By Mrs. Fra.nk W. Kingsley (Chairmnan for the Milwaukce. divi- sion of the North Western railroad) The Plant. Flower and Fruit guiild as organized to enable suhurbaû ar deners to share. their flowers,. fruit' and vegzetailes .'with the poor. the. sick and-the lonely of the citv-tlv invalids, cripples, shuat-ins. . wih suf ferers i"n hospitals. and with the olf! and friendless %who are-niiis-teredt" by- social settlemnents. ".Of ýthe maany, social ageîicies a', work in 'Chicago>," said T. V.'Purceli'. president. "noune duplicates thie fiunc- tion of the 'Flower guild.' Through the > tiitrations of nurses and set- lenient workers. it reaches vvith its gesureoffriendlines.s. nian%1 of ithe darkest spots in Chicago; places tilfa wolld otherwise neveir. he toi.clied, through accredited chaàrities." Thie National guild Nvas organized in New, Yorlý ni i1893, bv Mrs.- Joh'i (looIStwart. - It lias b1ranches; reachiiig f roi Portland on the Pa- c ific 'to on the Atlanticý froin Chicago, Milwatikee, Clevelan"i and other cities, on the Lakes down to Fort Myers on the Gulf. There are mialv branches in, the Mi ddle Wcst especiallv fine dînes heing- in Rock- fornd and Sprinigfield. 111. Other. branches are in Ne%,. - England and the South. ini fact,' prettv thoroughly aIl over the -1Tniited States. The' Chicago guild-is uow enteriig' upon its sixth season of work. It was *organized in the summiier of 1926 by Mrs. Will H. I,ý1ford, Mrs. Robert R. Mc'Cormiici< anîd Mrs. Alfred 'T. Mar- tiil of Wheaton, assisted bv ' Miss Harriet Vittuin. They enlisted' the support of the garden clubs arouin!' Chicago. for collection and Miýss *Vittiimi selected the 'charities, and as- *signed clubs to care for themn,. Mrs*. Charles G. Dawes lias been siaice its founding honorarv president ofCi- cago branch. Work la Growsng Each vear the %vork of the Chicago guild'lhas grown. In 1926. il had 'onel receiviig -booth at North 'Western *station, opposite gate 16. In 1927, an- other .was :opened at Union station In 1928 a. booth was set up ini the the gu i s argely ae.pendent on the g arden clubs to collect and deliver fowers, fruit and vegetables to it5c booth, we have no idea of draining- the gardens of anyone.. Ifeach Ga r-' den -club or Woman's club or tlie gropp coxtributing. will appoint a guild- chairman and g ive ber a large committee, not necessarily. al niem- bers of her club, each member of e committee cani act* as aclearing bouse, for her neighborhood. There are estimated .tobe 80,000 gardens aloig the North Western railroad branches alone., If we could receive even the most' trifling gift from each. of these gardens, there would'not need to be a lonety, sick'*oldtperson or.a.crippledi child in Chicago without, a few flow- ers, or' a si ck baby. without fresh vegetables. Togethier with your flowers this year, we earnestlv 4sk you to send "green vegetables ai-dA fruit. No garde'n is too sinall to écon- tribute sometîi'ng. Chairmen' Narned M rs. Edwin Sherman of Evanston is chairnian for the South district of the North Western railroadl-M\ilw,%ai- kee divýision, including WVjlmette an"! Evanston. Tuesday is Flower Guihi' day f or this district. _Mrs. Siierinan. is also Guild chairman for the Garcleii club of 'Evanston; Mrs. WNalter S. Lovelace, for the Lincolnwood Gar- den club'; Mrs. Fred 'Monroe Wheeler for the Little' Garden club, and Mrs. Dan 'Greene, chairman for Wilmette Garden club. Any of these, women mnay. be cons'ulted for information about methods of: collection. The institutions 'supplied f romn 'Tuesday's contributions are: Visitingr Nurses' association, Dearborn station, 3456 South' State' street; Visiting Nurses' association,' 734 WVest -47th street; University of Chicago set.le- ment, 4630. Gross str"et; Ch'biarchi Home for Aýged Perst.,ns, 5445 Inglt.- side avenue,' and ]Bîllings hospital, 950 Eas 59tStreet. Mrs. Stephen A. Foster of Win-, netka is chairman' for the, Central dlistrict-Kenilworthi, Winnetka and Glencoe, and for t'he clubs. in this re - 'WIIEREASThe Village uf' Wilmette suffered a serlous water shortage with absolutely no water ln the Idge Ave- nue district on hot days, in 1930, and faces' an even more serious shortage ln 1931, thus endangering the health and sa.fety of Its cltizens ; WIIEREAS, 'An 'exhaustive engineer- inig survey has shown that a main laid .alongthe North Shore Ohannel fromn Linoolui Street, Eveanston to the:present Sheridian' Road Pumpeing Station is the most feasible location for a between the, two municipalities; WHEREAS, A continuance of the operation of the booster pumips