cUIIinto rLsJ.aies V~il Um ine ameDioUILi on Eastwood avenue. The center of interest of the front elevation of the Stanten bhome is a great chimney suggesting the comfort of a great fireplace on the interi or at the end of a big living room., In, fact that aré: three'irepiaces îin this great chinney-one -in the recréation -room, one in the living room1 and a third, in. the master bedroom. True to th-. English type: the Iivîing room opens into a sunny garden. The. Stanteiw home is. another onîe :0 the' north 'shore's well designed, homie -nwihas much attetntion is iven thg rear as the front. People iniit evei consider the..rear elevation more beau tif ut than- the front-, with its broa( sweep of roof. opened by a, big -anl littie dormer and terminating in corner towei flanked by a screetied-il porch. In- the tower will be man: windowg, sorne glazed with specia glass to adjiit ultra violet rays. Th, tower is a solarium in the finest mecan ing of the word and contains sunroorn on both thé first and second floors. Wîthin the week Mr. and -Mrs. Ed ward Lee Perkins formnerly of 122 HuIl street, Evanston, rnQved into thel new home at 100N Mohawk road. Tih general design of the Perkins' hon *is Italian and the construction is tire safe-that is, structural posts are stec *instead of wood anid insulation is o 'cinder concrete blocks. ance~ of tue basement is utilized for storage, laundry and furnace room.s. o * Sleeping Roons Unique 19. The second floor contains fout* larger thani ordinary bedroonis, dress- iing rôoins, linen rooni and service quarters. It is a noticeable featur'e in. tlle plans 1hat closet sI)ace necessary for more than avera ge requirements bias been providéd. These sleepinig roomis are worthy of special mention. A boy's rooni is flni- isheéd in ýpirie and furnished with rug- ged maple, an ivorv rnarl)lebathr.ooni,. hiack, fitures an1dchroiniuin acces- sories, The..mnaster hedrooni with a French atmosphere anid. a dressing room e quipped with cases for miady's shoes. hats, hose. dresses. a hathraoni of delicate marbie, -With fixtures Iin appropriate pastel shad es' makes. an- otheér picture. Connecting is .a 1typical jiliglish rooni of tlie Eighteenth Cen- tury style, with -ils canopy bed., A large guest rooin' with its bath (o' tinted tite na-kes a second floor of real service, interest and beauty. 1- For Comfort and Health 1The comifort and health of the fani- r ilv aand guests have iiot beenl over- e looked. The air will be conistantlv le washed anid properly huniidified !)-, e- inotorized hasenit equîpmet; ivate r el system is of copper; ou buring lheat-. ifd im planit with hot water circulating *tl.rough thin typIe concealed' radiators; -estues at Zu. wuuuibine venue, ette, and spend their summers James C. Shepherd, 14211 ýpe Cod, at Harwi'cb Port, Mass. nue, who bas been on a bt ýupancy is expected january 1, to New York and Philad turned to bis home early t] 4 b'. You ,can get hot,.under the collar without hot water, but you won't *,t cdwî. If * "Befter i' c~tues .e .Better Valuws"- BERNIE STUDIO 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston- Tel. UNI. 8998. ,Your Wedding Portrait, Will Live Forever.