t 'time at the Econioiy 'shop in W'il- Isabel Moiter and Kate Pentzer "te" hiatrp o h 'o an 's club of Wilmette.. Hlouseholder' Stokes in Program at Vista in the village are urged lbv its chair- del Lago.May 25 man, Mrs.- enry E. Cutler, as tliev ransackc closets.andattics, and chies.% The Vista del. Lago,'is to lie the of drawers an'd survey -their roo.pi locale for the annual spring luncheon ivit.h crÈitical«ieye, decidifig upoii wh%-ai -of the Wilmette League of WVxni ieicesý of furntueth1,iike Voters Monday, May, 25, at 12:30 upof. what they mav. discard as, they o'clock. Because of tlhe exýceI1ence change the general scheme of tlings.ý ,and.charm of, the program the leaguie in their homes, to keep the Econoiîn is offering that dàay, it, is makinig its slip and. its needs in mnind. ManyI invitation an open one, and anvone .things no longer in use or desired i inerstd nattending oret'Vin i mette homes find an important ing.guests that day, has the privilege niche at the sjiop where persons wit!î of making reservationis. Isabel Motter littie means may. purchase' clothing of Wilnýette, sop)rano, and Katle Peuit- and household goods of 'aIl kinids at zer Stokes, reader, w*l ieth r-a verv nomina sm.'rie calLat this grain following the luncheoîî. time)f unernployînent is unisuailv Absiness imeeting wl e isset buntil 12eatlel'l Anvone havn d to~to lniake from 12 .utl1:30, a which time vn ôain polls will be openi for the election of înylav hm tte îo1o on municate with Mrs. Cutler, whose ad-, oficers for the coming.'year. dress is 407 Central avenue, and s5e Guests.will be seated at tables of -ilI aiefrtei olci six, eigbit, or ten, and those giving little lunicheon parties mlavr have thieir own table. 'Reservations are to l>e Glencoe D A.R. Sets made with Mrs. la.rry Smiooti. 731 Day for Board Meeting Park avenue, by noon Frida-, No- Mr.X BMacetreeto vemer 2..wli istothe c-Glenicoe chapter, 1). A. R., ani- Mrs. Motter, w i obc accoili- flou ,ce .s th -e firist board mneeitng -of panied by lier h.usland, HaroldNiol-th ne er'tbe edatlr ter. well known pianist, ivill sineg tour-, home. 403 (Wýove ýstreet, Glenco'e, on selection on her p em:"op'e 'Tuesdlay, May 26, 'àt 10 o'clock. in he irTodv~ byEde " Lii- ShIe also) asks tlîat those. who 'xvouldI laby,- Sctt; "Last 'Nighit,!' 1w Rjer- like b t(_ elîtertain the chjap)ter, next * ulf: "I Heard a Crv," 'Fishier. -saocnmnct ihtecar Mrs. Stokes, one ô0<.the piît1ular esn ointtlce vihhehar dramticartits f toav nd ti mai oi the social cotiiinitte,' Mrs. draati atiss f tda an te Pos- lEranicis S. Grahiain, .of 397. Palos sesoro a lowng ersnaitva rchroad, Glencoe. By early attention artstc epeiene ndmucbper- t themnatter it is more possible to reading of "floliday,,"' the wili known tive Ilostess. apopc play by Plhilip Barry. Kate. Pentzer _________ Stokes is i'ot mnerely a reader of A plays, but shie reproduces the original A Vista del La go production, flo.t al'one the linles of the Club Vista del 1Lago ati.iouî.cei a, plav, but each mintonation, gesttîr1e, KEeno dance oil Saturday . evei'iing, and mannerism of ec charact er in 1Mayv 23, for club niiembi,-ers aiîd their it. guests. Sunday, aitergiooti, at 4 :30 o'clock Northridge Club 'Not ,es KenthEglso Foster 'îll give The mnibers of thé No rthiridg(e -alêiîîe Art"Moenad.Ace W Noman's club enjoyed a verv inteýr- '1l e'lb vil olAarait,"xîe * esting talk bY Mrs. I1VOr jeffrevs. bridge WVedniesday, May 27. 'Host pre:îdent of the Tenlth district, ii- and hostess for the eveîîing ill be -osFederation oa WdlMrs.iW. clubs, av'lev' their *ast ièetingý, Mav 11, at i'lie r.lenoer. W.Ri Iar professional women frorn all parts of the Ujnited States are turned- to- ward Richmond,. Va., where the first biennial convention ,of the National Federatioxi of Business and Pro.fes- sional Wom en's clubs ivilil)beheld, j uly 6-1.1.. Approxinmately - 2.500 delegates, .represetinig ,l,300. local' business ,anîd-professionat wômiiien's clubs, ill attend. Eight special trains -from varions sections of the' country will cariy the delegates, to theé convýention. Chief among th.ose, is the Presiidenit's' special, on, which Miss. Ma.rion H. ýMcClenich of Ann Arbor, Micli.,,tlhe natiornal, president, wili