TWO VERY CO'MFORTABLE CON- . necting rooms furnished, in suite or «separate. Kitchen and garage option- ai, desirable east ide location. Ph. Wiiniette 965-R between. 2 and 8 p.în. NICE PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1. OR 2. Near transper. 564 Ceinter St.-Win- netka. Phone Winnetka 3218. 51L3-ltp, ROOMFOR,,RENT, NICELY FURN., front room lin private home. Conv. to ail transp. Ph. Wilmette. 3925. 5ILTN3-ltc LOVELY ROOM IN FINE LOCATION, 2,bloeks from trans. Also garage. 805 Vernon Ave. Phone Glencoe 158, 51LTN2-tfc SINGLE ROOM WITH KITCI-EN, AT 410 Provident Ave. Winnetka. Cail Winn. 3235. 51LTN2r2tp 2 FRONýT ROOMS,* FURNISHED OR unfurnished, for gcouple or single. Phone Winnetka M39. 5lL3-ltp 83" BOARD AND R0014 WILL BOARID AND ROOM COUPLE. breakfast and dtiXi'é , $25 Week. Near trans.,portation. Ph. Wilmette 818. 53L3-ltc Ise FOR RrLNT-APARTrmENTrs UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE MODER-N 5room apt., availabie immediately; near laké, eiec.,retiig. Iteas. rentais iiluding garage. 1, -1 room apartment unfurn. an~d single furnis hed rooms. 930 Spazish Court. XiI, Ph. Wil. 2920 56LTN3-ltc IST FWOIL APARTMEN T IN: EAST side home. Large living rin, bdrm., ,kitchen 'and bath. Ligit sunny rooms, private entrance poi'ch, also yard. oi i heat. Neur t lsp leferences. Illone Wiimette .204. 5GL3-lt!i 1Ný HUB1 A," WOO(D$ ANI) GLEIN- ýoe higilasjàs 2 3 and 4 rooms, fur- iiisie d, and unfurnighed, e50 to $110. Muchanicai refrigeration, 2, transp. Mr. Thompsoli, Winnetka 3138. 56LTN1-4te 916 OAKWVOOD AVE., W 1 L M E T T E L2id uinheated' 3 rooni apt. Modern stove heatp coal s:uppiied, garage. optional. Ph. Sunnyside )4;>l. 561,49-tfc 662 v rothy K. Ross Ave. Giexicoe 305-986 60LTN3-ltp TO RENT-7 RM. HOUSE, 731 11TH St., mater heat, garage. E. Bide. $90m00 10 rai. house, 1104 Greenleýf Ave., Ig. garage Wan be used as shop. Cor. lot in> fine condition. $125. Fle.ntye, 729 Lake Ave. Ph. W1l. 1382 60L1'N45-tfc 6 'RM. flOUSE FOR RENT, NEARI transportation, rent reasonable. Ph., Wilmette 4416. 6OLTN3-ltc COMFORTABLE 5 ROOMS WITH porc h alsd 9 rooms on beautiful cor- ner. Ph. Winfetka 1630. 6LT3-ltp 41 FOR REgNIr-FURNISHED HOUISE IN HIGHLAND PARK, SUMMER moniths'or longer - beautifuliy fur~- niished 7 room house, 3 baths, sleep- ing porch; also open screen, porch. 1 block to 'lale. 3. biocks *-to trans. Phono Highland Park .1506. ATTRACTIVE flHOUSF, NICELY LO- cated. 2 bedrmils. slp. pch. and large livDg peh. Offly $85 a month. Phione Glencoe 3»5. 6ILT!N3-1tp CHARMING FUnNlSHFD RENTAL. Caîl Mrs. Winscott. Winnetka 1267. 61LTN3-ltp 6ý6 FOR 1JENT-STORES & OFFICÉS Glencoe State Bank IN SUITE 0F 1-2 OR011OM ýsuitabie fo)r Doctor, Dentist,' Archi- tect ojr any busineýss reoj.ii-iing o(ffice space. Low rentai. 66LT36-tfe 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES SH1ýIllt)A-N 110AD- AT CEN'ýTR-AL' AVENUE l'mn., 4 ha. firepî:oof home pi'. the lake, park, bathiflg. beach, traflsp. anid schls. There are 4 m1aster bedrmsi., and.3 tile bas. ýoi the 2nd fj ir.; 2 Èel'vant's virns. and bic Ôùn, the 3rd fir. served with a back stairWay f1 o11 the kit- chenliall. a chariflg sun mi. with open .pch. whieh o'verlooks , beau. lawis; brkfst. în and butlël"ls. pan- tr-y; ý r gai.; h., w. gas- heat. This houe i conisti-ucted ýwith stçei rae vvoxk, !Soid ma ijjsonriy vals , tie roof; tule and colicrete betWee l lî's,-tljOe bes5t poýssible homle conlstruction. owflCi. o)ffers for $10,O00 iess tilaul this housu cost hin 3ý ago. wooded. O6JXII5. 111 ueautiuluîicon woo)d. 2515 Marey St. Evanston. aise CHARMING, NEW ENGLISH HOME, Modern la ecjýpment-brick-1O rais.. 3 ha., oil heat. l3eautlfui Lawn witb old treels. Ufnusually low priced for suec.h a spaclous home.1 945 Val ley Rd., Glencoe Woodsi Glencoe. and ENGLISH NORMAN HOME-Nr Lake New brick home ln restrlcted estates. Communit,.ý with Ripaianà privleges. 8 rms. 3. ha. Real Buy. 2542 S. Deere, Park Diry.. Highland Park. also. Thlese Fine Homes. REAL VALUES. 8 MS. 3 BA. RED BRICK Will trade. 