IMIr. Cathierine, * Clafki irector of, the glee club n * Mrs. Catheril3e Granquist Wagner of the Orchestra., Annamnarie Booz and E leanor 'Steen will. be the accompanists for the gleé *clubs. Boys, of the Howard school Will *usher. The concert will be a'. benefit for the school instrument futid. By means of -this f und the school boans instru- inents to pupils f ree. of charge. Four trumpets, a French horn and a clarinet have been disposcd of in this manner this year. Following is the program. for the. concert, as published i n Iast week's. issue Of WILMETTE LivE.: Now Is the Month of Maylng... ... Thomas Morley (1557-160') Cornbined Giee clubs Gavotte Celebre .... Martini (1706-1784). Suite .......... Handel (1685-1759) Orchestra Strike t Up, Tabor........ .Thomnas Weelke.9 (1573-1623) The Cobbler's Jig, English, Seventeenth Century . . . Arr. by KatherIne Davfr. Boys'. Glee <lb Miltary v p ny FrtMovement ....... ....... Haydn (1732-1809) The Mill................. .. GWlett Orchestra * My Mother Bids -Me Bind My Hi Amrayllis Od French Gavotte. ........ Arr. by Edward Parl(ow Girls' Glee club The Clock Store.........Ot -1-~-e bn...., uiiiie a l *l. Miss McNarnara, who was accom- panied by Mrs. W. P. Kent of the Edgewater Beach hotel, left the steamer at Naples and traveIed for a month tbrough Europe. She caught the Belgenland. at South -Hamnpton on May 16, and arriveéd in New York Iast* Sunday. JOINS GOLDý STAR MOTHERS Mrs. Anna Huerter, 2023. Schiller aeuleft Sunday. May 24, to join the Gold Star Mother's pilgrimage to France and Eàagland. Charles Bickell,,202 Golf terrace is leavingtjune. 1,, on an;extended trip, to Denver, Colo., visiting relatives. in St. Louis. and Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Bickell«wasretired by the West- ern 'Union Telegraph Company jan- uary 1, after more. than "fifty years' service Hungarian Dance .....;..... Brahms Where'er You Walk........ ... Handel Largo .................... ......Handel GIee Clubs and orchestra. Reiniber that the next meeting of the Post wiIl be held Wednesdav, june 17-eigl t davs later titan the usual date. State Commander Poor- maln. and Pàst National Commander Howard Savage will be the.guests of bhonor.' At t.his meeting -the Post \vvill be host to the.Seventh district. There will be ertertaininent and eats. Pull dectails'as to t -he place and -pro- gram of the next meeting wiII be an- nounced next weck. -John B. Stanton'. VISITORS IN:WILMETTE Rey. Henry, Bueil, pastor of :the Second. Presbyterian, church in Los Angeles and: Mrs. Bue Il are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bickell of22 Golf, terracé.* They,,are oit their way.tothe Preshyterian Gen- eral assembly:at Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Bueli will visit' their son' Raymond Leslie, dirctor of foreigiu policies, Rockefeller fpuudationu, New, York .City, author of "Foreign Rela- tions," "The Native Problem in Africa" and other works., Decorationý Q DaY, activities Si~ ~OIJR- with; Street . !..................... City ................... State .... Cm~toNlut Phone W ilmette 194,1, First Greenhouse on Glenview Road Mrs. Agncs R. Clark