Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 3

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* Six steps.- that practically assure a *permanent Wilimette Community House association wene taken at a meeting attended by representatives of twenty- six WVilmette organizations Monday evening at the Village hall. 1. Constitution ýand> by-laws wvere' adopted, providing f or a "Wilmette Community. House . association," 'thec purpose of wvhich shaIl be "the ongani- zation, erectian, operation and niainten- ance. of a Wilirette Community House for tlhe-use of ail residents, and. tax- payers in the 'Village of Wilmette." According ta the by-Iaws, the "mem- bership ofý this organization shah , be coniposed of ail residents and taâq)ayers ini the. Village of Wilmette.". Kinne l.a Chiirman 2. H-. C. K i mie was elected cliairnian of aý nominat.ing comimittee, which wil recomnmend cajiîdidates for the office of ,eiietalchàirman of the Wilmette, Com- munity House as sociation. and for thé offices of chairmen of the ten. standing. comnmittees. 3. Aider R. Tighle. was elected to att as temrporarv chairmnan until the per- manlent oi-ganizatior of the, Wilmnette Community Honse association l1 1ias been efïected. B.4.. .T. Clark was elected to actt as teiiiporary secretany. S14ggest Candidate&. 5. A motion was.passed that.anad- journed ineeting'of the nomiina.ting t om- mittee be held Wednesday evening, May 27 , in thc Wilmette ýVilage hall -to necommend names of candidates f or the gleneral chairnianship of the Wilmnette * Coinninty H Fouse association and for *thairnenl of the ten standing commiit- tees. 'Tle nomlinating comniittee is com- pose ofdelegates fron each .oi the. ý\i«iiete'organizations. ii. Aniother 'notion vas. passed tha. theý chairman of the nominâting com- imittèee cali an n adjourned méeeting. at wvhich the no minating compitte 'e will. report upon is, selection of:rnames. h date of'this meictinie is to be determined * 5001.. Explain Purpose, O0pening reiarks-iatMoniday night'sý meeting, which was sponsored by the \\ilmjette Clianiber of Commerce, were made by J. E. Worthen, president (if the Chamber. He emphiasized that the Wilmnette Coümmunîity House associa- * tion is ta be composed of ail Wilmette. * orrflTniztiflh1 and is to lie ntirelv apart tee, directed the discussioni carried on by representatives of the twenty-six organizations. Need for, and desirability of a conmnunity house were the Ieynote, of the talks. "Probably the greatest cross-section ofopinion ever taken ip Wi'niette" was AIder.Tighe's 'summary of. the meeting. Invitations -had beeni sent by the Cham- (Coritinued on"Page 6) The poppy wqs chosen as the neinori .al flow-er for the World zvar dead because it grewv zuhere they fell, the one toueh of beau- ty in»ihe desolcîte battie. areas. Who makes the mémiorial poppy? The mémorial poppy is made by disabled veterans workin.g in. hospitals and wuorkroorn s under the direction of the Amîerican. Legion. Who selisthe memorial poppy?. Womnes of the American Le- gson Auxiliary and coopcrating orgaïniraUdïïe *u'orkingas un/'aid poliintcL'rs. What is done with the *money, paid, for the ppis 9very penny, is liscd to si ppori th ic work of thc zimericah -Le- gion and Auxiliary -for the wc/. fan' of the, diWabed veteral!s, their fInilies and flic faiiill*es: of the dead.ý I-ow caîi the purchaser )e 'sure that he is buying a. veteran-inade Ameni- can Leg'ion and Aûxiliary poppy? By Uhe distinctive badge of Pop- py seller and '1.y the Legion and ,iurlî-vlabel 'ouic hepop ly. \Vliat doe swearing the poppy meanr? Honoring theu dcad and scrwing the living. Poppy Day is tomiorrow! Open Highway in Kenilworth Monday, May 25 Kenilworth's portion of. the new through hikrhw.ay traversing the north shore villages f rom Evanston through Glencot wiII be opened to traffic next Mionday, it was, anniou.nïced ýthis week. 'rhe, street, formerly :called West Railroad avenue. Ï9is ow- known as Green- Bay, road in kenilworth. ýIt. runs.parallel.to and just: west of 'the Chicago, and North Western railway tracks, and will. connect with Main Street in Wilmette and Center street in 'Winnetka. Both Wilmette and Winnetka are taking steps. to bring about the ear.iY compietion of these two short connecting links at the north and south limits of Kerdlworth, Girl- Scouts .......... ...3 High School News .... 