Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 34

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* The Chicago-North Shore Music festival, lbelinluPatten gyinnasiiutn. closes with two brilliarit performn- ances on Saturday of. this week. North shore-.children wili be heard in Gilbert and Sullivan ai rs i,'thie afternooti at 2 :15 o'clock, jeannette Vreeland, soprano. will sing a group of solos. and the Chicago Syvmphony.% orchestra will. plav. In the evening the soloists are Eleanor Reyniolds. contralto; Walter 'Widdop, tenorn; the festival chorus. ,and the Chicago Symphony. orchestra. Florence, Austral, soprano, Dani (ridiey, 'tenor. the festival chorus, the A Cappelia'choir. and the Chicago Symphony ocesr aescheduied for Thursday .evening.. T1e-dipzuas wili be heard in Roussel's "Eighitieth * Psalmti," a modern work. ,t ýVili aýiso) sing the march froni."The Queen ,of Sgheba,» by Goldmnark. -Dean'Lutkin wiii direct the A Cappella, choir ini a group of songs. He'h as returned from California especialyv to conduct the choir. Miss Austral wili sing "Wie Nabte mir der. Schluminer" *froin Weber's "Der F.rie 'schuetz"; "She. Laughecl," a ballad by Lich- ina; "Dreary SteîYpe," Gretchaninowv; * "Hynin to the Sun."' Georges; "Char- *manit l'Oiseau" froni "La Perle du * Bresil,'" bv David,,, with flute obbli- *gato played by -er 'husbaud. Johin Amadio; and ýselections fr-om "Die * Goetterdaernmeruung," by Wagner. Mr. Gridiey %*ll be heard as., soloist with the chorus in the Rous- sel work. On Saturday aftirrioon, the chiidren will si ng "The Magnet andl tl': Çburn," frorn "Patience", "Carefull\v on Tîp Toc Stealing." Ifroni "Pina- fore"; '" Tit -Willow Il from "T he Mikado";. "When the Foeian B ares His Steel," fromni "Pirates of Penz- ance," by Gilbert and .Sullivan. The popular, Fletcher ca-ntata. " iThe Wai-' rus and the Carpenter, will be heard, again this year.. The chorus wîll also sing short songs, "Afton Water," a. -Scottish folk Song; 1 "The Angier'-, Song," Izaak . Walton; "St. Patrick W. a <Genteman an Irish f olk A Ruissian revue, "The Blue B;rd," wiii be the second concert on the *Artist-Recitai series sponsored by the, W\innetka Music club, for next seasoii. It .wiII be given on Novem-' ..ber 30. A fascinatiril, novcitv. 'the revue has delighteil*lond(oii, Berlin., Paris and other c'ontinenti capitols. for ten re ars. It. cornes frorn the Tmnperia. theater of Moscow, a.s did the "Ch auve Souris." 1-t xili he ade;iUp of. folk songs. Cossack Song. Cali- cas ian songs, Volga b)oat songes. and sentimental songs. ."The Blue Bird" combines -the. elenients of dramna. tare comedy and.great music. >The actors. posscss an uncanniv power of pictoriai effect in thiem- seves which makes them totaily in- dependent of scenery. and it.is.,alto- gether a quaint, exbtie entertainmiient that will appeal to amateurs of 'the stranige and the bizarre. The Rus- sian players are artists, and original. Ihey have good v'ices. they are ver- satile, and the performances. are great in their completeness. One finds perfection'of detail, s3noothness and pish, characterized by colorfu. and striin setn, eccentric and artistic.ý There are scenesof charm- ing fantasy, and the show as a-wholc is strange and beautifuL The Winnetka Music club feels that "The Blue Bird" . differs' so com- pleteiv iin character f rom the cus- tomary concerts that it wiljl add a piquant flavor to next season's re- citai series. The revue appeais to the eye, the ear., and heart simil- taneousiy. Taylor Opera Leads tRevival of Play "Peter Ibbetson." which wil be heard*at Revinia this season, was first produced at His Màje,;tv.1s Theatre,, bo)ndon, on july 23, 1915, as a Play to raise funds for the Allied Base hospitai in Etapies, -France. The per- form~ance was staged and acted in by Constance Collier, a well-.known En- heard in the following prograin on Sunday afternoon, Mav 24, at the Play house, when she appears under the direction of Bertha Ott:. Invocazione di Orfeo <Euridice).. Se, Floyrindo e Fedee ............ .. . . . . .ý....Alessandro Scarlatti MNorir Vogl'io ..'.Emànueled('Astorgat Donzelle Fuggite ... Francesco Cavalli D.u Bist der'Garten ..*.Hn Scholtys Die Ganse* ......... ..,Pichard. Trunk. D)er Sandmnann ........ .... Leo Blech Maine Mutter hat's gewvolIt'..... .