Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 16

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UN DERWOOD New $60 Onea *44.50 A new Und.erwood-at a p"iCe you'd have to pay for -a sec- ond-hand machine ordinarily. 1930 miodela, in. perfect coïdi- tion. - Complete wth carryrng case. $1 Downl-$1 a Week" for One Week Only Third FIvjor Chi ldreu's BIooks 1/2Pic Fairy tales, animal "tories, aeroplaaus book$--& vide as- sortment' reshced one-half be- cause tieir dust covers are afightly soiled and ltore. A marvelous opportunity for niothers to start Ig ood libraries for. their children I Firsi Floor, Rolcony. Sufferers Report Aoeazlit Relief Through 6"Kidney Laxative" Discovery Nw Way.to Eliminate Poison -Wastea Increases Sugar Tolerance "I have been sufferîing fromn sugar <ia- betes for several1 yegrs,"writes M E. Smitli of. »23 Wallace St. "I continued to lose weight, se nerious» Iécould scream, and couldn't sleep much. I had boils and my kidacys, were in terrible shape. About three montbs ago a f riendspoke of your 'Sleepy Water.' Almnost imnçeciately 1I Sot resuits and began feeling better. My nerves settled, 1 can sleep, and my erup- tions are gone."y Dotos are now prescribing a wonder- fui natural poison eiminator, known as Sieepy Water. Trhey oftefi describe it as a "kidney laxative,."?,It is te be had froni onlyý one source-a pairof twin springs in the -Arkansa his. Peculiar natural forces here Inject certain minerai combinations wlicli are flot to be tound i any ot1ièr water. These natural aikalines néutralize and absorb thie acid poisons and body wastes wbich se often cause and aggra- vate diabetes. By gently soothing and ac- tivating the kiducys, Sleepy Water aise, speeds upthe élimination of these poisons. Net only diabetes suferers but victims of rheuinatismn, blgh biood pressure,; arth i- tis and 25 other serious common diseases report amazing relief, due to Sleepy Water's unique powers. Tear ont and mail tbe coupon now for particulars of the wonderful thirty-miflute test that will demon- strate* to you bhow Sleepv Water works to drive out poisons and puri- fy blood. Let. us tel yQU how you' c.1n make this thirty-minu te test. If you prefer, simply phone Greenleaf 8058, the Chewaukla Minerai Springs Co., 1047 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Twm in WMAQ *vpyý Monduwy ai 9:45 p. um. f.ý or sleePy uSer Pros. rnm. ., j,----- moral Mathew-Franéis Photo Wïitette Girl Scout troops. receultlv attracted a lage crowd to a circuls :conceive.,d and carried through exclusively by themiselves. The mvenit. tas held il& the'-Girl S c out roomzs of the Wilmette: Paris/i Methodist church and voela complete sucess. Tbe Mallinckrodt is proud to an-' nounce that one of- its students, Miss Elizabeth Lies, of Nules Center, is the winner of a scholarship f rom Mun- delein college.' Miss Lies, together with tbe other students competing for this honor, presented themselves for tbe f ormal examination at Mundelein. col- lege on May 9. According to. the re- port sent to The Mailinckrodt,. the results of ail Mallinckrodt - applicants were judged deserving of higb merit. The score of tbe winner was followed closely by thre remaining contestants. At tbe occasion of the Red Cr 01.1 Jubilee celebration bceld -in :the Gold room of Cci gress.botel on the evening of. May 21, four higb schools were. privileged to be represented. The Mallinckrodt was one of the f ew. Two students. Misses Dorothy Braun inally, at 9:30 o'clock, a message f rom President Hoover was announiced over the radio-a fitting close to the evefling celebration. Tbe Mallinskrodt wishes to express its appreciation to tbe Red Cross for tbe 'honor of meriting the invitation to be present at this unique gathering. TO PLAY LEAD IN MOVIE Ralph Bellamy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy of 1214 For-, est avenue, Wilmette, who is now work- ing on the Parausount lot ini Holly- wood, is busv rehearsing with Ruth Chatterton as ber leading man in the fortbcoming production, "Laurels and tbe Làdy." Mr. Bellainy, who is now here in Chicago ini the pbotoplay, "The Secret Six" bas obtained an honor in being the leading. man in the produc- tion "Laurels. a-id the Lady" witb, Miss Chatterton as she is 'one of the lead- ing womenof the ýscreen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis 'of ý256, Fountain Square1 Evanston rWiImtte 724 Show R... 900 Linde,, Avenue Hubbard Woods Winà. 650 or (reenesf 0700 R.m ,m Avenue nd Park .4141 Show' Roeup 1620 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Greenleaf 0700 or 4281 t I

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