have now returneci rrom tneir weu-. ding journey and are residing at 1317½' Oak street, Evanston. The bride and groom are bothi gra-. duates of the University of Minne- sota, and the latter's.father was head Holiday Deverages i Anerean Honie Goser Aie, Root BSsr, Lm. Le...on..ns*Sodale luge Pu. 24-. CSc.od IIIICULIIIC ui L -'7 Y -aL . Mr, and Mrs. William H-olmes, 622 Central avenue, returned last Sun- day f rou Florida, where they spent two nionths in Orlando and Miami Beach. acon, SwIlt's Preuium Annouur's Star '/2-lb. cello. pkii 15c Famous Ou-tings Foods CosdSed WLbWvai t.O:. fin 23,Cf Lunch Tongue LIbbvs we tNo 2.C CMa, Êo.v IH. Jarrett of Kenilteorth, w/to /KIs joiited thte Jewefl P. Stev- ens companyl, adiertisiing agents, Chicago, in the capacity. of spe- cia! i;,trcl:aniinig cou uselor' a-nd. accoi excutiz'e. Ae. Jarrctt ithe author of twco books, "It Works" and '"The Mcaning -of 'the Mfark,", both expounding a p/ii: .osp/ay> of optip.ism, and àcecomi- Griebel bas long been active in the Leag ue of Industrial Girls, a branch of the Y. W. C. A. During the past year she was chairman of the legisia- tive committee of the leagiae. Missý Griebel plans to continue this. summer, courses in English and World -eel4iatins tbat.she began at Bryn Mawr .1ast summer. She will leave Winnetka june 12, and return bere atthe end of the eight-week term. Tbe, seven girls in this group. were selected by the- sumnmer scbool council of. the Y. W. C.ý A. MOTHER'S CLUB PRESIDENT Mrs. Williani B.' Fitch of Kenil- worth was elected president of the Alpha Phi Mother's club ýat :a meet- ing and tea -held Thursday of last wi,,eek at the chapter bouse in Evans- ton. Other officers elected were Mrs. George W. Borrowmnan. of Evanston, secretary and treasurer, :and Mrs. Charles WV. Shepherd of Evanston, chairman'of thework committee. M.%r. and Mrs. William P. Kinsella of 143 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, will return tomiorrow f rom a short trip to Lake Geneva 'where they have been opening their stummïer 1home for the. season.., MrS. Kinsella, and the chil- dren are* planning to go up to. Lake Geneva permanently about the mniddle. -f ,June after the return'o hi daughter, Bernice, f rom Rosemnount, Pa., nwhere she is atteniding_,,school. I 'B IC -. CAMERA, SALE 2,; 1$2.-50 Camera 1189-91 WILMIETTE AVENUE. Nationalc Food Store Tito QWLITT eRnCSor s FTHE MISPLE WIST SiNCE la,9 e AVIENUIE PHARMACY C. C. Renneckar OPPosite St. Jose'Pk School Phone WILMETTE 316 A-a Imnportant Adm"uae Gurd ITHE PARADE , S.mat Women Shop et Our Food StIorliTemptlng Holiday Foode Y"u wll wSud cupesvarletof euly , premdend#»dy-.-ue @od"s - puepued pdc.aet à uving'. go dt yu y eno uenco- rnmicel holidey.. CampbelV"s Tomato Soup 4 cns25C Hormel'. Hams 'lew,*9,s* ze ca1n 98C Snidèv's Catsup, . bottli'1C bl 1c Sc, Candy Bars Crckr7c adGum 5 foi14c Queen Olives. CéeApanIq.a Geltn DssrtHazelBrand **pkg., 5c.