woni two Overwhelming' track vic- tories last' week end whien they de-~ feated Park Ridge in a dual uieet Thursday afternoon and finished first in an linvIt;ational- mieet with Des Plaines. Highland Park and Wiliimette comipeting onSaturday. B3otli' meets ,%ere held at the,\Vil- mette -Village (;Green and both meçets reultet ivictories 1w a large margin. Ilu the complletition ivitli pari, Ridgeý \Vilmette aggregate 1 out of, a posiIle 69 points. takiig. first and secondl places ini eacli eveiit. lu the dual' inîeet the stronge'st op- position was. givenb De Plis yu wev~ere unable 10 gain more than. 79 points while Wiljhnette totale(1 187 dturing the afternoon. Highland Park finislied t-ird withi 22 pioints. Replaces North Shore Meet, l'le invitational m eet was held to rep lace. the North Shore mneet. f romi whicli Wilmette, wiîde h~Pri wiliters for ilie variots évents on. both 1 rhursday andi Saturday follow. * 50-yard dashi for p)ewees (boyvs w'eighing .90 'pounids and under): 1. Bill jenkins. Vimtt.2. fBilCondy, Wilmi. ette. 3. Hartley Kinider, Des Plaiiies. lFwi Macluckie, Des Mlailles. * 5-y.ard dadsiî for lightweîglits (boys weîghlig ()0 tb 110) lourids> 1.John Koulentes. Des Plaines. -9. Ed Me.e, Wi'-icmtte. 3ý Howard WVurster, Des Plaines,, 4. Don Andersoi Wilimette! 50Ova rd dasli for lieavvý\veigits (boys weighing 'over 110 pounids): 1. John Versitio, \Vilmettc, 2. GeoQrge Batties. \Viliinette. 3. jolhn Boeso. Des Plainies, .1ý'arl Abnley, Des' Plaines, Pole vauit. PeWees: Tieti for first- place-.Frank Swirles, Wilmuette, andi Frankl,, Hooper, Wilnîette, 3. Earl1 aaDes Plaines 4. es, Edwin Pîilebc, .Des Plaines.- Heighit 7ft. Resulta in Pole Vault Pole vaulIt. Lightweights :1.. Donald' Anderson,. Wilmctte.-2. Ed Mee, \Vil-ý miette, 3. Frank Svirles, Des:'Plainles., Heighit 7 feet aii ichs Pole vauit. HleaNyweigts: 1. 'Da vid metteL, i. Aid-Iue~y .x.*.'.'-, jý: - 4. Edwin Macluckie, Des Plaines. S75-yard dash. Lightweights: 1. John Koulente .s, Des Plaines, 2. Donald Toeppen, Wilinette, 3. Don Anderson, Wiimette, 4. Acdy Petros, Highland Park. Batties, Takes. Century 100-yard dash. '- Heaývyvveights.: 1. George Batties, Wilniette, 2. Harold Rapp, Des Plaines, 3. Walter Wud- ske, Des Plaines, .4. John Ludlo,> HiÎghlaRidPark. Sýhot put. Pewees-.: 1. Howard Rtiff, Minmette, 2 Billy, Wade, Wilmette, I -Roy Rouùghton. Des Plaines, 4. David S wali, Highland Park. Distance 25 feet aid 9 inches. Broati juuxip. LighitWeights: i. Ed Mee, WVilmùette,. 2. 'John Koulentes. Des Plaines.ý 3. Bob Specht, 'Wil- meitte,, 4. Paul Neilson, Des Plaines. Distanée 1-5 fee'tai d7 inches. High jump- Heavyweights:' 1. Davidi Cressy, Wilmette, 2. Eti Sny- dier, WNilret'te, - 3.. Kenneth Wolff, Highland Park,.14. John Ludlow, Highla.nd Park. Heiglit 4 feet and 10 binches. 6-y-ard. hurdies. Pewees: 1. Bi1h Crawford, Xilmette, 2. Howard Ruif, Wihrpëtte. 3. Earl Haas, Des Plaines, Harvev Penkava, Des Plaines.. 6 0-yard hurdies. Lightweights : 1. Donald Toeppen, M'i1mnette, 2. Howard Wurster, Des Plaines, 3. John Neville, WVilmette, 41. Richard Suess, H--ighi- landi Park.' Hop,,step) andi jumpj.' Pewees: 1. David Haas, W'met.2. 'Orville. Dahl, Des Plaines,. 3. Billy Condy, Wilmnette. 4. Vernon 'Rudolph, H-igh-' landi Park. Distance 29 feet andi. 8 juches. Toeppen.,Is TeAck 'Star Hop, step,.,and jurrp. Lightweigts:. 'l. Don Toeppeil N. ilmette, 2. Eýlmer Heinniichi, 'Des Plaines, 3. Bol). Specht, NVilmette,- 4. Franik Vacilek,, Des Plaines. Hop, stel) andi jurip.. Heavyweights. 1'. Art Delang, Wilne'tte, 2. John V1ersino, Wiimette. 3. Earl. Abney.,. Des Plaines, 4. joseph Rutietige. Highland Park. Distance 34 feet -A '7~ andC à ices. 60-yvard hurdles: Bi Schiara, Wil- mette, Walter Robinson, Wilmiette. Allen Christiansen, Park Ridge., Timne 9.4.t {Jme Shuttie relay: imte(ae Chr isterson, Art Dela ng, Ed Snyder. John VersinûO.. Pole vault: Tied, for fir.st place. Ludwig -Skog, 'David Cressy, Xii- mette, tied for thiird'place. Marshall M ultere r, Park. Ridge and Wiilis Brown,' Park Ridge. lHight 7 feet. Shot put: Jameg Burrili, Wiliiîet te, Bih- Favmonville, Wilmiette, Philip, \Valg!er, Park Ridge. Distance 35 f eet. -and il juches. IGamne Schedules I. HORSESMOE LEAGUE Gamèés start at 7 i:15 p. m. Al :gainee played at, Village rén A w1nfing te«im nust wifl two out or tlWree ~21-pint games. Tuesday, Junte 2. St. Johns vs,. Congregatioflal Hoffmian Florist Il vs. Wilinette Cro.