otner schools entereti-she placed fourth ini a meet where over thirty schools participated.. Oak Park won the meet with 17 points, Mairne was second with 15, ljrbana third with 14/, New Trier was fourth with 14,, * and ail the rest of the schools Nvere * scattered bhncorisideraàbly ont of, the running. The fact that but tliré e points "separated. the fourth place from the first place team shows huwm close.was the competition. George :Quinlan, .New Trier's sa sprinter, showed his mettie by mîal- ing. himself. state champion in t4ic 2-Y"O .yard dash, and runnerup in the 100- yard.,. Good old Hank Bender' caine throughi in the low hurdies and siînpfbIy ran away from the. field to wiîn. Li is stili the consistent ;winner be was * th roughout thé, entire indoor season. Two State Champions Thus Neéwv Trier can pat l obi 3 the back for iiavinig two state chi-ý pions. Thîe score at the bcginning. of thec 880-yard relay was in fayor of New Trier, but since ýher relav teuni, fbau * fot made the tnip,:if ivas seen fliat slie could flot win, OJak Park, Urbana, andI Maine being so C'lose,'behind and 1liav- i ng rvlay teams entered. Oakl Park caîried. out heir wvinnlng streait, nai. i ng thec old record by 1.2 seconds. Stevens of Joliet sinashed anýotflîci * record in th(- snot put. ,le Ushed thu *weight. 51, feet 6 inches. ther new records were madle as follows: Vid miller of Picasant IHill in .1,11e jvl with a heve of 185. fret 7 M. Llu iifh~ * and Stanseli of Centralia -in the broad jump with a leapof2 et3 inches. Summaries: 100-Yard Dash-Won by Portmnar (Urbana> ; Qutintlan (New Trier), sec- ond; Herman (Oak Park), third.; \is-ý tart, (Christoplier)., fourt b; Hall (Tay-. lorville), ifthl. Tine-0 :10.4. * One-mile Run--Won by C__thr (Mt. Vernon) ; Weaver (La GriÏnge), second; Jones (Herrin), third; Tubbsý *(Shelbyvllle), fourth; Longman (Mt, .Morris), fifth. Tme-4 :34.7.: -7Shotput--Wofl by Steplian (Joliet) ;1 Ovson (Oak Park),' second; Burnelt (Libertyville), third; ý$eaberg (Seiiii),, fourtLh; Rogenski (Moline), if L. iisý, tance-51 teet e inches. New Illinois interscholastic record. (Old record, 50 feet il juches, made by Kam .(At- wood), 1930). 22 0- Yard Dash-'Won by Quinflan (New Trier)», Portmari (Urbana), sec- ond; .Vistart (Christopher), third; Her- man (Oak Park>), fourth; Hall (Tay- lorville),. ifth. 'rime-O :23. 120-Yard H]khR1{rdles Won by Pol- Iard (Senn.); Petefish (Virginia), sec- ond; Nordin (La Grange). third; Vinin Senn), fourth; -Clark(en) 4Vian, ni (. (Senn), £. f&& The Ne,% residentsc pleasure ot hiearing Pr IHttchins ne isi A stude er WilIq nsS ( Cntinued on Pave .13) s~ -~- ... EN COU RAGEME NT CONGR -w *.... *JUS -- *0. .,* --~ T 0 young people away t choo, the lest Iew weeka ,efore vacation are ail impor-, tant. A telephone, ciii Irom e"the Ifolksl' wiIi ckeer them on to finish their stuclies success-« fuly.r To those graduating a Long Distance 88uJ4IU rau - vron )'.. lim (Maine) ; Fox (Deerfield), second ; Grills (Duquoln>, third; Dufln (Pelin), fourth;- Pierce (West Aurora), fif L. Runnlng Hli Junip-Won by Miller (Roosevet); Spurgeon (Cent ralia), Cast (Ogden)- and Joniet (Freepoit), tied for second; T'horton (Maine) and