1144o46-@48 Central Avenue SIX TIELEPHONES FOUR DELIVERIES I £VÉRY DAY j FRIDAY & d SATURDAY SPECIALS, (lu 12-11). uRlliN) 290 Canaa D~~rCarton of 12 $13 Peas (a !telle lBraoedi)98 Tm T Popon 2 (iks.r>3,90 Choeue (muti w~)69 e Olive 01<off ar<SpefU Dm'ooms (xr olqal 590 Grape Julce Bo.29.::fo Ammonla Large_____ 29e Quart Jar - keg. Value UhI- Otangiýe mmagaade 1,,àrge fB'ttle 1*2 ,Lay~ 69e 210 79e 210 890 MEATSPECIALSI Cilolce Cute Largie iîder Beef Photo by Toliff Mr. and Mrs. Johln W. Chandler nf 1029 Greenleaf avenue annoulice t/w marriage of their sister, Mar- garet Aileen, to John J. Schneider, 2100 Schiller avenue. The cere- inonY took place Mlonday morning, M1av 18, at 9 o'clock at the i~'. Frapicis Xavier chiUrdII, with Miss Celia Schneider, sister of flic bridegqrvoin, and Thomas Chandler, brothler orfthe br-ide, as the o0zy attendants. 31r. apnd Irs. Schneider 1 reWY 011 wddil trip (o F'nchl mette Village board for the first tinme Tuesday night. Although the new Village board functionied as the governing body o)f Wilmette-for the. first time Tuesday, May 5, Mr. Dubbs was unabie to at- tend the, meeting of the.,,hoard on, that' date because of the. serious illi- ness of bis mùoth.er in California. Before the Village board took tip its business Tuesday night MylesJ.ý PhiIlips, who was active iii the carn- .paign for. the election of Mr. Dubbs, ni1ade a speech, congratulating the new president and presented him with a gavel on- behaîf of hi s friends. President Dubbs also received. a litige floral tribute, and Mrs.: Dubbs, who attended'the mieeting of the board, received a large bouquet of roses. ANNOUNCE 1BETROTHAL Mt. and Mrs. William West Lili -of 119 Abingdon avenue, 'Kenilmorth-, announce the engagemenit of their daughter, Macine Stewart, to James R. McGregor, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. McGregor of Oska- l1oosa, Iowa. Miss Lui was graduated fromn the University of Illinois and is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Mr. Mc1Oregor also w-as gradiiated fromi the University of 1111- nois and is a member of Phi Ganina Delta. The wedding wilI take place june 19 at the Wilmette 1Parish' Methodist churchi with Dr. Horace :G. Smith officiating. There's Nothing Li'kea Permanent. In Summer Many wise women have di'scov- ered the joy of one of our expert permanents. Lovely big loose waves that wthstand hQurs spent t Bouse We Welonie Charegé Aooounts IFREE DELIVERY TO WILMETTE - ENILWORTII JNDA. HILL WINNÇETKA * BED. WWOODS - LENCOE B13eauty Salon 11331/2 iCentralAeu Askh Our, A dvice on Cosmetics -and Powder Blending Butter ICetehup Toilet ,Papev 't <i.' * I I