The thousand details essential t_ý Ravinia's existence as an operatic center are being carefully attended tri bylh'à-t genius'for organizatiofi, Loui-s Eckstein, 'and when tbe opening night arrives, Saturday, June 20, Ravinia will be completely, dressed and ready for the critical eves and ears ýof pat- rons who bave tbronged tbere these inany years. Most -of the artists who Work hard at Ravinia, but Who regard it as fun., are now in this country, resting for a few weeks. -Lucrezia Bori bas fot visited ber' beloved, Spain thi vear. because of. its turmoil. The deposecl King and Quéeen were ber -affec- tionate admirers, and as. marks of tbeir esteem sbe is entitled to wear the decorations of Isabel la Catolica and Aphonse XII. Altbougb art, knows no politics, sbe is waiting. for, tbings tocalm down. Elisabetb Retbberg bas set up .1 kingdom in ber adopted Country, in: New York city, inistead of retirinig to Saxone, ber honieland. flérbhomne n REaviiia is chosen onl the beauti- fully wood'ed siopes overlooking the lake, Yvonne Gî i in France, but w~ill arrive for rehearsals, 'stili lequipped' with tbhe expressively wide-eye :1 c.barm whicb substitiites se winsomelv for lier limitations in English vocab- GiovaniMý,artinelli is ini Italy, test- ing, while 'Edward Johnson bas ne- maineci bere instead of sailing te bis villa in Florence. Manio Cbarnlee -; to be found at bis Connecticut borne Ibetween concert engagements, i-, dulging bis passion for mecbanics. Florence Macbeth is in bier New Yor!k home, Gennaro Papi is living i'n Glen- coe, and otbers companativcly niearby- are Wilfred -Pelletier, Ruitb Page, Ma- rio Basiola, Leon Rotbier and Louis IYAngelo., Frederick jagl hen tenor., who necentlynmade a decided bit at the Ann ýArbor festival, clings close ta, home, recovering f rom a broken\ le-- %yicli banipered .the scbeduled' cast- ing of the recmit '.\etropolitan sea- son..' Upper 'picture: quartet which u4l Shore Milsiciqns' lun.e 2jGasdescrili *Tuesday, June 2 The North Shore Musicians' club will present its annual concert Tues- day evening, june 2, at 8:30 o'clock in the Kenilworth club. The club was founded about 1920 by Dorothy Wing MacCauley, formerly .of Wilmette. The concert niext Tuesday is open to the public, and it is hioped that niany wiIl take advantage of "the oppor- tunity to hé prominent artists of, the north Shore. Included «in the niembership of the club are many professiotial, artists, as welI as in musîc cir- dces. The prime object of the 'club is better music,. wbicb accounts for the factý tha t sin ce i t- was frmed ten years ago it bas grown rapfidly and devieloped .talent: of- unmistakable quality. Tbe soloists next Tuesday are- members of the club and are ail well known, on the north shoe, as well as. in Chicago. They are: Francis Evans, sopranop, who has been in de- mand for concerts, particularly in Wilmette; Miss Annia Chinlund, pianist, who is in charge of.the Wil- mette branch of the Columbia School > of Music;- Mrs. Marjorie1 Sherman. mezzo-soprano, who -was, recently presented in recital, by the Musical guild of Chicago; and, Caroline, Harnsberger, violinist, memnber of the Womnan's Symphony orchestra, and an artist who bas appeared on nianvy programns since ber return from ber studies in Europe. SThe quarte,' wicb will be heard next week, is coniposeâ of Dorothy Pound, promninent pianist., soloist and teacher; Elizabeth XVeixel. violinist., i member of the Evanston Symphony orcbestra, and the, president of the. North Sbore Musician's club; Helen Lerich, talented violinist, and Gene-- Nieve -Horween. tfalented 'cellist, and prominent teacher., The accompariists for tbe evening wilI, le Ernau Akely, -Electa Autstin Gamnron, and Margaret Earnrnond. The prograni follows: * '. T. Ballade, opuls 3 . ....... Chpn Etude, opus 2",' no. 7......Chopin dàtpprclo........Dohnanyi Anna Chlnîlund il.1 ILstr RMISA TO RETURt4 Rosa Raisa, dramatic soprano' el tbe Cbicago Civic Opera company, ba- just been ne-engaged for tbe 1931-32t season. She bas beenwith the Chi- 1 éc1ago cornpanyiysince ber debut in 1913, exécpt during 1914-15, and 1915-16. his musical aplornp and remankable- virtuosity have inade himn famnous RcadT tbrougbout this country and Europe. will visit Ar, H1e was' born in' Chicago, and 'bas -next Octobe Iosore bi grat iftof music unde w'ital in Chicý leading. masters of 'New York, Plor- der the 'dire, e r, Germani tenor wbo ica for tbe flrst tirne will lie heard 'in re- >on.November 20, un-' 'n of BertbaOtt. RENEWS CONTRACT Edward Jobnson bas renewed his contract witb the Metropolitan Opera company for two years. His concerts will be booked,,betwêeen operatîC Cli- gagements at the Metropolitan. and