnd Avenue between. 23rd and, Grant Street.- aIse lu Kenilworth Avenue, between 23rd Street and Locust Road; aise, In Grant, Street, 26th Street, and Cleveland. Street, between Ashland Avenue and the north Une of ;the Village of Wllmette; alo In 25th Street, Dartmouth Street, 24th Street and Colgate Street between Ashland Avenue and Kenilwortb Avenue; alo in 23rd Street between Lake Avenue and Kenilworth Ave- nue, and connected to the publie sanitary sewers now In place, of the above streets, and otherW*lse Improvlng the marne, in the Village of Wilmette, .Cook Counity, Illinois, as will more fully appear frorn the certlfied copy ot. the Judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the collection of such assessamert Is lui the bands of' the underslgned. Said Special Assessment Io payable ln ten (10) annual. instaliments.- The amount of the firÉt. Installinent' l 17>~0.00 and the amount, eft eh of the second to tenth Instalments, In- glusi5ve, ta $6,400.00. Al of mid fnmtal- mients bear interest at the rate of six per cen t per annum, and the first in, stalîment ls due and payable on the 2nd day of January, next, and one In- stalîment la due ýeach year thereafter. Alil persons interested.are hereby notl- lied to caîl and pay_ the amount of the assessment. at the collector's office, in the Village of flmette, Cook County, Illiniois, wlthin 30 days from the date heréof.' ýDated thl.s 28th daY of May, A. D. 1931. EDMO0ND H. KERR, Village Collector. L4-ltc VILLAGE 0F WIL'METTE SPECTIA A I1SM*ENÎT NOTICE WIL)IIEi'TE SPECIA L WARRANT N 0. 270 NOTICE: Public notice il ere)Yý given that the County Court of Cook, County, Illinois, bas rendered judgneînt for, a.Sp)ecial Asossment upen .property benefited bye the following Improve- ruent: 533 lead water service pipes cf oee (1) Inch. extra strong lead pipe, connected to. the main water supply pipes nôw ln place, an'd being con- neçted te a corporation, cock with goosenecký and having a roundway shut off cock lnstalled ln sald lead NOTICE: Public notice I. hereby given that .1115 County Court of Cook County, Illinois, ha. rendered Judginent for a Specl Assessmeflt upon property benefited by the followlng Inhprove- ment:« Storm sewer bouse rainioshall be constructed là Elmwôod Avenue, Ashlaud Avenue, Thornwood Ave- nue, Chestnut Avenue, -Kenllwortb Avenue and .Beechwood Avenue be- tween Rldgeé Road and 23rd -Street; aIso ln Asbland Avenue between 23rd Street a.nd Grant Street; aime ln Kenllwerth Avenue between Brd Street and Locust Road:- aise ln Grant Street, 2th Street aýnd Cleve- land Street, >between'Ashland Ave- nue, and the north Une of th1e Village o! Wilmette; aise ln 251h. Street, Dartmouth Street, 24th Street and Colgate Street between Ashland. Avenue. and Keilworth Avenue;, aIse in 23rd Street between Lake Avenue and Kenllworth Avenue and connected. to. the public storîn sewers now, ln place ln the' above streets, ln tI1e Village of Wllmette, Cook ceunty;* Illinois, as wlll mors fully appear froni the certlfled copy, of the judgmeut on file in my office; that the warrant for the collection of such assessment là ln the hands of'the uIIdSl'sitled. Sa.ld Speclal Assessment ls payable ln ten (10) annual Installments. The amouint o!f1the first installment la $4,67 8.00 and the ameunt of each of the second te tenth Installments, lit- clusive, le $4,600.00. Al of aaid install- ments. bear interest at the rate e! six per cent per annum, and the firaIt i- stallment la due and payable on the 2nd day of January, next, and oeeln- staliment le due each year thereatter. Ail persous interested are hereby noti- fied te caîl and pay the ainount of 1the assessment at 'the collector'is office, in th1e Village of Wllmette, Cook County, Illinois, wlthln 30 days froni the date hereef. Dated this 28111 day of M4ay, A. 1). 1:931. DMOND H. KCERR. VILILAGE 0F WILMETTE W.iMMETTE SPECIAL: WARRANT No. 273 ,NOT#7CE: Public notice 8- hereby given -that the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, bas rendered judgment for a Special Assessinent upon property benefited by thie followlng improve- ment: ghway Comrnissiolier ;upervîsoi .... ............ uto Maintenance.... ýppliI s . . . . . . . . . isation Health Cm sife.. 'Comnensatlon, Heaith Nurse.. H.A. Orvi s, Corn A- T1- G.nng.fL T et .Wnnetkà, Tp. ice rent .......................15.00o Bkpeàded ... ....... .. ...... ................ .....$10205.62 ,liment is due and payable on th1e Dated thils 28th day et May, A.) 1 day of January, next, and one lu- 1931. jiment le due each year thereatter. persoils lnterested are herebY nOti- EDMOND I.L.1BRIt. i te call and puy the amouInt o! the village Coil.ct.or. ieEsme0t at iie. colleter's office., linL- I 3.50 3.60 3.00 3.00 156.00 38.75 50.00 94.53 51.00 2.66 30.00 25.00 39.63 202.35 15.00 1.50 1.50 1.50' 1.60 150.00 78.80 50.00 52.50 3.25 30.00 25. 00. 15.00 125.00 ;837.84 1.5 0 1.50 1.*50 1.50 1.50 162.00 10.10 50.00 19.40 51.00 5.90 100.00 30.00 25.00 15.00 2.25 50.00. 50.00 t;. 2. 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lge ai