Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 62

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r i Ma. 13 W M. Howard, Labor 'X.~ ........ 13 J; Reagor, Labor ...... .... 20 J. Ileagon, Labor ........ 20 W. M. Howard, Labor ' ........... 27 W. M. H-1owand, La bon ... 27 J. Reagor, Labor .... 6 J. Reagor, Labor............... 6 W. M. Hownnd,, Labor .. .......... 6 Central Coal-& MateniliCo., Hard road maintenance... 6 Builders Service, Rtepairse .......... 4U*', .. Di . sfw jla [4101. . .. .... .. . . . . . * 10 J. Reagor, Labor...-...... 10 Tuftread Corporation, Asphalt on contract............. .« 10 Gienetka Garage, Truck maintenance and storRge....... 10 Winnetka Ave. Garage, gas, MIl and grease. . ....... .... 10 Village of Glence, Labor and rentai road rolIer...... 17 Central' Çoal & Mtaterial Co., crushed st(>ne and gravel.. 17 R. F. Slavey, Uabor................. 17 C. Relia, Labor .......................... 17 H. Hopkins, Labor ....... ................... 17 John Bieckson, Laboi'..... ....... .................... 7 > ý17 John ,Sne,, Labôr I7 T. Beneventi. Labor ................ .......... ......... 17 W. Otto, Labor................... 17 W. M. Howard, ILabor ....................... 17 J. Reagor. Labor................... 17 Mercer Lumiber Coe., Lme o barricades......... 17 Village of Gienenej Labor...... .................. 17, Tuftreëad Corporation, Rentai tractor. and 1 grader 6 day-s 24J. 'Reagor, Laber ... ...........-............. ......... 24 W. M. Howard, Labor ..................... ....... 24 W. Otto, LaWbor............. ....... ............... 24 T. Beneventi, Labor ............. ........ .............. . 24. Central Côal & Material Co.. hard' rond ma intenance. 24 Tuftread Corporation, liard rond maintenance..... 31 Central Ceai & Materlai Co.,. Crushed stone, nnd gravel .. 31 Tuftread Corporation, 1000 gai. asphaît......... ...... 31 T. BeneVenti, Labor .................... 31 W. Otto, Labor-............ ........ >........... 31 J. Reagor, Labor......... ........... ............ 31 W. M.. Howard, Labor'.............. ................. Nov. 7 J. Rleagor, Lab0r............ ................ ......... î W. M. Hioward, Laber................ 7 W. Otto, Labor .......................... .............. 7' T. Benevýenti. Labor'... ....... ............. 7 Johnson Motor Service, Auto maintenance Ilighway coninV i 7 Paul Hoffmnan, 'Hard î'oad mainten ance......... 7. Tuftread Corporation, 1000 gal. Auphalt............. 7' Bert Relnsch, Supplies ................ 7 T. Rola. Labor............... . .... 14 T. Beneventi, Labor .... ........ ..... 14 W. Otto, Labor .... ... ....................... 14 W. M. Howard, Labor ...... ................. 14 J. Rengor. Labor .... ...... ............... 14 Winnetka %Ave. Gar., 8 quarts. ou... ...... ...... ........ 14 Glenetkca Garage, Truck storage, gas, ohI and î'epalî's.,. 14ý Tuftread Corporation, 1000 gai. Asphiait.......... 14 Centrai Ceai & Materiai Co., 93 yards cinde's .......... 21 J. Reagor, Labo . ........................ 21 W. M. Hewa rd, La bo r............. ...... .............. 21 W. Otto, Labor .......... ....... ........ ............. 21 T. Beneventi, Labor.................. 21 Tuftread Corporation, 1000 gai.Apht........ 28 Paul Hoffinan, liard road nîàintenance ... ......... 28 Herman Gerýsdo)rff, LI-bor............... 28 Johnson Metor Ce., Auto imaiintenawite Highwaty c'ommn'r 28 W. M. Howard, Labor ..................... . ....... 28 J. Reagor, Labor ... ..................... ..... 28 Tuftread Corporation, 1000 gai. Asphait. ........... ... 28 Village ef Giencoe, Moto,' vehicle license....... pec. 5 W. M. Howard, Labe . ...... .... ............. 5 J. Reagor, Labor .... ... ...................... 5, Johnson Moto,' Service, Auto minltenane.............. 5 Glenetka Garage, Truck storage andmitbne... 5. Austin Western Rd. Machinery Ce., Hard read. miaintena.ne 5 J. T.' MeCiarthy Ce., 'Hard-rend maintenance........... 5 Ber-t Reingch, Hard road maintenance ............. (5 Chare[felke, Misce. and hiard reýad maintenance:.'.... 5 . uftreead Corporation,ý Hard road maintenance'...... 12 W. M. Howard, Labor................ li2.J. Reagor, Labor................... 12 Tuftread Corporation, Hard rad ýmaintenance....... 19 J. Reagor, Labor.............. ...... ........ ........ 19 W. M. Howard, Labor .................... 19 Pavlik Bros., Machinery purchased........... 19 Tuftread Corporation, Hard rond maintenance..... ...... 19 Central Ceai & Materlal Co., Hard rond maintenance.. 26 J. Reagor, Labor ................ ....... ............... 26 W. M. Howard, Labor . Y.............. ....... 26 '1uftread Corporation, Hard road maintenance,.......... 1221 29.70 37.80. 29.70 6.86 15:84 13) 13: 13 13 13 13 13 13 20 -20 27 27 Frank' Dibiik. Labor........................ .....17.00 T1. Widmner, Labor................... ..... ........... 18.00 Reinhlod Omit, Labor .