travel. Thi train will1 start fromn Chicago' early on -Julvý 4, and, make officiai stops ilIi Indiana,. Ohip, West Virginia, a ad irginia. North Shbore Girls 'On. Staff .of College Bo ok Tlîree inorth shore girls are i- cludc-d ini the retuiris onthe electiois 'for the 1932 stâ'ff of "'T1îeŽNational,- the student year boo0k of die Na- tionial College of Eýdution.' Miss 'Svdiiev S!Iithi of Evatiston, ý,Vas elected orgabization, editor : Miss >Esther Stodlard., 524' iLake avenfue. WýIimette,,assistaânt business manager, anîd Miss Elsie Dodo, .401 [Lake alve- nune, XVilmnette, hiuior efitor. Otlier niemnbers of the staff are : Bettv Gil- ixîian, editor, Katlierine Diack,bui ness manager; Helen Burke, as- sistant eçitor; FHelen X\Valtcir,. art editor, Angie Naîl, phioto editor. Miss Marian -%Masteriînan ofEa- ston, xvas elected president of lie junior class for '32: Miss Master- iaai %-as vice-president of the freshi- .man class of '30 and lias.edited thle studetît paper, -Chiaiff duriig the past year. Mrs. Frederick Tilt New Chair- man, Needs Clothing and Furniture for ýCamp The W ilîet te-ArdeniiShore, 1)rarr hel it fnal meeting of the season Thursclay, of last week at the home of . Mrs., Hans Gantzel. 527 Liýntei. avenue. During the all-dav' meeting the year's sewing for the, camp uas completed and -new officers. were electfed. Mrs. Vrederick Trilt has beeti choseà to be in charge of the boarcl's affairs for 'the coming . ear., Mrs. F. L Tolman wvas, . elected treasurer:; Mrs. P.ercv B..i, Idler; secretary; Mrs. S.' D. McPherroni, industria! chair>man : Mrs. F. A. Cushing-Smith. puhblicity: Mrs. Willis Hutson, sul- -ver;ý Mrs. F. C. Huffman,Eoom shop schedule. Mrs. Hutson-w~itlit'îe 10.277 soalp wrappers, and soapý citip panels.,lhas heeni able tO procure for 'Arden Shiorý three' dozen teaspoons, otie -electric iroil, mie lhotsehoid scale, on tea- ket-- tde, eighit white etinel cookilig ket- tles, two (lozen Waslh clottîs, and(l ii..îe 'huck band towels. lTle board ex- presses its appreciation to its (lonoýrF for-the neat vay ii hcïnhe o- îîoîî.s. aiid.,paiiels %vere cnt onta:l sent in., Atý this .seasoxi) whe n north shiore chatelaine 's are liaviiig theirbic freshiened aiid renovated, anîd w îvardrobes are beiiig renewed. the Arden Shi-ore associationi rexîindiiýo- the articles nee(led for the iiiini- camp, sweaters, raîîî coats, slîoes for girls from 14-17, anid for babies, smnail chiildren and wvoneîî, dresses for con- valescenit girls froin 8-12.ý simple hiouse dresses -for, ometn,, lat!iin,- suits for ail ageès, furniture, esp)ecia!lv, l>aby, carniages, small tables, -siîngle beds, rugs,, chairs.. iron cots. an.d. mat- tresse s. Hielen Hembree Coburu wvil giv'r several readings _this eveinig at the ýD. B. E. Hostess Todaq nieeting of the Junior . u iliarv of 'Cii)ràid 1 it- le Wllili' C f Wihntte NIstret,' w»il be hostess. to the Cami- Cobruis el kîow onth notbrIidge chapter of 'the Daugh-lters (<-, shiore and lias appeared on club pro- the British Empire Fridav afterno)on, grains througliout this coun trv a a 2 h etn iib ipr in Caada.a farewell one for Mrs. George Thtirsby, regent, w-ho is sailing the Meet for Luncheon latter: part of the mlonth for Scot- -\ xI Ir n, TT .,.,_e 1vkQ land. '.efrs.Thomas TVahieson of Spoke to Meet May 2 6 Spoke three of the Presbvtenian church will bold its last meeting of the season Tuesday, Mlay 26, at the home of Mrs. Walter 1. Beamn, 411 Sheridan road, It will be an ail day meeting. Withl.uncheon at,12:30. L)elegates f roin, the Xoiani's Cath- olic club of Xiliette to the cou- yention of the Illinois State Federa- tion of W\onienis clubs being held' thi- week at the Sheri-nan hotel are Mrs. A. \.Boylstoiî and 3Mrs. Frank Thale . ' Alterna'tes' are Mrs. Harry, Barker 'and, Mrs. George -Schi1bach.ý netka." association, andi Miss N~ancy ±Fannui, social chairniân, are in charge of ar- Mrs Betnie ardnk r csrangements for the trip, which is an daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Chfarles annual affair. A. Harding, 726 Washington avenue, Wilmette, -has just returned fromn a The'-DraaSuylbmtyester-. fou'r.months' trip through the souith- day-with Mrs. Frank L Koontz, 1121 w~estand along 'the Pacific coast. Ashland avenue.