720 Jackson Ave., Gieflcoe. S RMS. 3 BA. Lot 100x198,,541 Lincoln Ave., Giencoe 8 RMS. 3 BA. NEW BRICK. 720 Gr3eenleaf Ave., Gleflcoe. 9 R NIS. 3 B.A. REAL SACRIFICE. S. Deerë Park, HighiIld Park. OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. 8 RMS. 1 BA. ENGLISH TYPE., Extr:a fine value. 1153 Asbury Ave., WKinnetka. TO CLOSE ESTATE-6 *R %S. 2 13.A. Solid brick:,mell arranged. Cor. Mc- Daniel and Noyes, Evanston. WILL, TRADE FOR 2 Olt 3 APT. 6 rais. 2 ba., brick-laig o, 02] 2323 Central Park Ave., Evanston. FULL INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE. OMS11;CONTAINED [N Library of Fine Homes 528 Davis St- . 111,> Greeleaf18 5 andI slnIyd rltjl 1071 Skokie IRidge Dr. dlenc0e Gece1554 Briargal1e 31 si) 721,TN3-ltc À M ISE... ON LOT 150x185 XITI! tres ad shrubs. IHardwood Itoors throughout. 2 large scre'ued l" oi'clWs Coneflentlocation. $0O0.iligllaild Park 1428. > 72L-I 74 FOR SALE-VACANT BEAJTILJLLOT 120x160, IN SE-- 1101 f fnehomes and estates. Value~ $15 er t. Wilsel). ta saqrlifice. Make çffer. - r? --1 0 M gutj. W. I. Bullard, who represented the local Chamber at the annual meet- ing of the United States Chamber of Commerce at Atlantic, City three weeks ago, will be the speaker. His subject wil be. "Business-Yesterday and, Tomtorrow." In bis talk, Mr. Bullard will, touch, on matters of interest to-Wilmette business men-niatters that directly affect their business. His .tiak also will include a report on the annual convention of the national* Chamber. Mr. Bullard is ýWidely known throughout the country for'bis activi- ties in the interest of aviation and, for bis ability as a speaker. Hie is also well known in banking circles, be- ing> vice-president, of the Central Trust 'Company of Ilinois. At pre3ent Mr. Bullard is. chair- man of the' aviation committee of the United States Chamber of Com- merce. He was.formerly a director of that' organization, ' and, was at one time presitient of the B.oston Cham-ý ber of Commerce. Officiais of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce have been trying to se- cure Mr. Bullard to speak before the local business men for sevýeral .months, and consider themselves fortunate in completing the arrangements for bis~ appearance 'at the Chamber meeting june 1. A large attendance is ex- pected. Two Scouts of Troop 12 Pass Tenderfoot Tests Vista del Lago Troop 12 held their Board of Review last Monday. There were two Scouts who passed their Tenderfoot tests. They then played games. outside. Wben it got dark thie Scouts went in to have some drill- ing. When they got through drilling they talkéd about. how rnany Scouts would pass,,tests at the next meeting. There were five.Scouts getting ready. i-Tro'op reporter, John Gleason, Troop-12. 86 FOR SAL E-HOUSEHOLD GOODS LIV INGx ROOM COUCHT, FINE springs; plain tapestry cover, sflght- iy worn. $20. Cali Wix>netka 685. 8S6LTN3-ltC FO)R SALE - KITCýIEN WARE AND furniture., suitable for summer ceot- FURNISHE.D AND U apartments for ren priced. Winnetka. 690 e0 FOR -HOUSES _______________________________ gar., value $20,000 for smaller homne, t i testa nyv Uc-LU NEW FIVE ROOM BRICK .4ND vacant, or summer cottage. Write thâ.t there will bo sold at the home o~f stone Engliihcottage, 1872 Kil.est Ave., fully, owIIOr 7534 N, Clark St., Chica-go. Mrs. H.. Schroeder, 511 Kotilworth Ave- NorthbrffOk, ilË bath, 12x21 living 85LTN1-3tCý nue, Renilworth, beginning 15 days after room, two chambers, atta.checl garage, -- î-e t satisfy storage charges, 1 table, warm air beat, $10,500 cash' or terins. 86 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLP 600DB 2 barber chairs, 2 office chairs, 2 mir- Best buy in Northbrook. Write'or rors, 1 wali case andriscellaIeous sup- phono wnr LIVING ROOM, AND SUN ÉARLOR plies. O. F. MUELLER ýsets, baby's Kiddie coupe bed. Good MRS. H. SCHROEDER, 1006 Hiliside Rd., Northbrook, Ph. 2Ô1 cond'ition.. a1 Wlette 45.Kenîlworth, III. 72LTN3-ltC 86L3"Itp L2-t FOR. RENT OR SALE -7. ROOM miodemn house, 4 acres of ground, bearlng fruit. Rent $65 per mo. Ph. 'Wll1mette.1170.1 6OLTN-ltC