Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 3

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dedicating the niew classroom unit soon to be erected on the New Trier canmpus as the Frederick Edson Clerk hall. It was felt that since Mr. Cierk was primarily interested i the edu- cational. progress of the school, the dedication of the :main classroom unit to luis memory would be altogether ftting and in keeping with bis idegls. The student body of New Trier Highi school, acting, through the. In- ter-Club board and, the representa-, tives. of the boys' Tri-Ship club and the Girls' club, are. raîsing a fund to buy- a bronze tablet with a bas- relief profile .of Mr. Clerk to be erect- ed ini this inew building, with a suita-. ble inscriptijon of dedication. The stuident body is cooperating with the board of -education' in the collection for this miemorial fund, jt having l)een decided that ýcontribu- tions to this fund would be .accepted ironi the student body, fromi the fac- ultv. fromn the -aluni of New Trier' High school, and froin the board ýot edtitation. AIl alumini interested ini participat- ing in the erection of fis memorial tablet have been requesttd to mail their contributions to W. L. Brown, acting superintendent of New Trier Higlu school. Postofice to BeClosed, During Memorial. Day TIni e \Wilinette postofice will be., closed aIl day next Saturday (Mle- mnorial Day>), PQstnaster joseph E. Shantz announced t his 'veek., There will b)e no deliveries of mail in Wiî- mette tha.t day and onlv one collec- tion, Mr. Shantz stated. In Kenil- %\,worthi the postoffice also will be closed ail day on Memorial Day. Postmiaster, Douglas Crooks of that village an- * nouncred that there will be no collec- tions or delivýeriesý of mail ini Kenil- *wortheither on Memnorial Day (Sat- urday) or, on the followitig day (Sun- *day). Board Would Retain Fuil-Time Engineer *D.J. L. Walther, ehairi.akt. of the patriotic celcbrations commiit- ter of Willmcttc Posrt No. 46, Aincriwaî Legion, is in charge of, arrangenlents for Wilniette'.s coin- ,nun(;ity Mlemorial Day observances, this Saturdaiq. - Temporary Booster PUMP Is Installed The temporary emergency booster pumping-stati, at Prairie avenue and Isabella street for the purpose of in- creasing Wilmette's water supply f rom Evanston enough to take care of Wil- mette's water needs for the summner i5 being placed inside the sidewaik in a private lot at the northwest cor:ner of the intersection. *A satisfactory arrangement has been made with the owvner of the lot regard- ing the lease, avoiding the necessity of putting the temporary booster pump- ing stationi in the public parkway. Work o n the installation .of the station has started. It is expected that this temporary measure wiil adequately rare for. WiI- wood avenue. The remnainder of the street north from Elmwood avenue to the Kenil- worth south limits wjll be the sanie widthi as that part of the street ai- ready compleéted in Wilmette, or .52 féet. The counity pays .for the cen- tral forty feet, and the Village for the two narroW strips of pavement on either side. S The countly is ready to. go ahead with its portion of the . improvement, but the Village canno t proceed until the -matter- is settled ini court. This, it is 'said,. wil take several mnonths. . ýKeniilworthI is just 110w corpleting its portion.of the inew through hligh- waây of which. Main. street in Wil- mette, is a conniectinig-linik and the street ' knovvn as Green Bay road ini Kenilworth, lias been opened to, traf- ic. Villa-ge. Board Arra nges Monday Informai Sessions, On the suggestion of Village Pres-, ident Dubbs, the Wilmiette Village board has decided to hold informaI meetings on the Monday night pre-. ceding each regular- Village board meeting to discuss in advanice mat- ters that are* expected to corne up at the regular meeting. The board mneets regularly on the fiirst and third Tuesday niights of each mnonth at the Village hall. 'Decision to hold the informali meetings was reachied at an adjoutned meeting of the board Sat- urday afternooni. T.he meetings will be lield at the Village hall. HALT PAVING PROJECT The new Wilmette Village board has ordered stop.ped the proceediîigs calling for, the paving of tlhe. lrst alley .north of Isabella street, run- ning east f rom Park aveniue. Pavinig of this alley was authorizedse'veral months ago bv the old Villag e b>rd A majority of the '.owners of prop- erty bordering on the alley Were not in favor of the proposed *paving. uay's recess trom class wofri for the eighiteenith animal Field day and physical training demonstration of the public schooîs to take place at Vattinan park and the Výillage Green Tuesday, june 2. The physicai training demonstra- tion will b;e heîd in.the morning be- ginning at 10 o'clock, at Vattmaîî park, and Wili include special exhibi- tion numnbçrs showing different phas- es of physical training as taught in the Wilmette scbool. The afternoon activities will begin at 1, o'clock and will be held q.t the Village Green. These activities wiîi be. track 'and field eve nts in which representatives fromi the various rooms in each grade- will compete for honors. Prelimi-' tnaries to choose represeti.tatives from each room were heid last week. Interestinir Proffram Daniel- M. Davis, director ofrecre- ation, and bis staff of physicai edun- cation teacheërs 'bave been preparing the .follo%%iing program for several' march. . Partieipants from 'ail grades 2. 'Second grade .-. Qats, peas, beans, and, barIey Looby Loo 3. Seventh grade .... ...a-rching (Stolp) boys> Callsthenics (Howard boys> . (aies (Howard andStolp girls> 4.Thirid grasde ..........I See You A .Huýt!ing We Will Go grade .: Norwegian- Mountain inarch 6. Eighth grade -ý.... ..Figureinuarch.ng(Foward. girls) Posture drill (Stolp girls) Relays (Stolp and Howard boys) 7. Fifth grade............ ...Chebogar S. Sixth grade... Circle games (boys) Sailors' Horn Pipe (girls) Schooi Leaders Assis4 Assisting MIýr. Davis in planning the progr-am -'were Mrs. Lester F. BaIl, girls' physical director 'of Stolp school; Mrs: Gertrude' PanckbQner, girls' physicai cirector of Howard school; Dudley C. Sto-ne, boys' phy- sical director of. Stolp sch'ool, and Glen W. Gathercoal, boys' physical director of Howard.schooi. The order of the'afternoo event, will be: 'inD Have rs and, girls ,s and> girls ade:4. and girls irIs in sec- des. ris in sicth, Is over age nue . asirl . y ARCHERS OPEN SEASON The North Shore archers wiil open terseason Monday when the field .at Washingtoni park wilI be laid out. *A meeting will follow. garbage ait teinîcineratin than if the. garbage is kt sonablv dry. Tlhe drier t' bage the less expense to1 lage 4,id' hence to the tai it -is poinüted out. rea- gar- Vil- .Yers, Cal Wilmette 4300 ns mnust be received flot Tuesday noon to .insure I-Classified ads will bé accepted'U pto9 p.m. Tuesday..

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