"Real Stitdcnt-q o! he ga-Me, the alvelage player, flic begihme casiai r)-riliil fi wueh in thia b6ok that fa helpfuadai )Iitclrcati»l anid 1jccominend Ifs aounIdiesa and 8aiplUcily." ELY CeULBERTSI PRICE $1.% For sale at al 'bookstores or E. . FLYNN, 20 Easst Jackson Blvd., Chicago Piione Webster SOIS or Wllniette 99& and the' PA TRONIZE.-OUi? ADVERTISERSI 'v I Buying Coal NOW is like putting r-oney in the bank-coal prices are the lowest in many years. Multiply those amotig ex-service men during tne coming year. Mrs. R. W. McCandlish, Poppy chairman for the unit, deserves spe- cial credit for ber efficient manage-, ment and. organization of workers; which,,with th e l-elp of members of the unit and 'their n umerous friends wîo sold the poppies, made this a succtessful ,Popp 1y Day. Mention should also bc made of the captain.s who had.'charge of sta tions and were, responsible, for. keeping them filled throughout 'the day. Captains. and special workers were: Mrs. W. J. Benner, Mrs. Jamnes Barcuùs,.Mrs.>H. W. Bettinghaus, Mirs'. H. T. ýReiling, Mrs. ýJ. D. Kinnear, Mrs. George Leal, Mrs. T. L. D, Hall, Mrs. O. G. Daily, Mrs., Russell Johnson, M.rs. W. J. Flynn, Mrs. F. J. Dowd, Mrs. ýA. G;arniiss, Mrls. C. t.. Cochran, Mrs. J. V. Sniithi, Mrs. C. P. Christensen, Mrs. L. E. Penberthy, Miss,.Carolyn Çazel, aiid,3Mrs. S. Vai!nwagen. 'The cooperation of Mrs. Hacbett of the Catholic Woman's club and Ms Packer of New Trier H-igh school was imich. appreciated. Mrs. A. W,ý Berscçh, -Americanisnî* chairman, whoc is in charge, of ýar-m rangements for thîe Memiorial DaV' observance, annouinces that there will be cars for miemrbers ývho wvisi to ride iii the lia-fade and a special car for gold star rneinbers',.. whi'ch includes anv mêmnber wlio lost a relativE in the \Vorld1 War. Those desirîng to ride i the parade please caîl Mrs. Bersclh, Wihinette 3050.. Thle last sewving meeting of the vear will lie held, at the home of Mrs* F, Von der Lippen, 1220 T.ake avenue, Thursday evèning, june 4. RETURN FROM MICHIGAN Mrs. John Welton Fisher, Jr., has returned-to her home at 826 Green- woodl avenue from Lansing, Mich, She mfotored back with ber niother, Mrs. E. S. Avery, who will visit at her daugbter's home. Mr. Fisher bas returned from -a ten-day _business Parade Marshal and staff Village board U. S. Naval Rçserve Grand Army. of the Republic Wilmiette Post Drum corps Wilmette Post No. 46, The Ainer- icati Legion- Vilmtte Unit, Ameériçail Legiori A uxiliary junior Atuxiliary Reserve Officers Horne Guard Alb any Park Post No.. 124. Tîx' A meric an Legion Section 2-fo.rms on Central ave- nue. between Wilxnette avenue aniý North Shore tracks, facing east. .Civic organizations (cirches, lodçg- es,lubs, etc.) .Section. 3-A---forms on. Wilmette avenue between Central avenue and Eleventh street, facing wvest. Grammar School Band Girl Scouts Brownies Camip FireGirls Sectionl 3-9-forms on. Twelfth street. hetween Central -avenue",and Iake avenrue, facing south. *Boy Scout mnassed colors BON- Scouts Sea Scouts Clubl)s anid other junlior organia t io 011s. HERE'S LINE 0FMAH Starting froni Wilmette Village hall at 9 a. .. Wýest on Wilniette -avenue to Park avenule N1ortII on Park.avenue to I<,ake ave- ime E~ast on L.ake avenue to. Eighith street south oii Eighith street to. Cenitral avei me lEast- oni Central avenue to S-ixtl, street Southi On Sixthi street to Linden ave-, nuiie East on .I.indeni avenue to Fourtl: street. Northî on Fourtb street toý Central. avenue .ast on Central avenuùe to Wasliiing- ton park Mrs. Jessie Shannon, Who lias been living with her daughter's fantily, tlhe HonwardI 1. SonnQ 812 EPimwnnd rve- S KOKIE, VALLE Coal and Material Comnpany 3640 Lake Av.Phone Wijmeet99 Trlm or manicure...... .50 Eye .Brow Arch ........ .50 Tle8e prices effective eery day but Friday and Bat,.rdaji $7.50 Rocki Gjuarane EVANSTON BEAUTY 'SHOP 615 D.avis Sf. (3rd F90r) 'Uni. 0967 Abov. Lyon & Heéaly!s $M.L.a.ké Av'e.