roaci. whicn is. the north ana southuwn i;a v-luuil;u49 route 46. with the east and west. route of structural steel and more- than 46 by bridging between Hodgkins 7,700 cubic yards of reinforced con- and )ustice, two suburban points, crete. about one-balf mile apart. . There are nine other bridge sec- The main portion of this project is tions announced for the May 29 bid the largestoverhead structure in the opening. m ost of which are grade sep- cbRt t/e .i whose wedding gifts ail belon)g on the. top-shelf e ity the Bride who is overwbelmed with Cu te (but useless) gifts that sîmply don't belong, any-- where but on the top slwlf. And while. you're pitying her, decide tO give ber something pleasantly practical yourself. We suggest, you ýstop in -,at1. your Public Servie, Store and see, hope asy it is traveled a distance of, 12427 miles i fnine weeks across Africa, throughi trac.kless wastes of the Anglo-Egypt- ian Sudan and the Belgian Congo. They crossed. the Sahiara> desert twicç. Despite the fact that, for nearly ail of the distance there were noi road, and for thoutsands of mtiles flot even any trails, they averaged 210 miles a day. This higli average> was, maintained. for their total elapsed time.from the start to 'the finish of the trip without deducting any time, althouigh. there were several days spent, in visitingý at various Iplaces along the rue An a letter, to the Packard Motor Car company in Detroit describing the. trip Baron Terschuren said the. motdifficult part was theý crossing of the Sudan in Egypt. Owing to the danger. almost certain to be en- count ered by the -motonist ini the Sudan, Baron Terschurent sail spe- cial authority had to lie obtained be- fore the start f rom the English government., REPORT 'ALL TIME RECORD~ Anal tinte high record1 for ýproduc- tioi ýand shipment of A. C. carburetor intake silencers and.air cleaners was e'stablishèd.,in the first 'haif of thisý month, when more than 150,000 were produced, according to Hàrlow. . Curtice, president of -the AC Spark, made by FIrank T. fleets, lnois cliief highway engineer. Sheets' calculations show that un- expected count-Y allotments of gas tax collections, based on the present and the 1927 acts. refunds for roads that counties built and Illinois took over, and the general »County funds will total aeproximately that figure.. His announcement states that, the cha.racter of road construction under cout ty funds is decided by county ýoficials. The state, conl-. struction. He states that higbways that the county fund-s will build, other than the. high type pavement class, will be so supervised that later, if traffic warrants and fuinds permit, they can be economically advanced tb high type surfaces of such widths as the traffic demands. Bridge plans contemplate eventual deçvelopment of, the, routes thev serve, into ýstandard paved highways. This $14.875.000 worth of work to l)e done by the counties is cIassified in the engineer's estimiates as fol- Iows,: Concèrete orbrick pavement- $8,625,000; traffic-bound grave1, stone --$1,030,000; earth grading--$644,000;. bridges,, grade- separatons-$2,576,00.. The, statement also places .the ,amount' that.cutiswill likeiy. pay for rigbt-ofe-way ai about $2,O00,000. Plug coinpany. Theý silencer intro- duGeëd last summer, now is used on' practically every car of 8 cylinders or nioreè-lie said. to select electrical gifts that and usable. are both distinctive PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KBHOE District Manager, Evanston H. C. REYNOLDS District Superintendet 1141 CentrelAenephono Wilmette 51 50 Good'driving days have cars - fiirly Cali tihe l'sed Car and Arrange fer a Desîsnstratien PACKAIRD MOTOR CAR COMPANY 0F CHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS WînInetka 3070 PAC-KAR-D A aeP-lace .to,,Buy Used Cars' Evb .rybdy vry Day BuysSome Transportation i Greenleuf 6030 r..