I~I An nouncîing th.e'.Openin New Store for <Men and Boy S ln the first:Natoa ank Building The Store Forme rly Operated by Pau ae i formerly L L Lj Mens Shirtsvales 1J5I o 2.O i iH v g ougriit te entîre stock d $.50-$4.OO, sesait>, f ixtures, .we wili open this INew Store Thursday, May 2l St 8:30- A. M. Everyt hing us be sold in the next few- days to make room for' our new sommer merchandise. Mens Hos. of Fancy Lisle and Rayon; * vlute $ 75c; pr, 3 5c, 3 pr.fI $V Men's Hose, pure silk, 75c value. Now45 selling, pair ... 5 Men's Golf Hos. of Wool. Values up t to $2.50, now .. 14 Men's Golf Yests of WooI tcnit fabric. reautar &n n I foncy colors $1.95 Yvalue, sale ....... and stripes, . $l1.45 Men's Ties, frmerl Y 89 c sold l'o $1.50, now. Mens Ties, formerly69 sold et $ 1.00, rnw..9 Mn's Shirts, values up to $2.00, sae $1.. 1 Men's.Shirts, values $2.50-$3.00, sae. *4 Mens Umbrellas, reguler sze wtb crook bandie. Sale...$ * 9 Mens Hose of mercerized' lislc. 5W $11c.O Men,'sSot Hats selhing ai $5.00,'$6.00, $4.50. Now priced "s Hats $.45 ~$119 or. -Menarn, MEN'S NAINSOOK ATHLETIC Unin Sts,$1 .00 value, now- 50c i - MENS SHORTS of fancy broadcloth with eIastic or tie sides, $1 .00 value. kAkilIc CA/ircC D ii vzTCr IoyS' First Ntil. Benk,'Buildinq Phoneiéwl. 1588 Mns now hes up t q~ Is I ~