are the real pearls? To, the uniniiated, the, imitation, may look. as authentic as the genuine. Each, when'fairly' pric0' rP 1essactual vlue ,received .,AI- thug imitations. my be offed ai the price of the roal- gems, the genuine can never be. bought at synthetic prices. Selecting theSHE that will -determine the future, foot-health of your child may ýnot be as thrilling an adventure as buying pearis- but the decision you mnake is vasily -more! STORE HOURs:. 8:30 to 6:00 POOL ~PIPER CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 16o8 CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON 4 Moths Are Getting Read y For the, Big Feed What- About Your FURS?, Store Your Furs i Our Cold Storage 916 CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON 3722 The restaurant at Sky Harbor air- port west of Glencoe will open about june 1 according to plans of. Maj. R. W. Schroeder, president of Sky larbor, Inc.; and his associate, George F. Fisher. It-is planned also to put the 18-bot.e Tom Thumb golf course 1adjoiniîng the clubhouse at the air- port in shape for use'in the near future. The filing station. onth grounds bas been opened for the sumimer. Temangment of ,the airport is expecting to accommodate largeý crowds as soon as the weather becomes more. pleasanit. League Artists Show Pictures During Jubilee Miss Irma A. Keehn of Gleilcoe and Mrs. Flo Work,.,Miss Graéhene Brodt, and R. Fayerweather, Bab-. cock, ail of Evanston, were am ong those exhibiting last week in Exhibi- tion hall of the Palmer House in co n- nection with Jubilee week. Ali four artists are members of the Norilh Shore Art league. Miss, Keehni had a ovely pinting alled "Wayside Bouquet"; Mrs. Work showed "Jîlarin- ing, Eucalyptus" and "Watch fui Waiting"-; Misses Brodt had '*In- ailimateBeauty"; and Mr. Babcock was- represented by two paintings., 'Morninig Mists" and "Jungle." Sky Harbor Headquarters for Curtiss Distributors Sky Harbor airport bas recently becoine the headquarters for Apeit and: Colvin, distributors of Curtiss- WVright airpianes, and a compiflete line of Curtiss planes is available for demionstration at, the airport, it was annonlnced this week. Janles KehIe,ý *another' dealer at' Sky ,Harbor, han-. dies the. Aroncça,. one of thepionieers in. the lighter type of plane. The Stinson Iine,,,Eaglets, Vervilles and.. WaIcos are som-e of the other makces of planes sold at Sky Harbor. tiss for mûre. tnana year, was to ac- compan y Mr. Wrigley on the trip west. BUYS NEW VERVIILLE C. C. Allen of Kenosha, wbo stores. bis plane at Slçy IHarbor, lha& pur- chased -a*new Vervil le. Sunday, May 31, wili be American Legion Aviation day at Curtiss airport,, Glenview. The Evai1ston and ,Niles Center posts of the Amnerican Legion have arraniged to t ake over the entire 'field forý the day and are 'planning a big celebra- tion. There will be stunti flying, contests ovarious kinds, and onqe feature race in which prizes of onie hundred, fif ty and twenty-five dollari ,will be off ered, it is announced. OnIy pilots holding Department of Commerce transport licenses are eligible to coin- pete. in the race. Students holding at least a pri- vate pilot!s license wilI be allowed to compete in, the bomb droppig spot landing and balloon bursting contests. ýAnother, contest will. be dropping a parachute to a certain mark in the field. For. the entertaininent of the younger set there is to be a boys' model airpiane contest in two classes, ýwith gold,ý silverand bronze medals, as well as airplane rides, offered to, the wininers in each class. Class A, f for boys fifteen years1 old, and under, will be a junior outdoor twin pusher contest. Class B, for boys sixteeil years old and under, will be a s enior, outdoor twin pusher contest. Inasmuch as American Legion Av- iation day at Curtiss field falis on the day after the Mý\emorial day holi- da-.,, officiais of the airport are an- ticipating an unusuially large crowd. Frank Brach One. of Our "Air-Minded" Residents Franik V. Brach-, 175 Sheridan road, Winnetka, is one. of the, "air-minided" residents of the New Trier townsýhip villages who keeps bis plane at -Cu 'lgrtiss airpor.t. He owns a specially built Laird. G. D. Owsley, 946 Spanish court, Wil- mette, is another north shore, résident, wbo stores bis plane' at Curtis s.,H owns a Challenger Robin and lias been flying for more than a year. S. C. Pirie, Jr., brother of John T. Pirie, keeps NEW MODEL TRAVELAIR Allen Healy of, Evanston, who learned to fly at Sky Hiarbor airport, recently purcbased a new model Travelair tramecr, two-passenger plane with open' cockpit. Healy bas been: flying about twoyears.. 0p1 41 I v t J t