Margaret Tests City Courage in conrTown ,Graveyard I wsspending My last wcek in the I ated« to prove thattect chlre ere braver thante country childrèin. 1 told them that we city children wvere flot af raid, of anything. They iauglied at me f or this and said they bet ,I wouldn't go in the town graveyard at night. I tried to back ont of going. Of* course I. wasn't «afraid but. I had something else to do.' This was of no use,l so we dccided to gothat. night. The moon shone brightly as I walked up the old.,dirt. road to the gate of the graveyard with ýthe' other eh..- dren straggling on behind,' shiver- ing and af raid.. The others-stayed by the gate.while I strolled through the grave-- yard. I had waklked about haîf the lengthî of the graveyard, so I thought I could go back and tell the others how foolish* tbey were when flot thirty, yards away was a white thing coming dloser wav- ing one arm, then the other. 1 tried to run but my legs wouldn't work, so L screamed. The others on hearing My s.crearn %were. terrified: and ran to the ýroad. By this tneI., liad gathered enough strength ini my legs to run. ran with ail My miht, not looking where I: was going and stumbled over a tombstone. It knocked the wind out of me, so I %%-as too exhausted to pick rnysel f Up. 1 lay there, niy. face hidden ini my armns, wvaiting for tliis horrible thiîîg tîô ap- .proach. The next f ew minutes seemed hours and during this time I inîagined ail the. thingsI had ever heard of.. My wild dreams were cut short hy. a snort, alrnost at my,elbow%,. I looked up expectîng this to 1)e mv les when to my. surprise Ir a a few f eet f rom nie and stili switchingits w,ýhite tail, first on one side and,. thten on the other. In a moment myfear wvas gone and: I led the 'horse to the road'calling back the rest of the children. Naturally 1 didn'ýt let themi in on ail the details,. and I wvas the hiero of the hour.-- Margaret Lively, 7B Howard. Asia's LargestI China is the largest country of Asia. We. bave stu died s6 farjapan'ai. China. China occupies most Pf the southern third of.Asia-. Tt is made up, into China pro>per, 'which lis dividire info-three regions: the great central reinplain extendfing from Peking toHoang Ho, or. the Yellow River. and.southward to the Yapgtse-Kiang; the we stern highlands from Hoang Ho.westward to tfhe border; and the. southeastern'region which bas many lowlands and is hilly. The western region is generally higli and mountainous, With deep valleyS through which flow mountain streams to the Hoang Ho.. In the southern. region the land is -not very high land. .although the country is-very hilly, Tt is. well drained along the ývalleys- of the Hoang Ho. In the southeast is the most fertile regi1on. The greater' part of China helongs to the temper- ate zone. At Peking in suminier tlie héat is from 90 to 100,degrees ini the shade,, while the winter is so cold that- the rivers 'are frozen f rom December, to March. Supplies COal, Iron China is well suppflied witlî minerali the most important of these. being coal and iron in large beds and porcelain clav. T1he largest coal field in the worid 15 in the high lands in the prov- ince of Shan-Si. Tiiere is also lime-* stone in the southivestern part of China. Tini, copper, silver. gold and lead are also found i southwestern part of China. Antimony ore isý fouind in large quantities. I 191:) China produced six percent of t!,.e world's tin. China is covered %vith fertile sou,. which makes agricultuire, thé m6st important' industry. and theý land is divided into small' holdings. The large, farins onlv have. a ,feiv acres. Rice is the principal food in China and is the most important crop. Modern fouir milîs andjice ifls liave been madle. Thie Iéading maîîu- factuired goods are silk, cotton, and woolen goods. Finer grades. of silk are produced i China than ini any Pro >ects in Science Feature Art Exhibit In general science everybody is ap- pointed to do a certain projet ior the art exhibit. I have chosen the experil- ment of seed. This. experiment makes plants-grow the wayyou* want Take an empty cigar box; place in it black soil to a depth of one inch. Water it and let. it. stand until it is moist. Cut