---- . .... .. ...18.00) J. Varhank, Labor ......... ......... ................4.00 M. Schnidt,,. abor ....... .......... ..... 2.00 Frank H-uiimneihaus, Labor .....................13.00 J., Kochleft, Labor ........... ...... ...............13.00 Robert -G.raft, Labos'. ............ ................9.00- P. W. Arnistrong, P. M. Stamps.................. ........ 10.00 Stew art-Keater-Kessberger and Lederer, Premi u 1 on . ms* 116.40 W. M. Howard, Labor,......................... ....... 29.70 J. Reagor, Labor ............................40.M J. Reagor, Labor ..................................... 37.80 ,W. M. Howard, Labor.............. ........ ........... 29.70 Disbursenments .... ...... $. ..ý32,327.27 STATE 0F ILLINOIS COIJNTY 0F. COOK, TOWN 0F NEW TRIER '1 SS. office of, Town Supervisel' The following im a statenfient by Gertrude, M, Thurston, Superviser et the Town et New Trier, la the. County and State aforesaid,' ot the amnount et public funds received and expended by ber durlng the fiscal year just closed. ending un the thirtie.th dayet March, A. D. .1931, showing the amount ef publie tunds on. hand at 'the :commencement -of said fiscal year, the amount of public futids received -and froin what sources received, the amount ef public tends expended and for what purpose expernàdd.duning said fiscal year. eniding as aforesald. Tesaid Gertrtude M. Thureton, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, thtthe fallowing statement 'by ber fittbscribed 4s correct statemelit'o the amount ef public tunds on hand at the commencement et the fiscal year above stated, the amount et public funds received, and the sources frei %which receive'd, and the amount expended, 'and, purposes. for which expended, as set forth ln said statement. U:70 29.70 35.10 29.70 4.75 34.98 29.70 29.70 182.16 190.00. l24.72 190.00 2970 35.10. 37.80 29.70 31.50 29,70 35.10 29.70 86.51 94.50 190.00 5.36 88*.80 29.70 37.80 2.00 186.00 37.80 2925 2970 190.00 .130.50 48.22 60.001 24.70 32' 81 190.00 2.00 29.70, 37.80 23.80 189.33, 360 142.75 37.80 190.00 -37.80 29.70 $7.45 190.00 95.83 31.50 24-75 190.00 April May Oct. Nv. Dec. Jan. Fcb. M ar. 28 Date Zi~ lan. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 !Avr. 2uy Juy 7 Gertrude, M. Thursten. 'Subs3cîibed and s worn 'te betore me, this 31st day ot March, A. D. 1931, James-K,* Caîbouni, Justice of the Pence te 1P30-31 Funrds reeved, and trom what sourcesreceived ,Amount. Amnount of puliic tends on hnnd at the commàencement et the fiscal yeaî'; commiencing the 27th day etf March, A. D. 1930 ................................. 06 Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank,' lut.; C. et Dep......., 50.00 Wiimette State"Bank, Interest on checkingacun. ... 11' Wilmette State Bank, Interest on checking aceont... .27 wilniette State Bank, Anticipation warrants....... ...... $15,000.00 Wilmette State Bank, Interest.................. ......... 9.37 Wilmiette State Bank, Interest ................. 9,53. Wimnette State Bank, Intereaýt ......>......... 8.49 Wilmette State Bank, Interest .....................8.27 Wilmette State. Ilank, Interest ............ ......... ........ 7.50 Willmette State Bnnk, Interes.t..................6.13 Reeps........ ................... .....$15,13i.33 Expeniditur-es..........................10,205.62 Balance ... ................. ..$ 4,925.71 Funds expended aDd'1or whnt purposes expended. Amount John J. Peters, J. P.. Annual Audit..........$ 35 Daniel, M. Mickey, J. P. Annuni' Audit ..............3.50 Raiph E. Sinsheimer, J.,,P. Annuni Audit.............. 3.5,0 Gertrude M. Thuratoni, Aninual Audit..................... .1.50 Margaret S. Pierson, Annuni Audit ................1.50 G. M. Thurston, % on expenditure.s Road & Brde....108.99 G. M. Thurston, petty cash posting notices................ 5.30 James. K. Caîhoun, J. P. Auditor.............. .......... 1.50 D. M. Mickey, J. P. Auditor....... .................. .... 1.50 R. E. Sinsheimer, J. P,. Aùdtltr ........... I.............. 15t G. M. Thurston, Auditor........... ..................... 1.50 M. S. Plerson, Auditor....................... ........... 1.50 G. M. Thurston, Auditqe.r.............................. M. S. Plerson, Auditor ... .... .1 ................ J. A. Williams, Compensation. Highiway Cominissioner .. G. M. Thurston, 'Compensation Superviser............... G. AI. Thurston, .Compensation auto 'maintenance.-...... M. S. Piersen, Compensation Clerk..................... Lloyd Hollister Inc., Statinery................... ... Dr. H, A. Orvis, Cenmpensation Henlth Conîmissioner. Mrs; A., L. Grinneli, Trens., Compensation Healt'h'Nurse.. Village of Winnetka, Rentai Township' office.......... R. E. Sinsheimer, J. P. 'Auditor, 2 mieetings ..... ....... J. J. Peters,. J. P. Auditor, 2 mneetings .............. DM.Mickey, J.'» P., Auditon, 2. Meetings ....... 1........ 3.00, 3.00 Dati

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