Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 42

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Girl Scout Can Arrange Entire Weddinýg.Party What June bride now- furrowing lier forehiead in an effort to plan the, sea- son s. prettiest, ceremony will *have a wvedding half as pretty as one described heère by a. Girl Scout? No, the Girl Scout is not married. She is at present more -interested ini flowers- than fiances. But she know3 what, happens after 'Weddiings whein someone who lhas been present .meets som eoiîe mho %wasni't, but who wants to kniow ail the details. Sie lias descibfed this weddjing, therefore, ini the f orm of question- and answer. The place, which she oinits to ment ion, was, a lovely gardeni, a gardener's dream of a garden, in f aèt, where any fiower you 1lik e grows j ust for the asking.. Twenty- four of them were represented at the cereniony, regardless 'of the' seasons. The time, naturally, wvas June. Whiat was the bridegroom's name? Sweet Williamn. What %vas the bride's namie? Ro.5e. How did their wvedding day begin'P Mornitng Glory. At -what hour, was the ýceremony performed? PFour O'clock. Whiat high dignitary married theni? Cardinal Flower. Who assisted hbu?'IJack-in-the-pulpit. Name thé brunette bridesniaid. .Black- eyed Susan. Name the rnost demure bridesînaid. Prinrose. What bridesmajd camne f rom between the mouintains? Lily-of-thie-Valley. Name, the stoutest' bridesmaid. Boun- cing Bêt. Wbo: .gave the. bride away? Poppy.' Whlit did 'she wear ýon her head ? Bridai, wreath. What, did she wear on, her -f eet? Lady's Slipper. Hâow. did the groom know she would ýmarryhim? Aster. What was the color of the bride'S. eyes? Violet. What' fop was at the wedding? Dan- dçlion. Who was the melancholy guest? Blue-Bell. What did the rejected swain have? I Rxemplify Spirit of Scouting Thrills and inspiration of the Gir.l Scout prog .ram 'were brought to nine girls at the Philadelphia Home for In- curables by Miss Elizabeth D. Grob- ben, formerly Field Captain in Phila- delphia and now director of the" New Trier Counicil of Girl Scouts on the north shore. Organized as Troop 2, these girls have taken part ini the cereinonies, games and services of Girl Scouting in 'spite of, great physical handicaps. .'Regarding the fine spirit shown by these girls, Miss Grobben says: "Each of the girls' bas volunteerf! to do some kind of service.' Agatina- made a scrap book that was sent to China. Peggy lielps the teacher bv washing dishes. and blackboards Frances, who is verv tiny, and verv they like to, not because it is a dutv' in the Homne. One patrol made a ffower and bird book.for use in other troops to encourage girls to keep 'a record of the. birds and floivers about thenx. "We have i'nvent'ed a systein where- by Lucy, who is completely paralvzed except for her hands, can look 'into a mnirror. hung on a chair back an(! see what her hands are doing on the chair seat in front of her. ."The 'school. teacher says Gir' Scouting bas helped in ,the spirit of the group, an& we feel that we hâve given the girls a greater outlook and a spirit of service whikh they neyer. h.ad before. We can do anything -wC really. try to' do and we can help the, other fello-w. We no longer.sav. 'VeI Ar range Session, Jof Great Lakes' Region in -June The annual coniference of the Girl Scout. Great Lakes region which in-, cludes Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois.and Indiana,. will take .place this year at Hickory. Hill, Wis., f rom June 10 to 12. The delegates, representing. Girl Scout councils and committees of the four states, will be the, guests of the DesPlaines council, of Edgerton, Wi>s., *of which Mrs. Charles F. Loesch is commissioner. The business of the conference is to lirovide for group discussion of *region- al problems alid their relation to na- tional policies. Miss josephine, Schain.. national director, will attend., Other members of the national staff scheduled, to bc resenàt iin clude Miss Harriet. flarris', recording secretary'; Miss Ami R 'oos, national instructor; Miss 1?ran- csMorse, national camp advisory staff; Miss Marie Aftreith, acting director of the Hiawatha .region; Miss Alice Kirk,,director of -the, Great J.akes region, and Miss Meldon Everett, regional camp advisor. The conference willb n e h general direction .of Mrs. Walter Cav- anagh of Ienosha, Wis., chairman of the region. She will reply on behaif of the delegates to the address of wel- corne, which will bc mrade b)y Mrs.: Loesch. Mrs. Roy. Miller, camp chair- Man, of Sheboygan,' Wis., will conduct discussions on camping.. Mrs, Clarence Day, of Jackson,' Wis., will. preside at the meetings on Girl Scout badges and awards, while Mrs. joseph P. Callai-, will conduct, those dealing with Lonce Troops. The question of. finance wil. be discussed by Mrs. Ch arles R., Lind- say, Jr., of Wayne, Ill., mnemtber of the Girl Scout national board,' and Miss, Harris. The organization and function of Girl Scout councils and comrnunity committees will be discussed by Mrs. William Chester, vice7president, of ing courses in two Indiati schools. The courses wili be givenat Pawnee. Oklahoma, August .17 to 21 and at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, August 24 te 29, under the direction of Miss Marguerite Twôhy, Girl Scout direc- tor of the Cactus ,Region, wihin- ckid", Oklahoma,: New '.Mexico, ber ~craftsrnan badge.1 After that 'An insect zoo has reéently been Mrs. Burnharn showed us a plant that started by these dauntless Scouts one' of the girls had brought and somhe flowers that Mrs. Bull had brought. Texas and Arizona,~ and Miss Anne Mrs. Burnham then talked with us' Roos, national leaders' training in- about the overn:iglit hike we are plan- structor, The courses offered will be ning for June .-Martha Jane Har-, on troop maLnagement. Shaw, scribe.:,. JOINS TROOP NO. 1 Barbara Burch recently becarne a member of Troop No. 1 of the Keni!- North Girl Scouts. Miss Gertrude Hierrick,, Girl Scout captain, an- nounced this week that Barbara bac1 passed the required tests.

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