of Membership Drive by Board Tbe Nortb Shore Real Estate board held. their regular montbly meeting Mondaýy, May 18, at the, Sbawnee. club in Wilmette. Dr. Shepperd, a niember of the advertising committee for ,the World's Fair, gave an interesting illus- trated talk, showing tbe interior.,and exterior of several buildings nearing completion. ,Onie of the. main. points of bis talk was, that the exhibits will be very, educational and will bave a tendency to leave a lasting impressioon. Ini a statement issued concerning the board's membersbip drive wbicb will end June 15, 'President Jules Dixon says: "Tbe principal objectives sougbt tbrough this drive is the elements of establisbment, respectability, perman-. ency and security for the-North Shore Real Estate board:. to preservetbe con-, fidence of those desiring approved real estate practice ; to furnishi new re- sources fo mernbers; to encourage those wbo are real estate conscious upon the basis of an upright and liberal policy; these aretbe endis attainable for wbich your support is asked. "We.are not unmindful in the mean- time that' members are entitled to tbe utmost in service, and it bas been our aim to provide, at tbe board meetings, interesting and profitable discussion by the best talent obtainable.'! William Dillon Buys Home in Kenilworth William H. Dillon, of the law firn of Concannon and Dillon .has pur- chased the residence at 126 Oxford road, KÈenilworth. This property is located a short distance from tbe, lak.e and comprises a lot IOOxlGO. Im- proved with a substantial three-storýy brick residence1 with tule roof, also a brick two-car -garage with tile roof. Tbe bouse was:built about fiv"e years ago and contai ns ten roomns, three bath s, with large sun room and sleep- ing, porches. Tbe sale was an aIl cash transactin. Open Standard Oil The Standard Oul company's new fillinig and greasing station at Win- netka avenue and Briar street, Win- netka, was formally opened this wcek. In architectural 'design and construction, the building is ini keep- ing with the bigb grade development of this section of that vicinity. Tlw plant is equipped with four greasing pits, conveniently reached f rom eitber street. The service miotto is: "Any Building Takes Spurt, Winnetka 1 Records Ilndicate* The past tbirty days bas witîiesserý somne. improvement- in the building line in! Winnetka, where thirteen per- ,mits, issued during tbat period, antici- pate 1work on botb new and remodel- ling construction, costing $54,525. One of the permits was for a newý residence costing $30.000 and another kind of cars ;'any kind of greasing."ý Gasoline is served f rom five pumps. A tire service departnient and a com- plete stock of tires are features of tlie new plant, which is in charge of' Charles Norkett and T. Bueschcr. managers. A large area of vacant ground embraced in the tract is to be devoted'to further service to the pub- liç, where cars may be parked, f ree, up to 11 o'clock at night. Winnetka Gets New $12,000 Gas Station The foundation and concrete work on the four greasing pits of the $12,"0 1lling station and automobile service plant which the' Winnetka Coal and 12,umber company is erecting at .582, Center street, is completed, and work on tbe superstructure is to be pushed toý early. cornpletion, it is announced. Lead Wilmette's SList of Permits Perinits for the construction of five new residences were taken out in ýWilmette during the Airst twenty- tbree days of this month. The toitl estimated cost'of these new, homes ig, $79,05, and other miscellaneous build- ing construction. for which permitý wee ssued in thesanie twenty-three day period bring. Wilmette's buildinc total for Ma'. not including. th'I week.. to $83,850. The five new residences will be constructed s follows: A $45,000, new borne for Frank W. Allen. owner, at, 2839 Ramona road. Rt is to be of brick veneer construc- tion. K:arl Robig is the arcbitect. The permit was- taken out > by te Henke Construction comnpany May 13. A,$10,000 brick veneer residence for W. W.- Stegman, owner, at 21315 Kenilworth avenue. E. M,. Seija is thea " 14ic. ,T e permit was issue<t A $(),400 home for Dr. L. E. Mee, owner, at 20:6 Highland avenue. Tt is to be of brick construction. J. E. Roach is the arcbitect. The Sub- urban Construction company took ont the permit May 14. An $8,675 frame-brick veneer resi- dence for R. D. Stephens, owner, at- 2134 Cbestnut avenue. W. C. Hug-1 gins tok ont the permit for this bouse on May ?0- A $6000 brick veneer home for F. WV. Schwall of Winnetka, .owner, at '2049 Lake avenue. The architect is J. Koster, and the permit was issueé M~ay 14. Several permits were issued for prùivate garages---aMi for residence alterations. Nation's Realtors. GO to- Baltimore for Big Meeting Real estate men throuLrhot thej sesý cer suppleniented b.y city-wi4ie reports Sal from six real estate boards. The re.- a ports are -drawn from twenty-six tile states, the District of Columbia, and Th one Canadian province. The bouses pcr sold included both new and old struc- cos turcs. to: ry building of brick ai1 **o-'b'*' ¶o A' eveaiyer hand to go over the situation in de- attached two-car garage. tail, to clescribe new trends, ne' kn-, s$25,000. One of the other rernodeling a two-story barn into a ventions, and new metbods-and to as for a private garage, one-story garage and, the erection of give technical advice on the many 00, and another was issued a one-story nietal garage, the total ramifications of the varions phases eni.1worth Park board for cost of -wbich is $0.of the realty, businîess.