Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 10

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SOME sytem théf WOULD k..p WHISKERS from GROWING and you MEN woutdn'f have fo SHAVE any more, YOU wouldisoon b. POINTING to RENNECKAR Drug Co. AS the rhesf COMPANY in ILLINOISi and o WOULD be .runnlhng this. DRUG store for fun. INSTEAD of frying fo KEEP the family on. IT- BUT wiI. youme ARE waiting for'us fo WORK ouf the ie YOU can make y'our SHAVING a genuine PLEASURE by usng KLENZO Shavng AND soffens up thé BEARD in~ no fime AT al- WE seli if for a SHORT time only af 49c ara scoo i.JPJJt 4afl4, julc , du 1 O'Clock. Her subject, "Citizetîship Training in the Elemnentary Scbools," will be of interest to mothers and teachers. Mem- bers will be glad to know that the teajcbérs are to attend the luncheon this year. Mrs. W. J,. Benner will sillg a nd Miss Adland's dancing célasses., including' tap, ballet, and ýbaby, groups, wiIl give a demonstration of their artistry. This interesting prograip sliould ini- sure a large, attenidance. of motbers since the; new officers, of the' associa - tion , will be, introduced and there %will be the opportunity to meet the teachers.> Reservations must be1 made on or before June 2 wvith 'the room chairu-icu or* Mrs. Skog, Wilmette 3571. Announcement. wil be made at the' luncheon by -Mrs. «J. Gilbert of Glen-, co. co ring Dr. Becks travel courses for cb-ildren. There is great regret, felt among ilhc fricnds' of the Arthur. E. Ruf faiiv'\. because of their departure from \Vil- mette ini June. As Mfr. Ruffiaùs re - cently accepted anl executive posi- tioni witli a large New York firin it necessitates thieir inaking dicir hloile ini tbe East. Tbe Ruf farnily is well known collectively and individually for tlecir musical ability. Mrs. Ruif FETES BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., of Keni!- worth, gave a luncheon and bridge pjarty last Friday in. honor of Miss~ Dorothy Pearson wbose inarriage to Paul Cutler is to be an event of. June 10. îWitb Mrs.. Nuveen w'as Mrs. Frank Karsljake of Evànstoni wha gave the party.With ber. Tbe guests also brought miscellaneo .us giftâ for the bride-to-be. Mrs. R. L. Fowler, 16 Wrarwick ave- nue. Wintietka is leaving soon to spenid'tbreeweeks ini Sait Lake City, Utah. She will visit ber father and on ber return she and lier. aiywl leaVe for Boston where they will pass the sumnier. Among the'ueiv Wilrnette residents are Mr.- and Mrs. L. Peterhaus and their tbree children,* who hiave bought the home on. 611 Eightb street. Thev forinerly lived in, Rogers 'Park andl the' children are .attendiig, the S t. Sehlolastica scbool there. -0- A daugliter, Elizabeth, wvas born on April 30, at the Evanston hospital to M r. and Mrs. Arnold Zinimerman. 1224 Isabellà street. Mir. and Mrs. Zininùermian moved just recently to thieir present address f rom Chicago', CILWCa7J2atd Chioice meats - select ed by A & P's owa skilled ni e a t buyers. And hes ides thal they 'aie. priced, low enaugh ito inistre yNI ia real. saving. At present there is one band of Girl Explorers, consisting of ten members and a leader. Activities in- clude exploring, games, treasure- hutnts, hiking, passing. tests, award- ing 1).ins, contests, handicrafts and sports. Persons desiring, to know moré about this organization may write to headquarters, 128, Sixtlî str.eet, XVil- mette, 111. BOY: STrRJCK BY CAR William 1-olmes, teai years old, 901. L inden. avenue, ýWho was struck by an automobile whileý riding a bicycle ini an alley. between Nintb, and Tentb streets and Linden and Oakwood ave- nues 'Monday afternoon, suffe 1red pain-. fui injuries: He was attended by Dr. B. L. Mitchell. The injuries included.a cut at the side of -tbe rigbt eye, a pos- sible collar bonie fracture ada n jury to the right leg at the ankle. Mrs. John Herman Spiller', the former Hlazel Fraser of Kenilwortl., will arrive tomorroi f rom ber. holmec ini Annapolis, Md., to spend the stim - mer %vith ber parents, Mr. and Mr'. George Fraser of Kenilwvorth. WVith her are ýher two children, jack av'lI Billy Spiller. Lieuteniant Spiller. will join bis wife and family the first part 'of June. In the fal. M rs. Spiller i!l go to Boston where Lieutenant Spiller wilIl)be during tbe faîl and winter montbs. Perfect Permanent Wave Mrs. F. A. Buck i 16 7 Wilpiete Ave. Phone Wilmette '4598 r

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