Moring worship ....... il_1 A. M. Bunday Bchool ...... ..ý9:30 A. M. Junior church..............il1 A. M. Y.P. S. C.E. ._.......... 5;30P. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday . ... 8 P. M. We .cordially welcorne uil who worshlp with us from Sunday to.$unday. Stran- gers and visitors'are invited to make tiis church their home of Christian Fellgwship. Next Sunday morning, May 31, Rev- erend. Robert N. MeLean, D. D., in charge.of Spanish work ln the United Statçs for the. Presbyterian Church, will supply our puipit. Roverend Selden L. H-aynes D. D. who continues supplying our puipit, will have charge of -the seérvices ýSunday, June .7. Junior churcli at. il A. M. under, the leadership of Miss. Dorothy Wehner. Sunday school at 9:-30 A. M. .wth classes for ail ages. A il departments of. the Sunday school are.preparing specil programs for Children'g day, June 14. The JPrimary and Beginners' depart- ments are compelled to, do the greater' part of their practicing -during the Sun-ý day Sehooi hour and ask the coopera- tionof parents in seeing that their chul- dren are present and on time each Sun- day morning. Y. P. S~ . C.FIat 5:30 p. in, Place of meeting te be announced. Mid-week prayer and servIce, Wednes- day, 8 p. m. Mr. Osborn, leader. You are invited to attend this heiptul mieet Ilg of the church. SpokeIli of the Woman's society w111 meet Tuesday, June 2, at the home of Mrs. Fred Simmons, .338 Woôodstock avenue, Kenllworth. Presbyterial 'meeting, Friday, June 5. Il A. M. at the Edgewater Presbyterian church, Bryn Mawr avenue at Kenmore., Rev. Frank' Bible, D. D., will be -the * 'speaker of the afternoon. Dr. Bible lias j ust .returned froni a trip around the world anid wiil have a great message for, us. Caîl Mrs. Bartholoniew, Wil. 188.7 for luncheon reservations, not later than WVednesday, June, 3. The Woman's. souiety m-ill holcl theii annpal spring luncheon at. the Shaw- nee club Tuesday, Junie 9. Ail womien of the conigregation and their friends are * invited. You may secure vour lutiicheon *tickets froni your, Spoke., c-hairman. Those not members, of- a Spoke, f roni *Mrs. J. B. BatrthôloffeW, WiI. 1887. Presbyterian'hospital auxiliary mcmn-. berships received durinig this month by Mrs. R. A. Smith, 1334'Elmnwood ave- nue, Wil. 2350. Musie, for Sunéday. May,31 * Prelude, "Largo" (Xerxes> . .. I-ande! Solo , .Recessional"......DeKoven Offertory, *"Eleg-"......... .1Massenlet Postlude, "March ln B Plat" , Faulke:; Erma Rounds, orgatist and d!retWrý îttc C. Taylor, and will be assisting The Cozy Corner circle will hold lUi annual meetingý Thursday, June 4. al 2 p.m., at the home of, Mrs. Warren Darat, 1115 -Lake avenue.. Friday. June 5,: the Central cirele will meet for luncheon at 12:30 o'elock at the Miss Bertha C. Wheei- ock. 822 Central.,avenue. Mrs. ýL. A. Uopf -and Mrs. Rice will assist the hostess. Foillowing the luncheon, the annual meeting, with, election of dB- cens will be held. This will be the final m oftnge the year. The Cube will meet at the churcli playground ut 9 o'clock Saturday, May 30.'te organize for.,the Memoniai Dagy parade. Ail Cubs who wish to take part tin the services oft the fonenoon must .be present when the parade begins. The Church school will celebrate ChilIdnens' Day June 14 by taking part lu the adult.worship service atter their own houn of activities beginning at 9 :30. On the following Sunday, June 21, the Chunch, wil be.held froin 0i o