the, runflerup.. The- tourney for the schiool play- ground bail championship has started. Tbe qualified teams are Wehr and: Carpenter, seniors; Nay and Reiley, juniors;, Christensen and Shearer, sophomores; and Rau and Jackson, fresbman class cbamps and runiners- up, respectively. The senior srn Intraniural tour- neys are rapidly- drawing, to an end. Two class champs have been decided in tbehandball singles. Bob Hall- quist -defeated -R. Bucklij, 21-16. 19-21, 21-18 to wini the- freshman event and Bob, Th orsen beat Church Knapp- 10-21, 24-22, 22-20 for the sophomore championsbip. In theÇ doubles, Iverson and Morgan (Wehir) seniors, swamnped Wolf and Horsting, 21-10, 21-8 In ping-pong, Dick Joslin wvon the, junior champion ships by beating Jack DTeBeers. K. Gar're.tson sank L.1 Comee forthe se nior chiampionship. In, horseshoes, tlhe only chamnpion- sbip won so far was by -Mark' Sinm- onds, a fresbman. AUl the' in the ahove' events sbould be decided I)v today. *Last Saturdây at -the .Sul)1rT)aii Child z 1111 ilicateU~UIIUI Robert A. Harper, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper, 719 Park avenue, Wrilmette, bas been elected senior manager of the Illini Theater Giljld at the Ulniversity of Illinois for next year. .Mr. Harper ba-s heen' acti ve in state tiniversity dramatics, since bis fresh- Man.vear.. particulàrlv in the produc.. tion and buùsiness departments. He' is a graduate of Nev Triet Township High scbool and o f"the MVinette grade scliools. McIntosh Ca ptains Frosh Traek Team at Williams, Arthur T... MNcltntosh, graddate -of New Trier High scbool where be was track captain, bas been elected cap- tain of the Williams collegefreshman tckteam. At WVilliams he has' de- velopeld into an outstandinig, dasli man!. MeInt sh, wbo is tbe son-o Mr. and Mrs.. Artbur T. Mclntosh OF~ Kenilworth, is a ruember of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. BUYS PASSENGER PLANE The purchase of a Keyston Ccorn- muter four7passenger amphibiar recently, by John L. Patt-en of- Evans- ton wvas nmade fromn the distributor-, Apeit and Colvin Aircraft, mc.., 10- cated at Skv Harbor. The plane is to l)e delivered June 1. The.purchase -as made at the Detroit Aýircraft show. ren 's Spring Specilal I, *Realistic. Ch'id Por- traiture, in Garden. Surroundings - yet taken in the Studo -Will More Than to meet the former members of these old churches, it is explained. Many north shore residents were formerly affiliated with these churches. Pliilip.Burnblam, son of Mrs. Claude George Btrnharn, 536 Roslyn ýrea-d. Kenilwortb,1 wiII graduate on June .16, from Princeton. Mrs. Burnbam wil go east to attend the Commencement exercises. Y GrouP and Private CAN OUINSTRUCTION UAE~. ?for Boys and. Girls S w irq4 years of age and up âmne 1- ueust7 New TrierHiliSclis fi Beginners are taught how to swIia * Swhmnénrs be<,iome better swlmmers DivIng Is taught to al IREGISTER, AT ANY TINE Fo nomaincl Mr. Jackson j,) iWinnetka 2400 Daily Evenings, University 6448 or Exquisîte portraits, as correct as the -Cere- mony itself - yet at no exorbitant cost. For Appointment Phone Wilmetf. 2526 1122 Central Ave.. Next door to Wilm.t. Theatre Wardrobe Hat, Boxes sie..UP q siw~~* US? 8859 crnc~. .1 ý,, BriaiPortraits., atYour ,, ýHome,. Studio0 Mi"