representeci. P-arents and interested Pa- trons of the sçhool attend-ecd year in large numbers. The program for the commencement exercises will be much the saine as in former years,: with -the presentation af the class gif t by a representative of the class, the presentation of the class by Supt. E . L.- Nygaard, and tbe presenta- tion of diplomàs by Julius A. Petersen, president of the joseph Sears school board., Music for the exercises wiIl be provided by the Music departmnent of the school. Following is a ist of the 1931 Jo- seph Sears graduates: Shirley Marie ýBotthof, Doris Jane' Briggs, Barbara P.. Clark, Elinor Clark, . .Catherine Conley, Sara Jean. Cosner. Dorothy W. Deacon, Elsie Marie 1g- gert, Priscilla Hawley, Mary Patricia Huck, Cecilia MacKinnon,, Janet Tay- lor Mathieson, Rose A. Phillip s, Dor- ôthy Marguerite Richards, Helen Dor- othy Smnythe, Ruth Naomli Swanson, Louise Wayte Watson, Mari orie Jane WVeese, Alice Katheiei Welty, Richard Glenn Brown. *Russell Yale Cooke, Jr., Merritt B. Cox, Thomas Spencer Cruttenden, Rob- ert Porter -Cut'1er, Roy C. Demnion, David Elmngren, James Desmond Fitz- Gerald, William D. Fowler, HJoward Fredin Fuchs, Thomas George Hilde- brandt, Stephen Mor Johinson, ShQpe é S. Kriete. William Irving Moss, Robert Arthur Murray, William B. Robertson, Carleton Ross, Nick Simon, Jr., Glenn *Pratt Walker, Fred Louis Workman, Jr., and Paul L. Wright. * TO LEAVE FOR EAST .Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer of 312 Essex * road, Kenilworth, who with lier mother, spends the summer months, at their summer cottage at Westport Point, Mlass., is leaving this week-end to join Mrs. Hi>ginsoon, whohas been in the east for the past :two weeks. Mrs.. * Spicer's 7brother, Norton Higginson, b Montreal. Mr., and Mrs. William, - gqest of his sister, 'at lier home in Kenilworth, will motor t Massachu- setts with ber and after a stay with bis mother and sister, will return to UoTntreal. Mr. ndu, Mrs.William DEVELOPING and PRINTING SERVICE. This is a proven Service and as- sures the best resuits. We get the miost out of ec ad every negative. Bring in your films. They wiII Le handIed with the. greateat care. Our Crystal Gloss finish will satisf y the Most -.critical camera user.. Prints, are made with. wide border which sets off. your finished,' photo. BIC, CAMERA SALE Eastman $2.50 Camera, 79e Reg. Pnoce Sale 116 Size Ready Set $13.50 $ 5.52 127 Size Vest Pocket 9.00 3.41 120 Siz, F. 7-9 Lenz 13.50 7.44 16Size F. 7-9 Lenz 17.00 9.29 120 Size R.ady Set 8.00 4.76 F. 6-3 Len~z 36.00 11.69 Serv ice De Luxt 7 ?ioe! at iiD NAIin~insr. i nry* w.... i...- merly from Detroit. Mary Callahan is. attending St. Francis school. 0o Mrs. Guy Litteli entertained liher bridge and luncheon club on Tues- day of this' week,. at her, home in Wilmette and Central Aves. Phones: Wilmette 400-401. Hand Colored i another of our Specialties., Our Enlarge - ments are. of the Quality.