in thc Sheridan Road Station by the Sanita%'y District of Chicago. is désirable, pro, 'vided that an- adequate ' quantity of water eau be brought to the suction side of theseý pumps. THIEREFORE BE 17' RESOLVED. Thatthe Sanjtary.DistrJct.of Chicago beL aud is hereby requested to grant to the Village ofWilmette an easement t,) lay à.nd mnaintatn a water main alo ng the e.1stern boundàry line of its pY'operty adjacent -to . the 'North 'Shore Channel from Lincoln . Street iEvanston to the Sheridan Road pumnpiug station - b gether 'with' a branch crossing the Lin- deni Avenue bridge to, the.'west side,'of the Channel, thence to the puiiîping sta- tion on the west side, and alIso for -a return' fo'ree main fromn the pumping sta- tion to Liliden Avenue, or to bbc first' alleýý nortix'of Linden 'AVe'flù. Ca mpP ire Girs 'l'le, Wilinette Hpward .-School Camp Fire Girls r.ecently had a mothers' tt-I Most of' the mothers were preÈeiit, as well a., the girls. Mýarcia BeeriIdt talked un the historv of Camp F ire. Muriel Keîînev told of the honors and ideals of Camp' Fire. Lucille Haugh and Irene Berron both recited a poein.I rene Berroni's, poem was: called' 'Mother." We ali thought that the poem i was very 'nice because of the motliers being pré- sent.. Fileen Burke talked on camp. Muriel Kenney iatroduiced' the mnothers and conducted 'the~ meetig.-Doris Paterson, scribe. The \'Wiihte Howard School. Camp Fire Girls hiad a picnic-ini the Foresî Preserve on May 7.. We walked. along the river until -we fouind a place to eat. We cooked potatoes, onions and round steak. After supper sonie of the girls walked' around in the w.oods. We saw The Wilniette 'Sunday Evening club executive comniittee* held 'a meeting Sunday evening, May 17, in the Congregational church chape]. Plans were made for the program for the coming year and the financial. report for theý past seasoni to date iwas niade, as follows: RECEIPTS Balance Oct .1, 1930..$ 2.71 Bank blani............. ý200.00 Pledges . 1.... ... .......... 2555.75 Collections. ......2:106.31 $486477 BISBURSEMENTS Speakers ' ...... $2790.0 Music..........450.00' Advertisiig........548.06 General Expenses.....168.23 Chuirch rentai and Bal, ren- tail dueNew Trier High Sýchooàl...... ..... ...42É.00 Wîlmette State Bank (Loan) .'.«.........450,0 Interet ........... ....... 15.38 $1846.67 Baýlance in Treasury..........$18.10 T 'here 'are outstanding pledges amiounting to $150. -After theýe are. .collected the outstanding indebtedieks wvilI be '$2,50. The indebtedaîess" at Ill'" close of the season' a year a-o w as $800. Therefore, the club has.not only paid ail expenses of the current sea- son,. but has reduced. its inildebtedniess $550. The.attendance throuàhout«'the year- as, excellent and in manv- re-. spects the season was one, of the best in the history of, the club, according to President McClure. Child Study Grouip Grows at, St. F rancis (Contributed) A iiew -group flot lheard f roni niuch as yet is thé Child Study, class' of the' St. Francis Xavier school. But, juidging f rom the new faces appearing at :each meeting it will not fie, lQng before Mrs. Dalton's home cannot accommoidate thé fast-growing, circle., Mrs. Frank J Do,,%rl of the Logan- Howard Parent-Teacher association sat ini with this group at its Iast meeting and gave a comprehensive report '-of, the state Parent-Teacher conven tion in East'St. Louis, to,,ývhich she was adele- thear station masters and naggage, men to assist, have miade it possi.-le for the' clubs' to ship' in enormous boxes of donations regularly on th.e ýmorning trains, ail without anN! ex- pense. An increasing amount of, ilowers and fruit. is being received each year. -in' 1930' approkimately' 2,000 large boxes -of flowerswree- ns of iothers :)lof and chairman- 'of publicity for the take up their sun'iner residence-. Their whole Chicago area; Mrs.-Franlc 'W. three daughters, Betty jane, Geraldine, Kingsley of; Evanston, genèral chair-. and Virginia, who attend school in the man of the Milwaukee division o! south, .will return 'with their parents.- North Westerni railrbad:, and Mrs. Their.ion, Fred, Jr., who is, at Notre Walter Gore Mitchell of WIlmette, Dame, will, retutrn* te Keniiworth for chairmani of publicity for this distriet. the-summerholidas with his parents. ture dîlU i oisiiver. Because the' advent of. this fi' into the Chicago, field of art is of more than ordinary significance a number, of affairs -have been arranged to ,signalize the event. The house of Symons was founded, by- Henry Symons, himself a collec- tor of antiques. I