35 Patrols in' Camp-O-Rai at Braeside Wood The. North Shore Area council, Camp-O-RalIibeld inithe Braeside, Forest Preserve. May 16 and 17, dre,.t an attendance tbree tumes as large a-Z that of last. year.. More than 275 Scouts representing thirty-five trnnopýs weeprese nt. Under the able leader- ship of Keitb Roberts, ýchairman or the couincîil camping committee, th)t prograni ran off in fine shape. The- program opened at 2 o'clock in.tbe. afternoon. For one bour the Scouts Were given tume to setulp theèir camps. At tbeend'of this. tinie scores of. tents erouped by patrols could be seen pitcbed in the woods. At 3 o'clock ten field events Wvre held. under the leadership of Mr. McManus,---Yromn 5 to 6 Scouts pre - pared-their suppers. ýEacli patrol hqui as its guest one or more officers. AI- ter cleaning their camps the Scouts gathered for a sboe scramie and* pom pomn pull away ied by.Mr.-Bof7 During the evening man3y parents and friends came to witneëss the ac- tivities. At the evening camphflre 'Mr. Boltz led songs and the varions pa- trois put on interesting, stunts. The . Scouts were dismissed at 9 to prepare for the night. Taps blew at 9:30. Scouts in Tribute to Former Scout Leaider Scoutin!w on the north sbore pays tribute to Warren Shaw of Desi Moines, la., who died suddenl v'Ifa v 15. Mr. Shaw was the first Scout- master of' Troop 5 of the Presby- terian cburch. Wilmnette. vhen it waî organized in December, 1922. He wa3 aiso a Scout leader in Troop 1 of thec Congregationail cburcb. He is ac- claimed by Hienry Fowler, president, of. the' counicil, as "one.,of the. best feilow's that we ever bad on a hike or camping party.' Distinguished Service, COME TO CAMP, SCOUTS,!I Scouts, have you registered for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Waii Renîein- ber, only "a dollar a day will paiy yoûr way"! Here's your opportunitv for-ad-. vancèment in rank.., Here's vour chance to do soùîe excellent hanid:- craft. lere's' wbere, you nieet tUp ýwitbi the finest gang knowvn, àný' the big recreational schedule wiil be great.> You can> bet that here'% where the food will be. plentifuil and tasty.. Here's .where the swim* ming will be the best you've hai. 'Here's where the camrpfire pro- grains will be full of pep and joy» Here's where a Scout, gets the biggest tiime for the least money. And when, you, get back home yýou'll be so husky and broiwnee thatyour owni mother won't kniow vou. Emblemns Point Way for Sum mer Cai-mper The camping comimittee of the \T<)rtllSliore,,Area councilis present- ing to, every Scout who registers for Camp :Ma-Ka-ja-7Wan a. n .eatly 'de- signed' Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan ,nteckercbief slide, to be worn at ail tinies with the uiniformn. This. slide is mailed to t!)e Scout on receipt of bis registration at Scout headquarterç ini Highland Park. For his civilian clothyes the Scout is also sent a buttoni, savýing,: "Go to t. Scout Camp." Scout!, Register' for Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan now and get your slide and but. ton '! (~ a imiited number of eaclh are avaiiable.-Act nowl Seek. Information About Boats, Camip Equipment Scouts of t he North Shore ý Areà have a great1 opportunity to help the counciland theniselves by furnishin- the, folloWiing information..t-o' the Scout headquarters., Scout headquarters desires to ýse- cure .a number of canoes, rowboats. smnali sali boats, tents and variotis. üther equipment sucli as is needed, III- Scout Officiais I. !Dr. D. W. Rapp H.C. Tooppen Herwig C. Toeppen, 1206 Elmwood avenue, was elected, chairman of the Wilmette -district, Boy' Scout comm it- tee, at its last meeting., Mr. Toeppen has been serving as chairman of Troop. 