And-» for Service Wee Recommend' these COIRDON. Stocking.s' Gaor do n service and sern - service stockings are woii ,known for their dvirab1iify.; The-y are *xce.d , igly populr for sports wear ndualso'. popular with',ail women who for *con- oydesire ' -stockiings that wiII w.or and weor and wear. LN Q s Ps -J ~>1 III Il Girl Play T0gS, Ha"veJusiArrived The last word in play togs for 2 to 6 year olds, these attrcive coverails of broadcIoth, chambray and cre- tonnes; sleeveiess or short sleeve, s ,oePiece or Iutton-styl&.. ........ color Check and Double ýCheck. This of MemoriaI Day> WOO L- FLACS 2x3 fi. sie ... $'2372 3x5 fi. ske,3.60 5xo ff. Si,11.0 4x6 ft. ize.......7.0W Tiger Bunting Flags 2xc3 ff. ie ........... $1.40 3x5 fi. ~e ....... .... 3.50 4x6 fi.ix. .....3.20 548 fi. se.....4.70 6 fi. po1e 5Oc. 0- ft. poles. 96cà. '0 f1. p,$I.30». 12 ft. rolesi $1.60. PR,. ?and, balil cud.d Flag Polo Brackets, I Oc &1I5C Co*to, FIags on St kksml *5c IOc 15c Si1k Fiags on Stocks 35C 50C *utfit BOYS Now For SummeýrDays LONG WHITEý DUCK TROUSERS for boys fromn 8 to 20-,years.,IvMay be worn separately for outdoor sports, and.with dark.,bl1ue coats for $7 sumrmer dress-up wear........ COTTON .MESH POLO SHlRTS' hs r partic làarly nice for active sports such as tennis. 3-button high neck, short sleeves. White, $1095. SLEEVELESS WOOL SWEATERS of the. finest ight- weight Zephyr yarns in blue, white, tan and green - as w'eJI as smart heather effects. . 2 5 Sizes 30 to36........ Navy Trousers Regulafloôn' midy- style with broadfold front and ýwde -beIle. bottoms, as well as straight,style. In white jean clotb or blue twill de'nm. ý,Sizes 8. to 20,years. REGULATION OHGOR' 75c HATS .Knickers of m 1 ý.1 Crash or Linen to, Cool knickers for summer wear. In white- and grey or plaid patterns of blue, green, black and white. Regulation and plus-four styles. Sizes 8 to 20. Pirst JFloor, Orrington Ave. MA MA siand seilO~t blt ... 1.00 Ommended for çamp 4IýIIntefusewares Section- Sizes 6 fo 16 years. . wear. 6 to 16 ........... 1.75In tor o,:Ro In thie Children's Secton-LORD'S--Second Floor SALS we Aý SLESn-BSALS SALES SA~ SALES, In the Boys' Section-I1ORD'S--Pirçt Ploor, MAY WAYMAY SAE AE A Orrington -Ave.. SALESSA MtAY Md i