inning was especially disjistrous wbienW the CardinaIs bunched their bits andI crossed the plate six times. Thtt Pioneers rallied several times but' were stopped with sonie very effec- tive pitching. Harrv- Schlueter wvas the pitcher for the Pioneers. Although Harry %was't at his best he tWiried a fine game., but tbe breaks weré* against hilm an! proved fatal. This was Harryps it'S the part of -Wis upset and be is very, determined .to> dmt aeSoejn mak upfor, tbis'in bis next effort against. Mt. Prosýpect next Sunday ai çdean rugs-put back into Mt. Prospect. jack lreuer,. Fritz. tIem the bat n i Kause and Frank Roemer.figured ili tlt ht sg ae for niost of the scoring. tlt On Decoration D4y, the Pioneers away. 'Every particle of face -tnother powerful. Cbicago teani, the Ridgeviews, o the Pioneer field!, soil and na" c iit ti ng at 3 oclock. Thepitching wiIl prob- grime is removed... ablv he. done hyv Frank Roenier. Suin- <av the Pioneiers bit. the road andt each fibre is awakened face the ,M.t. Prospect nine. at Mt.teMot dlce Prospect, afiother ýtough tearn. mot eiae Plioneers have an exceptionally diff - colors are perfectly re- cult schiedile ihiii year but thev hope stored. Dornestie or Or- to land higli. Tbey ill again face the Cardinals and bit tbe road for a lentalrugs . . . you'II rec-- long jouirne: to Barrington, Halfd-iy.ý ognize the superiority of L.ake Zurich and Highwood.SorLneevc. 1Emily Ruggles Becomes, rg tnY u Mrs. C. B. Hill Saturday BigenYu 0f interest to many IEvanston resi- Home VVith dtents is the wedding taking place at Harwichport, Mass., Saturday at hiigli MIIR AC LE AN noonn unitjng the son and dati.-ter son ýof Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hil1 of Glencoe. *aThe ceremony wiIl be solemnized ir, .a inegroe nar heRuggles sum- mer borne and breakcfàa,, andreception will follow at their res.' dence. Mr. Hill's. brother, Edgar, willI he bis best mean and John Joncs of Ev- anston, who is studying at Harvard. will be one of the ushers. Mr. Hil will retur.n to Dartmouth a few days 2b... the rpremrinv t*r acive bis de- Society. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. illium, fornier- ly. of. Long Island, N. Y., are recent newcomers to, Wilmette, and.are rent-: ing the home at 1427 Gregory, ave- nue. They bave a sniall dauigbter. overy. Particle of soie and. For Miraclean b r ing9s that added touch of love- Iiness and color-witbout trace of cleaning odor or oily dtposit to attract. dirt to the things that, make a bouse ho Me. There is a, speciai.ized servi ce for e ach house- hold article-and an as- surance of resuits that conforms with tbe re- Squirements of the Most exacting housewife. to furnish