il o'cloýc.k. Next .sttfday elcees thec-Porto Rico Plroject." whicht has been carried on la the Junior aad Interinediate depant- ments of the Church school. -Ail the nienibers uof thes,;e two groupe are ex- * lected. to bring mioney for the. ýmcii tickets" and one toy or article .0f scho>i equipinîeit t1. be* sent to Porto Hico la the Tre.asure Chiests. St. :John's. Lutheran .Wilinet te-aind Park ayentie.Wiliietttt liernian W. NMeyer, M.A., past(>l 406 Prairietaveue. Telephone13»6, Churecl tclephone 3111. Festival (>f thie foly Trinity. 9 :15 Fi rst, service and sermni. '9t:30 a.în. Sunday 'echool and Bible classes.. 1*O a.xii. Advanced Bible cas il a.îu. Secoi evice and sermion. Sermion : -The Benediction, the Tri-> une God~*. Ti1irt'efold Bles.,ing with a M«ûinday a*-t 7 :45p.îCor eiiril Tue~daî ut7 :5 pni. Voter-s' meig Thursday, ut 2 p).ni. Ladies' Aid and[ mission society. Thursday ut 7:5pî.SeniioerWalther leatgue. 7:4î5 p.'.Juior Waltli leagueý. The iast festival of the elîurcli year is dîîdicated to Uthe}loly Trinity. The The Senior and Junior Walther league societies have had an unusually suc- cessful season the past year, flot only through the acquisition cf many new members, but also through the pre- sentation of plays that were well re- celved. The Junior play given last Fr1- day eveniflg was very outstanding in this, respect.: Both organizations 'are niow xnaking plans for the faIL season. Batîst Chrch Wilmette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, ininister "A Church,:that Cares" Our Sunday services. begin with the session of the Church school, at 9:30 a m. Classes' for ail ages nike It pos- sÏie for every memnber of. the famlly to attend this period of! 'worship, in- struetionand expressional actjvities" FThe mnorning worship cf the church is held at il o'cIock. Dr. AIllison will preach.» Special music is being l)lanned. There is a stony for the little folk, af- ter whieh'they are dismi9sed fer a kin- dergarten perlod in charge o.f Mi-,- .Nettie Kaufman. The Young People's society -ineets gtt 6, o'ciock. The, new ofrweers for 1931-3*2 are' in charge. Link ;meetings Thutrsday, May 28, Link ','i* Mrs-. C. P-. D)ubb.iý,,chairmian; Mrs. W. à. Wel- don, hostess, 1340 G-reenwood, avenue. 1 o'elock luncheon. Fridlay,, May 29, in3", rs., E. Ç). AÀnuerson. chairn1an; Mrs C. V. Clark, hosteàs, 2513 Park, place, É%- 1anston. Dessert and coffee 1 t 1 :30. Mrs. Alaiesona.ssistjiig hostess. Èriday, May_29, Link "H," Mrs. Rt. F. ,ync-h, chairmjan ; Mrs. William llug- gins and' Mrs. H. A. Orvisý, hostesses. L>Ieetilg to be at tie Izaak Walton ca iif. l'le aniual banquet of tlie Aduit clasha iiý to be held Friday evening,. dune 5, at 6 :30 vin. at the Shawnee Country club). AMeni-pers are l'equested to niake defî-. oite resenvation to J. Dj. IDmgie, qil- mielte 3932, 'lot later than 'TuesdaST ev'ening. Junie 2. -The, niid-week imeeting of 'the échuréh wili' be heid on Wednesday evening, .)une 3 ut 8: o'clock. These hours of tel- lowship and disCussion are piost hbnp- fui to ail who attend. Methodist Church The ècioir music Ëfor the 1il o'lock wo;rsip sericenxt Suhdas' niorning wili bho "Open Our EJVes'ý' byr Macfar- lane and *Iord of Ail Beinig" by An- dretvs.