26-27 Junior Lif e.............. 24 Music Page............. 34 Public Forum........ .13 Rerato. ............48 SocietY Pages....36-.37 menibers of the Wilmette Plan com- mission with the exception of J. D. Roth. Resignation of ±frie Plan co mmiýs, Sion memnbers had been expected, in- asmuch*as President Dubbs and the three new Village trustées, Stacy Ben- nett, A.-W. Froehde and Arthur Lee wene elected'on a piat.form which caîl- ed for 'the repeal of tfie Wilmnette Major Street plan. Ti plan was prepared by the Plan, commission: and approved by the aid Village board in a n ordinance passed in January. 1929., Memibers of. the Plan commission are:, Robent Stoddard,. chairmian; Frederick, J. Newey, Lloyd C. Aynes, F. C. Huffman and J. D. Roth. , Président Dubbs stated at the meet- ing of thé Village board ,Tuesday that holîad. asked these men ta con- inue to serve maîil the board takes some action on. the matter, of a plan commission. and the disposition, of the Major Street Plan ondinanice. Mr. Dubbs indicated that this or- dinance will be repealcd, but stated that lie.feit the board should not be' hasty in taking such -action until some plan 'is evolved, for.,pnoperly. taking tare of -the rapid developrnent*of the section of Wilmette West of Ridge road. Walter Botthof Heads New Trier High P. T. A. WNalter Bottliof of Kenilworth was elected president of the New Trier Jrigh School Parent-Teacher associ- ationi at the 'ongarization's. aniual meeting last week ta succeed E. H. Cassels .of Glencoe... Other, officers elected at the, sgme- timie,,for the coming veçar,'are: Mrs. E. P. Farwell Of Winnetka, vice-president; George. B. -Everitt of Winfietka, chairman f or the senior class; T.. lE. Thompson of \Vilmette. chairman for the junior class,, and Mrs. J. A. Armstrang of Glencot, chairmnan for the sophomior class. The cha irmnanfor.te fresh- nian class is electçd at, thiefirst meet- cl <Dollar Saved Wilmette 43 00 ,AdTabker The annual spring concert of the Wilmette Public schools orchestra and glee clubs will be held at the Howard school gymnasium Friday night, May 29, -at 8 o'clock. As bas been the custom in. the at proceeds -from the concert will be put into the' school intstirïmenit fund. AIl instruments boDught by the scboo!' are loaned to the. children free of. chre.ii year the school haq -isposed of- four trumpets, a French horn and a claninet in this manner. This doesr not include instruments pur- chased other yers The glee clubs and orchestra fee! especially happy over this'years pro- gai.nasmiuch, as they are doing, sonîething which, sa far as is known, bas ney.er been attemipted by grade school organmzations. The glee clubs rwill sing Handel's " Largo" and "W-here'er You Wal.k" and the school: orchestra will accomipany. Practically the entire programn will be devotedý to the style of Handel and Haydn. Boys ÂêthLe. *Mrs.. Agnes R. Clark îs. director of the glee clubs and Mrs. Catherine Granquist Wagner is,dir;ector of ýthe orchestra. Accompanists. for the gcee clubs ,wiIl be Annamnarie Btoàz and Eleanor Steen. Boys of the HoIward school will act as ushers. The supervisor of musitin the 'Nil- mette Public schools this year is Miss. Mary cKay. Following is the programi to be pre- sented by the glee clubs and orchestra: NowIsthThe Prograwu Now a th Month of Maying ......Thomas Morley (1557.1603) Combined Glee clubs Gavotte Celebre .. Martini (1706-1784) Suite .........Handel (1685-1759) Orchestra Strike. It up), Tabor ... ... Thomas Weelkes (1ff734623) The' Côbbleris Jig, English, Seventeenth Century .: Arr. by Kaïtherîne Davi Boys' Glee Club' Military Symphony, Flrst Movement T...I...........Haydrn (1732-1809). Th il .. . . . . .. . . Gillett. My Orchestra MyMotherBids MeBind. Me Hair Haydni Amaryllis, OId Freneh Gavotte .......1ý* Ar,-. by Edward Parlow Girls' Glee club The Çlack Store ............... Orth Hungarlan D~ance ............ B*ahnis 1Orchestra Where'er You Walk .ý.... Handel Largo....................... Handet Gice Clubs. and orchestr'a *RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Spninger have retnirned ta their honme at 430 Maple avenue after, passing the win- ter at Valparaiso, FIa. Thîey wers- with their daughter,' Mrs. Victor ýMetzge.r and b eir children af Wil-a mette,' and Mrs.. Spninger's sister, Miss H. B. Latham.

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