Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 1

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The 327piece :drum and buglecorps f romi theý United States Veterans hos- pital of North Chicago, the 72-piece- b)and f rom St. George's High school: of Evanston, and the. S-piece, band froin St. Joseph's institute of La Grange ýwiIIîal bell) Peter J. Huer- ter Post 'No. 669, Ailerican Legion, realize the aim of sp)onisorinig oneof 'the finest Memorial -Day parades: ever staged ini tbis communlitv. The p)ublic is 1eiflg invited to 1articil)ate *in! the activities on Saturday, May 30. -At St. Jos 1epbi's. ccmetery wbere the pjarade will end. services -%vll 1)e leld * at the graves of -tbe veteians of the *Civil, Spanisî-Aneriéan, and World wars. Here the speakers 'of the day will be Walter J. Qui.glev. past coin- *mander of -the Seventh district, and 'the Rev. Jose'pI Wagner. The "patniotic celebrations commit- tee of Peter j. Huerter post lias* ar-. ranged the Elne of parade for M eio(- Tial, Day 'as follows: *The parade will forni at 9 :30 a. in. at Hoffman hall, Ridge road- and Washington avenue, and witil police e scort will em ove nortlh to El:mwood, east to Fifteenth street, southl to Wil- mette avenue west, to Ridge road and nortb to St. Josephi's ceîuctery wvbere services w~il be hceld at the graves, of veteranis. * Legionnaires, Auxiliary menibers s4panîtsh-Ameýrican war vterans, BOY Scouts of Troop 1hIF:and scbool. cliil- (Ireli, Nill 1w aiiiontg the groups in ttJe * parade. Dr. FrederickShnn to Address Graduates Pr. Frede.rick F. Shannon, pastor *of the Central church, Chicago, and- (Underwood & Underwood) Major Ferre C. Watkins, ment- ber of the law fiin» of Watkins, .TeuH-Iioo,'and Gilbert, Ciica go, form l'tComan*der, Alliricail Let,- iôn, Dqparimenao f Itlitois; wcill h'e fli eoriul. Dat' ddress lit Waishiptgiloi Pari, Saiurday morjt- inY, ~fy3C,, ai Il 'clock. Major Watkins bias hield important offices, botti state and national, ini tbe Ainerican L.egion. He was, a first lieutenant. of infaîîtry ini the World war -servîng tbrough tthe- Meuse- Argonne offensive itlî the 356tb Ini- fantry of tbe S9thi Division. hi the ranks of the Amnerican Legion hie bas lhcld the following. important offices: commander, North Shbore Post No. 21:; IN PLANS PARADE IMmra pae Many in Memorial Tri bute; Band 'Musie Features. Parade at 9:30 DiXiC Wilmette Post, American Legion, Sponisors Annual CommunityE.Vent; Final plans for a complete and fit-, ting celebration of MUemorial. Day bav'e been announced :bv D. J. L.' .Walther, chairinin of tbe patnioti celebrations comnmittee of Wilmette *Post.No. 46, Amierican Legi'on. On the two 'days preceding Me- morial Da Y. Legion speakers will ad- dress the scbool children, on tbe fol- 1l1owing scbedule: Thursàav,< St.»Frati- ci s scbool, Dr. W. WV. Hawki.is Fni- dav, Howard scbodl. Stanton Van In- wagen and Josep)h«H. }{Ieinzen: Fni- dav, Stolp> school. Post Commander Harold O. Mobi- and Oen. S. C. Stan- ton. Begin~ At 6:30'a.ý m. Tlhe. prograni 'for Meiorial Day proper begins at 6:30 o'clock with flatg-ùaisinig cenemnonies 4t the Vill-age hall and the varions schools,, con- ducted by the BoN, Scouts. The Legion will l)articil)ate in the cere- monies at the Village hall. The Scout, flag-raising cenemnony is a, very num.- pressive one-Well wonth getting up at 6 :30 ini the morning to sec. At 7 o'clock the. cenenionies wvill begin at MUemonial Park cenîetery, Nvith flag-raisinig ceremonies bv the Bov Scout s afid Girl Scouts. Iimiedi-' atelvN followinig, services will be held aàt tbe grave of Frank Camp, a former miember of Albany Park Post No. 124. Amîerican Legion. and at the grave of, Samnuel H. Volwell. a. former menîber of IEvanston Campli No. 57, United. Sîanish \Var Veterans.: The,,salute. to'the, dead wvill be given l)y the firing squad of FEvanston Camp No.. 57.' Veterans' graves wiIl be dèconated by ter H. LiDrile and Cinef of rolice "]LN" e Henry Brautigam Was anniouniced at Junior 1 ail adjourned mneeting of the Wil- Music. J mette Village board S.afurday after- Real Es tioonZ The appointments were nmacle by Village Manager 'C. M. Osbonni Society and conifirmeld by the ,board. itate' ... ...52-55 Page.....4 the lai s of p Estatc. elon Auxtliary te to the Dead-Flring Squadi, U. S. Lval Reserves, under command of eutenant Carl A. Peterson. SJ Stanley Peterson,* Drum and (Côntiinued on Page -4)' Evanston ýcamip, Unite.d Spanisb War Veterans, Wilmette Post.and Albany Park Post of the Amierican Legion, and by 'BOY Scouts and Girl Scouts. Anounce LUne of March The .Memorial Day parade will start from the Wilmette Village, hall at 9 a. mi. The parade will form as follows: Sectiow 1. foôrm on.Wilmette avenue between- Central avenue, and the North Shore tracks, facing west: Wilmette Police departnent.- Parade Marshal and Staff. Village board.. U. S. Naval Reserve, Grand Army. of the Republic. Drum Corps, Wilmette Post.No. 46j The American -Legion. Wilmette,,Pos.t No. 46, The Amen'- Caîî Legion.. Wilmnetté Unit, - Ainieican Legion Auxiliary. junior Auxiliary. Reserve Oficers. Homne Guard. Albany Park Post,' No.. 124, The Amnerican Legion, .Section 2. fort-à on Central avenue. between Wilmette aveue and North Shore tracl<s- facinig east: -Civic organizations, including chur- ches, lodges, clubs. Section 3-A, form on Wilmette ave- nue, between Central avenue and Eleventh ýtreet, facing west: Grammar. School band. Girl Scouts. Brôwnies. Camip Fire Girls. Section 3-B, formi on Twelfth street between Central avenue and Lake avenue, facing south: Boy 'Scout massed colors,. Boy Scouts. Sea Scouts. Clubs and, other junior organiza- tiQns. Here's Parade Route Froni the Village hall, thé parade will marcb west on Wilmette avenue to Park avenue. north 'to Lake ave-

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