Tbis store is as cdean as your borne and all food is bandled ac- cordirig to tbe most exacting requirements o f modern sanitation. W. are constantiy watchful-irelessly cleaning-and buy only .from wbolsalers with *qually high standards. IECONOMIES-SIAÀY 22 .TO.MAY. CALVES SWEETBREADS., Fresh.. BEEF POT ROAST. Fancy native, cbuck HAM SHANKS. 3,,ta 4 lb. average. While they last. ....... NEW POTATOES.-Select .even s ize red.s 28 IL. 49c lb. 25c, IL >15c peck- 43c SUGAR. Pure cane granulated. 10 Ibs. 55C LAUNDRY SOAP. P & G White Naptha.lO bars 39c SOAP FLAKES. American Family largest size. . ea. 45c PEANUT BUTTER. Beec.hnut large ljar, . e. 21c RICE KRISPIES. Kellog 1Sc carton:... .2 for' 23c TOMATO JUICE. Welch's in battles... . ... Pt. 19C COFFEE. Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand, .lb.. ORANGE SLICES. Pure true flavar gunidrops. . ILb 38c 19C CRBMEAT.. Baby Stuart 1/2 ýlb. tins of extra fancy 60% claw ,mieat,.. .3 for $ 1.00 PEARS. Large Noa. 21/ tins.containing 12 t.fo 14 halves ,of New York stemmed Bartletsin richsrpfn23 GREEN BEANS. No. 2 size tins State stringless. cut beans. af extra f>ancy York 2 tins 29c rooni and pro shop to replace. the portion cf the clubhouse destroved 4v fire last Thanksgiving day. Fredl Otte, Jr., cf Evanston, is president of the club. The men's annual -,ta, first importantý social event of the verat the 1clubý, is, to be held tonight (Tiurýday), with Robert Zuppkir University of Illinois footb)all 'coacti, as speaker. The season wi11 get into fuId sw&ing'on Decoration Day. Thar nikht the first dinner dance Of the season will be held. \Vives of the club. mzmbers. held . their openitig hincheon Tuesdav "of this ek RETURNS FROM TRIP > Roy C., Osgood of 423 Kssex road, Kenilworth, returned 'this:week f rôni a trip to.White SuIp'.hur. Springs, Va., and' Ncwý York.. During his trip he attended the annmal1 meeting of the Investment Bankers at White -Sulphur_ Springs and on his wvay back he visited his three sons, Citon, who is at, Princeton;. AI- fred,. at Exeter, and, Gilbert, wvho is at Harvard. NVhile at Princeton, Mr. Os-. g(( attended the Princeton-Yale Athi- letic mecet. Mrs. C. 'N. Hunîhut, who hwý rented hen home in Xilmiette, is n'ow living at 188 M,\yrtle street, Winnetka. the Edwand W. Thoniases, .1136 Chestnut, avenue, attended the. an- nual spring fortnal ait the ýUniversity- of Wisconsin. She was the guest, of Carbon -Duhbs, Jr., oà Wlmte wben .rubbish is rernoved free of charge f rom the parkways and res- idènts of the village are encouraged to clean up their own propertv and adjoining vacant lots, if thiere are any. Notices sent out to Kenilworth householders this* week. I the im- provement . assôciation .requested thern, to avail thenioselves of th, free rubbish rernioval service and to co- operate in the -general campaign of cleaning .up -and beautifving, the vil- lage. "Help keep our village'beauti- fui" is the slogan of the Ca mpaigil. Officers of flic, Kenilwortli, lin-. provement association.for the coiîning vear are: H. C. Hintzpeter. president; E. F., Hamm, V'ice-presidenit;, Harry W. Mons, secretary. and Wariier C. Lewis, treasurer. The directors of the organization are: F. E. M. Cole, .T. Math ieson, T. E. Moritz, Leow B. Allen, R. W. Starrett and Burt A. Crowe., Want Strict Rules'oin Billboards in Village: The Wili'ette Leagu f oen Vogters, in a comm unication addressed to the Village board at its regular nieet- ing 'Tuesday night, asked for, the pas- sage of an ordinance. providing for more_ st rict regulations oný the erection of bilîboards in Wilni'ette.. Thetniatterý was referred to the streets and'alleys coninittee of the board, of wvhich *Trustee Arthur Lee is chairman. M -.----..-.- - I "%Kit v CENTRAL AND> TWELFTH WILMETTE GROCERY PHONE 5110 M1ARKE~T PHONE, 514 -> i. e. E- I * 1 :GOES.