In Holiday Mood Shantung Chiffon Polka Dots icl. . 'I J ust exactly the kind -of, frocks to assure the wearer a gay and care- free holiday weelcend! Fash ioned in jacket or cape styles, smnart sports ty pes,,sleeveless modes.. novel Sleeve treatment, buttons, bows,, scarfs. in white, pastels and :darker shades ..AIl sizes., P. *4. J Apparel Shops-Seconsd Floor ARAI-Dul --Picot -Top Hose Chiffons Pair Sold exclusively at Wieboidt's, these sheer, clear dui1 chiffon hose, sizes 91/2 fo 101/2i feature: the cradle foot. and French. heel.. 0f decided.1y good' quality these1 hose corne in, ail the smart shades. Uloaery-,Firat Floor HandEbags a t Of leather or silk in black o color. Man y z pers, envelopes, top-handles, back-staps, frames and. novelty, types. "Bow" BAiS 98C Patent leather b e 1 t s jus+, ifmake"' any costume! These have clever contrastiný bows. Shoes Agrée On White ,Or Natural Linen. Tint. Pump -Strap Oxford Sandal Read About Pur, New Beach SIlop on Page 45 WIel 0 Davis. SIreef- Jacquard Silk Silk Prints Washable Crepe $jof75ý 1100 ý