Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 18

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Scout camp for two nionths. His brother, Billy, wilI go the first of july to 'Boh)-Wlite"~ Camp in Mas- sacbiusetts for the entire season. Straw, or F.it .H&fs ReslyI. Loet iu remnodel your eld bat. Any kind of materlal wril be molded to yoyar leU ...ln the uewest spriDq style. It wilISt perfeetly. New. bats made to, order. Rats Cleaned, Refinished Peter Van Bree -202 SoD. Stalé St. $18 Century BIGg. Webster 7181 application, together with necessarv instructions, may be obtained frofn the United States Civil Service corn- niission's representative in Kenil- ivorth, Miss Relda Murray, at thec Kenilworth postoffice. The date for assembling. of cotin petitors will be stated ini the admis- Sion cards. mailed applicants after the close o f receipt nof applications, ie commnission aniounced. Mr. and Mrs. Andrewv Benson,*Who, have.been living iii, Hubblard>Xoods, are now, residing at 221 $Fifteethi street. Thieir' . aughter. Elizab)et-. goes to the.Howard sho.-T Gladiola Buibs, 60 flowprlng sixe for 81.00) Perennial -Plats Extra liargo 4.yeilr delphlInlum,, i or 81.00 Phllox, ixed large Plants, 8.0erdos. Annuals le and Se eaeh HAMOND &MRENS 809, IliIWIgd Ad., Ph.' Wfl. 282; 3rd bouse south of Lake Ave. CIsdMemortiat Day EVANSTON STORE-.-CHURCH and SHERMAN MARSHALL FIELD & COMPAN-Y -Announcing The- op ening of THE ROOF assembled. Ali skown on the roof, on sale. lun~h-Indivld- Tite Tri-Ship amard, considered the highest honor a boy Cals Win cjt.New TrierH-igh , cI:ool,,this year twent to Guy Robbins. 'l'le nethod of determining the win- ners is as follows: Each of the twenty-, eight boys' advisor rooms at the high school discusses the qualfications to be considered ini selecting tlïé winner and then recommends to a -student com- mnittee three candidates for the honor. From the eighty-four names submitted this comrnfttee selects eight which are considered to he the most outstanding and best qualified. Ail of the boys of~ :the school then vote on the-final eight names. In general, the boy who, ivins the aiard is. the one who miost nearly ap- proaches the ideals of the Tri- Ship club, composed of ail boys at the hign school. These ideals are sportsmanship, felloxvship and citizenship. There have. been two. previous Win- nesof the award, .John Borncap M 1929 and GeorgeEaton.in 71928. HAS PART IN PLAY ýs Carolyn Bellamy of 1214 1 :45-The Chicago F'ederatlon of the Anierican Theosophical SocietY,, Kim- ball building. 8"What Spiritual Reeearch has Revealed oný After, Death Expert-" ence," Miàs Galli Wllsan, president Ch!- cago, Lodge of Theéosophy, and Carl. Franklin ropson. 3:30-Lily of the, West Spirltuaiist temple, Paullna street at Monroe. Dr. Charles A.'Burgess, presîdent, Illinois Spiritualist association, ln charge. A Clinic ln .Me4ntal and SÉpiritual Healing -a DemonstratIon. "Mediumshlp. and Its Development," William Woodworth. Collective Spirit Messages by Anna Wardell, Viola Drake, Charles R. Gib- son. Clara Rathburn and MrR. J. Duàh. 5:00-ýAn Interlude for- Fellowshlp. Elmer Lîvingston, of the Spirîtuallist league, wlll. be present. 6 :00-Supper, served by the- Women'.s guîld 7:30-An Evening of Spirit Messages and Small Group Seances. The place of meeting -of thèse -groups. and prîvilege of attendance upon the. meetings wii be given onliy to those Who have been in the afternon senss*Ion. ]Rev. Emima Wettstein, trance lcturer. IlZ0-Leave for home. Woodblocks, Lithographs Shown at K(nickerbocker Emile J. Grumieauxk is showing a number of- his.- woodblocks, and' :. Iver Rose, aý selection of bis litho- graphs at Silbe rmann's exhibition of Old Dutch, English and French Ms ters, ini the Green room of Hotel Knickerbocker,. 163 "East Walton place, Chicago. The exhibition opened Sunday, May 17, and will -continue for a number of weeks. It welcomes the public f rom 10 in. thé morning until 10 i th-,e evening. The nid masters include William J. Linton, George Morland, W. F. Withering- ton, R. -A., George Vicat Cole, R. A., Gustaive Courbet, Ludwig Hermann,' Charles Robert. Leslie,ý James Stark and Michiel Carre. HAS BRHDYPARTY B*bby.Shank, son of Mr. anid Vrs. j ohn A. Sbank, 1109 Greenwood ave- nue. celebrated bis eighth birthdav Fridav afternoon, May 22, at a partv for bis cIassmates at' his home. Hie is ini the second grade at the Centra! school. 4110. 1804 Cent'ral Stf.InEntn

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