ont ImuUe. rds of tlianlçs, obitu- mts or other affatrs lu publlshed, wlll be rates. Grade Separation Wdll Save Lite Let's Hasten the Day!1 Next Saturday's Meinoriai Day. It'is the. one day in the yearly calnarprtc ularlv dedicated to the coînmemnoration of those who died for their Memorsaol country. Tbey were sol- Da diers ini the armies of the Aunrian Republic and fought iluanfuiiy to.repe)l the, elemlies of that Republic. The death. of a soldier on the field of battie or in the military hôspital is not an ordinary event. Most men do not leave this lif.e 'abruptly. 'We pass on as the re- suit of physical- weakniess of some- sort. But the..soldier is killed. . lie is struck do,%n-ilhy the eniet, an iii the prime of life. Those whio die as soldiers do notý live to a ripe old age or even to middle age. The end cornes al' too soon. What bis b)rave deeds achieve 'for bis country he eaîn ,,ever kno-w * He camiot enjov the fruits of bis victories. It is obvious that wve cannot honor 'the dead soidier.' NWhlen we pay tribute to his ine'nlory %wé becoine in ,a ieasuire like. hlmi. It 18' forýus 'to make certain that he and his' b)rothers shall nôt h avedidi vain: that freedon' shaff be preserved, that corrupitionl and imisgoiernilieift shall cease; that îiein,.and wvonien. ,and little chiidren in.,Anierica shah ive happy, whole sonie, ives. toring north on11.Sheridan road wants to ga east or west. We enjôy hold- ing up the traffic. We get à great kick just out of stopping north and south-bound cars and holdingtheni there while horns blôw ~and, drivers huri curses at. us.. It's so> comlical to set thenilined up on each side, waiting to be allowed to move on., And Reso1utloofconeoimuce.c arle, notictes' of enterta.tnfl where an admittance charge charged at repilar advertiesh sincereiy, and intelligently appreciated. Wilmiette citizens are, ini their turn,. obliged to thie Civic' league for thus Ivoic- ing the, gratitude of the comm.iunity, It ýis hoped this wil become establ ished cus- tom in Wilmette. Selish take care of ourselves. No- SefiSh body else can do this so' well People as we. So wre are naturally' selfish. But there are people .who so exclusively thiink of themselves that' they ýbecome blind to the needs and desires of 'others. Such persons can be seen on suburban trains., Even on -crowded..trainis it 'is hlot uncomfmon to sec. individualIswho are oc- Cupying two or three, times their. rîghtful space. Sometimes the selfish inidividual is a. woman Who is filling up extra ,space with bags and bundies, paying no attention to men and women Who are looking for an, opportunity to rest .their wea ried bodies. Somfetfimes, on request, the greedy wNomani picks up her baggage and puts it in the overhead, rack, but usually îiot until she. is requested, tc o o so. Sonietinies a ma n ill occupy, the aisie side of a seat, niking it unpleasantly necessarv for a later corner to squeeze past to get to the inside space. And who has not.been irritated by a p)arty 'of three, Who occupy, two seats facing one ie aother thus 'compelling a stranger' to ride back-r' wards ? Alittile conlsideration,' freqiiently use(l, %vould inake this roiigh ,worId a niiuch sinoother place, June is at the door. Soon -we shall greet the montji of'"roses., graduates. -weddings. With 'Afe vill arrive the longest da'y in the vear. a dav when the sunl. Roses, hirnself seeiiis'to pause a ittie Etc. ini his s-wi'ft course and give a few minutes miore-ofdavi.iàbt than on any other day in the year. 1The poets have thouight, higlily of this handsomne month. Jamnes Russel lowel wanted to kncw "what was s0 rare as "a day ini June?" And up to the p)re sent no- body bhas given an' appropriate. answer., we nl De takïng oui- steaks int.apsuie oli Vera of Glencoe tells about the Scotch golfer who at the first tee inquired of bis caddy w'hetber he was good at finding bails, and upon beariflg. au affirmative_ answer, said: "Well, find me a bail and iet's get started." ...MQE we wouid feigu cnut across lots on some owths distance events. After about haif a lap, we wouldn't be concernÇed a mite about the smnaii matter of dis- qualificationls. The cruelest blow of ail, we think, was deaIt the sprinter- who, learned, only af ter be had quatified for an event, that he, was af ter ail disquaiified be-7 Cause hie rail a race during his f reshman year at North -Dakota U. Verily, sommoe should have beeln put "on the spot" for that, bit of -research. And* the mora-stealiflg the announcer's stuf: Olie shouid iever rui 1i1ii North Dakota. The pole vaulters. we. noticed, are uuot expectedl to remove pants (tuot truilks) and jacket tuntil af- ter the bar bas been raised ahove the.13-fot mark.' tittieinatter of eti(IUtte. we supposed. tholugh [)anny iv:asri't sure. we -re 'almost temipted to -attend the National Coliegiate meet at Stagg, field June. 6, Provided, of course, we can get by Cubs park wbere, it is generally iunderstood, the Cubs are stili playitg at haseball. But,ý We Enjoy Eit! Dear "Mique": if that spring f ever gets -worsc hoèv about suspending publication for a Week and coring up to Adventure Island. - No mosqutitos, no hay fever, no spring f ever up here. Besides, think how mucb more 'you wilI be appreciated if north shore, folks have to go without their home tOwn paper for two \veeks. TeSip. Strange as' it niiay seem, the Winnetka police haven't had a single claimant for the quantity of "Pre-WVar" that was abruptly placed at the f eet of . a Winnetka bousewif e the other day by a purveyor who refused to tarry and argue when she insistcd he had..the wrong address. One of our frienids, who attended mostof 'the, Chicago Jubilece mass events"in the Loop gives ve .nt -ta bis annoyanc e essentiaily as- follows. "place yourself in a closet withbaîf a dozen-other people, one :of whom is considerabl'y over size, and al', of whom are at' least hialf a head taller than your- self'; miii around until well agitated. Behold, you îiave mny impression of the Chicago jubilee."