-' Hoffrna«n Florist I vs. LI. O.0. F. D). P. W. 11 v S. D. P. W. 1 St. Johns vs. Hoffman FWrYist 1I1 Hoffman' Florist i vs. Congregatioflau 11. P. W. il vs. Wllnette Crocery F). Pl. W. 1 vs. 1. O.(O.' F. Tuesday, June 9 St. Johns vq. Hofiman Florist 1 D. P. W. I vs. Hoffmnan Flori.st Il 1). P.' W. I vs. Congregational 1. O. O; F. vs. Wimette Grocer.y St. Johns" vs. D. P. W. Il 1). P. W. I vs. Hoffnian Florisi I1 I_.ý O0. F. vs. Hoffrnan Florist il Wilnîet te Grocery vs. Gongrega tional BEGIN-NERS' MIORSESIHOE LEAGUE * Games start at- 7 :15 p. m. a~t the Vil- lage Green. Wiî)ners must Win two, out of three 21-point ga1es.. 1-.B. -M. Nvs. Men'à Gym lAss' Hawks vs. R. -A, P. I N. T. R. A.- P. Il é.K of CV vs., st. Jo)hhsi l Thuùrida.y, june 1' H.B .vs. Hawk,> .T.vs. NMen's Gym Class Mi, Johns II1 vs. R. A. P3. I *K of C vs R. A. P. Il 1 rhTuirsday,jue il piaygrounds 'this summet. Will bc given free instruction ini swimming, Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea- tion, announCes. In past years the, summner play- groôund' program and. the swiniming instruction have been 'carried o11 s eparately,, but according to, the ar- rangement aniounce'd by Mr. Davis. child'ren in althe Playgrounds vil hav e one af ternoon- per- week' at* the wilniette beach free of'-chïarge, and free- lessons will be given those chl- drin. who do not already know lîow to swi1n. Part of Scheclule The swinming program .will in 114) waty interfere with the-regular play -, ground 1 program but will be con- sidered a part. of theweekly rora on each of the play centers' sechedule. The play Îinstructors aire: to be witlh the. childrén and prôvide activities for the children in the event the wae is' too ccld 'for conifortahie swiînnîiig, aî~id-o 'assist ithereguiar staff ini giving instruc tion- to l)egili- ning swimmers. This ininovation in- the summer play, s chedule will elimin'ate the possihility of any chiid's not knowving hoNv to sim and also- the disadvantage of L-hildren who live too fa'r froili the'. lake to enjoy the benefit of' the swinîming.- Director Davis expects the experiment to prove most suc- cessful, one' that wiil make the stn- mer playground& program well bal- anced to take care 'of. the child's physical and educational needs through the summer vacationi. LPlaygrounds are to be conductcd at*the Village Green, Vattman park. and. Central school grounds, Ibegin-~ ning June 15 and continuing for inine successive weeks.' Following the playground seaàson. a 'boys' camp- will be coiducted ai H-astings lake for the boy s on thet playgrou'nds who have achieved spe- cial menit during the nine weeks' sea- son. Attendance at the camp will be su'bject to invitation f rom the .mien playground instructors who will act Bill Scnmidliey, rHgnlanu Fa *Andrew Petros, Highland Height 4 f cet and 6 inches., Shot put. Heavyweights: 1 ler u ette, r ren rxerr, v uN/ilett, x-irry j --.~... z-nv. , pumervs. r-esnCleaflers; Hoffman lorist Il .vs. Miats; Gog emnPakRidge. 'fine 6.3. men,;Hawks vs. Hoffman Floris lat~. tJhsv.teerPtne secondns va SteiernlmPark secondJune 3-Elites vs. Hoffrnan Florlut 1: te, nd unnng roa junp:ArtDelngVillage Cleaners vs. Freshmen; Junior June 22-Fresbineai vs. Elites; Hoif- te nd unnng rTd j np Ar Dlang A. C. vs. 'Ridge Ave. phârmnacy. man Fiorlat I1'vs. Steifle*r Plumbers: a rk, .1.vimette, Johîn Verslino, rWlmee, June 5-Elites -vs. Sebreiber Shoe Hoffman Fl«ristlI vs. St. Johns. Park. Allan.Parker, Park Ridge. Distance, store; -Vrillage Cleaners vs. Ridge Ave. June 23-1oldge Ave. pharmaey vs. Il feet and 7 iuches. . * pharmacy; Washington Park v. Junior Washington Park; Hawks vs. -Junior A.C;Schrelber, ostore 'vs. Vla james 100-ýyard da-ch: John Versinio, Wil.- : 'June 8-7Hawks. vsq. Hoffmnan Florîst 1; Cleaners.Vilg t