A SILK SUIT in white or color, a dress with a jacket 'selling $ 29 GLOVES ofCHAMOISETTE fabric, Kayser make, eith or 6 or 12 button: length. t NEW NECKWEARI for going away, in many styles, and f ab- rics, selling$I 5 for .....$125 HANDPKERCHIEFS of linon, plain'wIiiteor in block printsî, scilsetling,25 each........... * PURSES in la fabric to 'match your costume. Selling 50C fo r. . . . . . . No matter. where:î there are things needed even tho.ugh the trip be shor o r long'alnd we- have the things to make your tpa pleasure. FLANNEL COATS in. finger. tip lengtk of French, Flannel in white and colors. For Thursday and Fr- day seltinmg. $ 95 for.. FOR TH E WEEK END we place oni sale dresses valued up> to $1 2.50, Sale $9 DRESSES Fricay selling up to $16,75 Tkursdayyend. le $1 A KNIT SUIT (for. it Mayb cool) in a three-piece style, 'Pas- tel shade l. 1 6é I 75 ing for.... .. NON-RUN RAYON: PANTIES and BLOOMERS,59 LISLE and .RAYON HOSE,: mehstyle. Selling, 5 ,per pair, . . . . SILK HOSE, fuil fashion, eittier service or chiffon. Selling per pair .. . Si LK CREPE DANCE SETS. Selling. .. PANTIES and:.- $I.39 MEN'S BELTS in a n.w stylo black with white i l y 1146-48 '1,50 Wl Wilmette Ave. ilmette Av e. Phone Wîlmne*te 588-589 STORE Phone Wilmette, 2655 FANCY HOSE LISLE, all sizes, .3 of RAYON and assorted colors,. $100 t, I +