~RichardTruxpk Schnitterlied . .. Richard Trunik Now Shines the. Dew,. ..... .....AtonRubinsteini Slyvan Roundelay (Sneour otchka). IMyGiarden. at Night ..... .Sergei iRachmanin.off. Sprlng G:Sachnofsky> Twilight ...Tom, Dobson Birds',Courting Song (1is of Ver- ,mont) . . . Arr. Robert Huùghes Aspiration............-'. Cyril Scott The Catbird ... ..Jos-Sph W.. Clokefl "Haensel,, Gretel" on Civic Opera's List for 1931-32 "HaenseieandGee. the deliiht- fui, German opera bY Hurnperdinck,. wili be given dutring the 1931-2 sea- ýon of.'thé Chicago Civic Opera coni- pany. -The work wili becldone in E-nglish,,à.4it bas heen (jdone by the Chicago company. Tt vwas last pro- duced during the .1927-28 s'éason. Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi." which ranks as an important revival, *wil also be given in Engiish during the- coming season. The opera was highlv successfulinii previous presen- tations wheil it was Sung in Italian., The frank and generous comnedy ofi the libretto. the amusing lines aànd situations, maàke it particularly appro)-, priate as. a work to be sung ini English. During the.t past few weeks the Chicago Civic Opera company bas been deluged witb letters fromn school children, requesting performances of theç Huniperdinck fairy opera. While By Rutheda L. Pretzel Andre Messager's "La Basochie". the French comic opera whl.ch is Io be one of the noveities at Ravinia tlis suirner, is sprightlv . and 5pirited and gives Yvonne hali a great op- Pd'rttlity to showv off the talent. as, a comedienne. which she disp1ai'ed. in ."MarouL." Marie Chîaniee, whose interpretation. of 'ýMarouf" bas made the opera.one of -the fa 1vorite ighter, thlings *of the sgchedule. -xiii ýsing t'le role of a, poet, Clemnent Marot. There is a cî-rolýration of student, of law for the, Parliament of Paris ini the, fourteenth century.'and. tis or- - ganization is gra nted its own ,iamws. regulations. rights, seai andi.monex- hv the, Kings of France. Each, vear th.eý lovous crowd of Istudents selects a King amorfgz its own niei)ers. the prime requisite of 'tii'siorlve royalty being that its winner li 1ve up to, the corporaiitin's voiv of single- hlê,ss.edness. This makes thincrs dif- icuilt for the' nem7est ruder, Clement Marot- . w-o h-as secretly- wedded Colette. When the bride' cones to Paris to join hitn,-. li as- a friene, ask hier. to keep the -marriage .to lier- self and wait for hini at fhe inn. The priées are higher1 than .her m-eans. and. Colette engages herseif as a servant. To this same inn cornes the vouing English Princess 'Marie, (to be stnng: at Ravinia bv Florence. Macbeth'. who h as been married bv proxv (the alzed Duke de Lonigueville) to the nid king of France. Want.ing to see Paris incognito, she has enizaged rôoms overnip.ht for her "huisband" and herseif. The startled. Duke hur- ries to the palace to warn the King. Meanwhule, Marie is attracted bv the cel-ebra;tion.'of La Basoche, the stu- denlt c.orporat ion, whichl is proclaim - îngits King, and she helieves.Clement, to bie thé King of France.,So, for. that matter,, does Colette, and like a1 good wife -she keeps bier status a sertWhe'n Marie invites this ."King"ý. to dine with bier. This double deluision persists wheu, Colette serves the dinner, but the: littie country girl bas bier irining.; fFrederick Jagel,- the tenor who wil be added to the Ravinia Opera coni- pany this summer, bas been enthul- siastically praised for his splendid singing ini the Ann Arbor music fes- - tival imt week., He cornes froni the fMetropolitan >Opéra company with b igh >recommendations. tin i7y %io, i O a a g ............l -q . v - 11., v* gll ... u - j*,,, , OL* ,n.n opera was performed at the 'Metro- ,jean Grasett, Regina Fonthani, Ed- politan, the play hias been revived ward Brodsky, Fay Drucker, Lorainel anud is now on view in New York withi Schultz, Jeannette Robertson, Mary Jessie Royce Landis, an Evanston Louise Schaeffer, Josephine Tracey, girl, as the Duchess, Dennis King as Mary Janet Lersch,*Julia Lineberger. Peter, and Charles Coburn as, the Mary Jane Far'ley, Janet Mathieson., Colonel. Miss Collier 'dii ected the Evelyn Strom,* William Rlig n production,. Dorothy Yetter. Rlig n WINS IN MUSIC CONTEST Sanmuel Thaviu, -young violinist of Wilm ette won first place in the na- tional music contest sponsored by the National 1Federation of Music Clubs, and heid last Saturda in Majdison, -Wis. He played a conicerto by Saint-Saens, a sonata :by Corelli and"Ng" by Er'-iest',Block.-

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