a. hole, in one end of the box and the'n plant the seeds. The keeds will grov toward the hole if you are sure to put the box. iii,,the sun so the sun wilI shieinthe hole. Other persons, are making charts with phases of -themoon on themn. It is a very interested and busy science, room and we hope the persons coming to the art exhibit will find an interesting room. -Mary !Louise Schaeffer, 7B Howard. Eighyth Grade Girls. Aid in Papipy Drsy A f ew weeks ago, Mrs. Jones, our arithmetic teacher, sent a girl, into our rooni and,,told several of the 8B girls, to, corne into bher room. Thé ones she. called for>were Ruth Chatard,,,Virginia Huettel, Anna Bebas,, Lucille 'Holm Hansen, Edith Rouley and:,Marguerite- Petergen. When we were wvalking dewn the hall we were ail rather f righitened andi one girl said, "Cee, I wonder what ýve did?' We entered Mrs. Jones' room rather timidly. Mrs. Jones began to talk to us and we then f ound.out that we' were to seli poppies on Poppy Dayý, May .22. We were to meet at the North Western, depot at 6 :30 a. mn., whien they were to assign us, ourplaces. They wer e also to see to lit that, we goPt -b ack to school by 9 a. mî. We aIl seemed to be .a ftrifRe Worried about gett ing up in time. We are ail vcry gratef ul to Mrs.ý Jones for choosing us to do this and -think it is. an honor.-Marguerite Petertsen,, 8B Howard... Grandma Relates Story About Her Pranke in Sehool 69Grandma, please tell me a, story. You know such gôod ones,"' pleadel1 1-year-old Peggyv. "NVell,. if you have yourbeart set on one, l'Il tell you about somethin. I did wben I was your age," grandmia replied. "I cani distinctlv see myseif, care- fully feeling MY way down the de-. serted corridor,"' she continued. "Mv long black hâir was brusbed smoothly over my face. My dress was on back side foremose and my apron---we at- wàys wore aprons-was also tied withi l)ow and streamers in the front. M1Y heart was pounding like a bass druni at thethoughtof doing something cx- ceiting and different to -break the neyer ending.monotony and grind of schoil 11f e. 61 could picture the hubbub ini dhe quiet classroom when I would bold!y sail ini, backwards. Adjusting my nid.- die in frontivith mny red tie floatini, ike a danger signal-behind,-I backerl nonchalantly tlî'rough the door only to have my impudent serenity shat-. tered bv a collision with the stern and dignified principal. She had paid an cntirely unexpected visit to our rootr' during my absence. "\\itb one horrified glance at lier expression of outraged astonisliment, I fled, vowing, as 1 hastily adjusted mny apparel, 'NEyER AGAINV'" -Marilyn Kehl and Evelyn Youing- quist, 2C Stolp Pupils Construet Puppets for Daniel Boone Drama, Miss Evans' room, gave a puppet show at their last asseMbly. They made the puppets, and stag.e, and wrote the play. It was about Daniel Boone. The first scene was at an overnlight camp. in the wilderness. Scene two was two miles f rom Boonesboro where thre girls were captured by an Indian. The AUl last weck we have had rainy weather. As the saying is, "Aprilshow- ers bring May flowers," but this is, "May. showers bring June flowers." One Sunday rccently the sky got quite gray and it got windy, Then the ramn came. Flowers have shot up quite taîl. Nw we need some nice sunshI*nec.- Marie Hardin, Central school., anything concerning health habits and, wooclpeckcr often ights on the shingles ways. Some are mennmade of vegetables of bouses or a hollow branch and strikes and fruits. Others arc tooth brushes his bill in a noisy clatter, stopping now dancing withi tooth paste and a lot of and then to call out bis boarse, rough other ideas., Tbey are to. be cut or paint- note. The woodpeckers are found- in. cd upon, cardboard. We cexpect' many almost every tempierate part of. the irnteiestinigposters when théyar on.wrld éxcept i Australia and £gyp. -Mary Louise Schaeffer, 7B Howardl. Elcanor Speredes, 7B Howard. STUDENTS MMCE GRAPHS On. Tuesday, May 19, the Howard 8th grades made arithmetic graphs in Mrs. Joncs' class. We made bar graphs for our arithmetic grades and broken Ue graphs for average of -ail the grades In ail .sutbject.ý.-Charles Kleinofen, Howard. 8B. j