- The organ mausic wili be as foilows: "la the Cathedri" by Plierne, -"-yrnzl of Glory" by Yon, and"'oî -iniX Cincunistance" by Efgar. The pis- ton NilI 'preach., Tea roouin Ch..icago i ueeray evenîng, June 9. This wIll be the Iast meeting, of the year, and an election of officers .for the coming year will take place. .,The Womaii's directory for next. year is, now beihg, prepared. It le requested that the church office be notified of any changes of addresses or phone nuin- bers. Bishop Edwin %Hoît Hughes wlili make the Rtecognition Address at the dedi- cation annivensaryon June,10. Children's 'Day will be observed this yean on June. 14. Ail parents wishing, to have, their children baptlaed are .-.sked to confer with the pastor. English ýLutheran Corner Seventh -street and, G reenlèa f avenue. Wilmette Carl 1. Empson, pastor THE FESTIViL 0OF THEE HOLY TPRINITV 9:45 a.mi. ... ... unday school Arthur Stark, supenintendent _ la a............. ... Morning worship Sermon: "'Gfd's Hetndiwrork" The choir wilI bave a potluck supper .it the par.soruage iiuuiedlately after. corpractice. Saturday cvening, May, 30. Wives .and escorts are tnvited. The Wýoman's s!ocietY wIll meet at the chut-ch Thursday afternoon, June 41 a t.,2 1. Il. The Luthér, league is invited Io at- tend the Tea and, Devotional .at St. fal' utheran church, Evanston. next ,tuiffaa eveningu t 6 :30 p.11. Chiliren's Day will be celebrated 'in this chureh 'Sunday. mnorning, Junle 14, at Il a.,m. The entire program il ii be gîven by our $Sunday school children. Strangers and frlends are eordialy' ivelcoie ut. any or ail of oui' services, Worshi.p <Jod reg ularly. Wcrshap 'Withl us. Kenilworth Union Keniworth avenue. and' Warwick roacli 1)1%. Herbert L. Willett, nîlaiister' Dr. Wileétt's 'subjeetiext Suniday, MaliY .31, will- b& *'The Father's 1-.ouse.' At tijat service the ortlinance ut Ba 1p- tism will be , observcd, fiew nmenbers received into the churci, and.the Com- munmion ceiebrated. Those wishing to unite with the churèhi should get i toucli ivith'the pastor- this week. This. is l. me eet',s a special servie 'and ail the niembers and friends of the chunch are miost cordially urged tu attend. ýsundaY school wili hje leld, as tîsîal The achedule of Church school e- day activities is as follows: Tuesday - 3 :45 pin., Weùkeacazfila Camp Fine Girls; 7:30. p.în.. Roosevelt 'Proop No. '2, Boy Scouts. Thursday-3 :15 p.m., Blue Birds; 4 p.m., Junior choir nehearsal; 7 :30, p.m.. 'Trop Nia. 1, Boy Scouts, Monday the North End circlVe willl peet. at the homfe cf Mrs. Miles Mc- DoadIg, 1046 Michigan avenue, for lunch- .'-... ' ' ..DY Ue4.11 ÂiethiUsL t ld jeople'ýs Th'e varioùs societies cf the church The Wonan's Foreign Missionaîry so- are having thein nîonthiy meetings dur- ciety annO>unces a -Going Away Party" ing thc coniing wcek. Ali iectings cf la behaif of Mis Viola Minier whO ne- this kind 'are dnoppcd during the months turns shortly to China. Thtis wili take of Juiy and August, and 'for that rea- Place Fniday, Miay 29, at 2 o-clock, in, son we houe that ail thé members of the FirStý Methodist chunch, Evanston. thé respective organizations will u t-' The Oaklya Clues "cf young 'women, tend the June meetings. The Senior and, cf which Mrs. 'R. G. Kimnbell is the The May Meeting of the Men's cltub hcld Monclay evenitig was a great suc- cess. Under the supervision. of Robert :stodgra a steaa< suPPer cooed out-of- Uc0Ors was servcd. Alter the supper *mOving Pictures secured by Charle Dahnckc "HighwaYs and Byways in Northern lilinois,", were showni. The evcninig endedt with. carda and games. Our Girl Scouts are having -a sale in the, clubhouse, this afternoon., I