Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 57

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a t Roby June 7 Two-man cars the saine as used int the 500,mile Indianapolis race is what, the 100-mile A. A. A. Auto race to be run at the Roby>-Chicago speedway near* Hammoind Sunday., Julie 7 Will be restricted to: this word came through the contest board of the A.* A. A. recently. The fact that tbe race is restricted to two-manl cars means that ail the entrants will be Indianapolis drivers and that the Chicagýo district wilt have its first big teague auto race in years, and, it will give the fans their first, chance..to witness these new cars in, action. Since receiving this-word, Ward Beam who is managing the big event savs'that the Roby speedway will not be large enough to handie the crowds unless additional seating arrange- ments are made and the promioter has aske 'd for bids on four thousand ad- ditional bleacher seats and wili doubt- less have them built before t'he day of the race. Beam will spend a few days at the Indianapolis stpeedwav -this week se- curing entries and precicts that hie willhave an ail star field. Eintrv blanks have been mailed everv driver entered in the hoosier .speedwav classic and no less than twenity of the great drivers are ex- pected to enter the big race; elimin- ation trials will be necessary to pick K E srpit tA supervision. Grakam-Paige Motors ,Have Gain in Ex >orts 1A consistent gain in_ export ship- mhents during the first, quarter is re- ported by Graham-Paige -Mbtors cor- poration. -March showed a 29 per- cent increase over February, which had gained 28 percent over january. Sixcty-eight percent of ail shipments ha ve gone into the Furopean, market, the Far East accounting for 16 per- cent, and. Africa, 9 percent. South America'ss shipments totaled 6 per- cent. "It s plasin to. note the, graduai return.,of overseas business," -said Walter R. Glennfi e, export,*sales man- ager. "More -orders are coming in. by the Hai;nson Cýhestnut Street. Seli in Winnetka company, 5571 Chevrolets in Two Aretie Regions Two Chiévrolet agencies are main- tainied at aimjost opposite. ends of the' earth, one in the shadorw of the north pole, the other in the distant region of the Antarctic. Up in the sub-Arctici 69 paralleis of latitude remote* fromn the equator, where daylight is hard!y Inore than imaginary and the rein-. deer is stili the chief means.of trans- portation A. S. Anco selis Chevrolets-, in Horstad, Norway. It is almost the outpost of. civilization. Fewer than erates the soutiiernrnost automoionle dealersbip, at Porveni r, ini what hai been called the bleakest spot on thé globe, the eternally gale-lashed island of ýTerra del Fuego. Porvenir rests on tbe 57th parallel of latitude and is piactically within'the Antarctic circle. With a single exception it is the Most southeriy towvn in the worlId., TO BUILD ROADS, BRIDGES Contracts for three additional road and bridge construction jobs. have. been placed recently by, the state. highway division. The three projects, collectively, emnbody a littie over four miles of pavement and. ten bridges., The work wiII soon get underway in> Cook, Macon., DeWitt., Pratt, and Jackson counties. Il (I The Newve Ford. Makes au Attractive 'Graduation Preselui Rarely ;s there fouünd such an: ideal cmbinaaon0ofcha and ùuliiy. Builif for bard' and economical service, yet Iacking none of t'he charm and beauly of a higher priced car. in addition 'o ifs beauly of line and color lthe new Ford SERVICE I Bob Io, Mac Main St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 45Main Street Wi1mette 955 I

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