2 sponsored by the First Co ngrega tional church, and was a very active worker in the. recent Boy Scout, finance camn- paign. His son, Donald, is' a Scout,îiin Troop 2. Dr. D. W. Rapp was recently re-eIected vice-chairman of the Wil- mette' district Boy Scout committee. Dr. Rapp bas been for several years con- nected with Troop '10 sponsored by the Wilmette Optimist club, and meeting.at the Howard school. (Photos by.Matb- ew Francis.) Troop 1 Spend Day at ,Cabin-in-t he.Woods Tuiesday, May, 12, Troop 1 s pent a day at. the Cabin-itn-the-Woods. They played games and then cooked theit- supper. This was foliowed by a snipe hunt, Tben they all gatbered,*aroun. the camp4re and sang songs and' theiîr Scoutmfaster,, Mr. Kreuscb, told.,a story of his. experiences in Wyoming. Trhe, Canpfire was ended by the- Scout oath.- Then they ail went home in the different Cars furnished byo the troop committee.-Troop 1, Bob Rîch, re- port er.* Announce Newest Registrants in N. S. Area Ranks New~ Cubs, Scouts, Sea Scouts and Scouters continue to register with th4 North Shore Area council. Following is the list. of new Scoutsc during the past week: WiInette: Sea Scout Sbip 43-Dan- iel Heaiy. .Winýnetka: Troop 18ý- h a r 'l e a Eiden, jack Kidd; Troop. 20-H1-arv Brown .(re-registered). .Highland 'Park: Troop) 34-Gordon Engels (re-registered),' wbo was for- müerly in Troop 31, but dropped af. tue -of re-registration). Northbr.oIk: Troop 28=Walter Simipson, transferring froni Troop 86 Chicago.. GIpncoe.: Merit 'gadge counselor- ýJohn F. Adanison. Glencoe Scout Admïtted to Alpha Phi'Omega Frat, Eagle Scout A. Prescott Latbrop of' Sea Scout Ship "Blue: Nose," Glencoe Union, cburcb, was recentiS' initi:- ated. into the; original chapter of the national honorary, col!ege f raternity for Scouts, the -Alphia--Pl i Omiega. The chapter is at Lafayette college in Easton, . Pa., %vhere Lathrop is a,sophomorei.This fraterr.- ity is made up of college stu-ý dents who hiave been or are Scouts. Its principles-are based on the ideal-, of the Scout Oath and Law and tbeir application to college life. The frat- ernity was originated at Lafayette collegýe.about seven years ago and his now- spread throughout the countrv. It does considerable work ini connec-' tion ýwithi local- Scout troops.and b.oys' clubs. DISPLAY CAMP POSTER More, than three hun.dred l.arge window' posters about Camp Ma-Ka-- Ja-Wan bave been distributed by tile North Shore Area Counicil, Press. club toa thie stores ail over the area.t Theie: posters include -a fine selection of pic- tures of camp as well as .bringing out r- ADVA~EMET REORDSaturday, May 13, we lield an extra ADVACEMET REORD meeting to practise up for Memorial The troop committee of Troop Ir) Day parade. We neéded a great deal reports the following -Scouts bavc of practise becaàuse most of the Ciubs passed the monthly troop Board- of don't know anything about parading. Review conducted by thecommittee. At the meetings we have been led. in Tenderfoot-Harlow Triplett, Johni practise by Scout John Pearson from Weclter; Merit Badges-Dick Steert, Troop .-Randolph McCandlisb. Cubi wcodworking andreading; Eagle- Pack -63. Wilmette Congregational Dick Steen. -cliurch. for the sttmmer. These programs are .naturally for the most part of an outdoor nature and have more to do with the Scout prograrn than the ini- door, winter meetings., What wiil your troop do thi& summer?' MLvay ZI; to qualiy one had to knov, twenty flowers and ten trees. Besides. the nature work the Scout miust bet able to tie the clove hitch, the timn- ber hitch and the knee bandage. They played a' game and- the scorewas 12 to 14'in f avor of the Stag ýpatrol.m-.. George Colton, Troop 1, Wilnmet te Congregational- church.