Elm ticlge drive in naýru ai uVN nier's Skokie Ridge, Estates, Glenlcoe. The public is cordially invited to tii exhibit whicb is op)en daîly fromnll a. mn. to 10 1). m. Suc.h a decided interest bias been 1hoc n h the public ýin theErl A.meria exhibition which ýmore, thMn 2,500 peopleattended, it is.statedl. that this display hias heen conitiinued.aiong xitb the, English exhibit for the belle- ---fîîôf those who, were luniahe to at- tend the original showing. There is also on display- a vers' iii- teresting model. showing fire-resist- ing construction. Informnation is available on the construiction. equip- inent and çosts of theý homes eX- h iiite1.. The niodel 'of, the modern fire e- sisti ng construc tion ionu.dîsp lay ,illus- tirates thé iuse of cinder and tue back - up bloélk for wall Construction, an - the ulse of soliri steel joists suppomting a pend1l rod1 reinforced 2-5/8" cord éon Crete .sub-floors: on and arouin J saici joists. insteaci of the use.oi fraine studdiig. sillethitig andi joistsý coi- mnoniv kinown as veneer or odinary, Conistmulct iof. The fire-resisting coil- struction.roof coveringrs should be of asl)estos shingle, siate or tile. Plan., aeno,: being w'oked. oul l)V Baird ani \arner ta rffer a corn- plete >er vice fo' the homei-buying public M coliiueçtion with, the homes dlispiaved iii ýthîs exhihit. Ili a shiort timiie. not oiily mwiii the cost of the Iliau-se. ai that (À the homlesites avai- able iii Baird ai. Xarnemr's prop)er- tics. as weii as ini othier desirah.ie rcsidenitiai Sections, of thie nothi shore, be- made available ta pexrsofls interestcd, in new homes, it is ex- piaied. but a definiite figure \v Il be furnishied for the cost of, the house, the bomesite, 'financing charges, titi!- chargeýs, insurançice..and otcîer ex- penses icdetitotecompletion of a..bone. The'.Eîiglish. display xvwiii be fol- * lowed bv exhibits of French architec- turé, june 1 to june 21, and contem- *poarY doimestic architecture, june 9- to juIY 15, at Skokie Ridge Estates, located in Glencoe between Dunidee and Green Bay roads. naine for our new r cleaning proc9ss. The Village Cleaners, inc.' 1209 Washingtonl Ave. WILMETTE Aruv 1, i unisia, "-ccXM .Y Palestine, E-gypt,. Italv, and France, as weli as the Islands of Maderia, 'Malta, 'Rhodes, and Cyprus. They spent most of April in Paris renew- ing oid acquaintançes in the Amner- can coiony. 'Uponi returning to Amieich thev. visiteri their, daugb- ter, B3etty, at Welleslevr coliege, - vhere she us :a.senior, andi motoreti home. Their journév was niost en- joaland the hîgb spot of the 20.000l miles of travel was a, steamer tnpf) oni the.-Nu-ie river to. Assua'n, i E.g-vpt, and return.ý Officer John Wilkinson. coversStolen.Auto Ofcrjohin Wilkinson of the 'Ken- ilworth Police . force reco 1vemed a stolen car,'S-und(av nlight after chasiflg it nloth on Shqeri:dan road from,"Teuii street ta Kenilwomôth avenue iii Keinil-ý worth. Becauise of the heav% traf ic the o ffiter could nlot1 overtake the, car ulntil it hari been abandoned on Keni1- worth avenue: about a hutndreri fee Aest of Sheridan oari, according- ta the Kenilworth police. report of thie accidenit. Thetw occupants of the stolen car, whlch. it vas later mè- veaied, helongeri to>Tary -T. Breck. 847, Pdeaenue. Evanston, bari fieri. The car xvas stolenl at theé. Shavne Cunryclub iWiimtte bv two vouth1 ý hohave' inlCC leefl identified as menl>e rs oi a gn carthee IN PIANO RECITAL Fridav, 'Mav 22. from 3 o'clock un- tii 5, Mrs. George NMacFaddeli WiIi open her home ,for a musical tea. 'The pogram wiii be given by sev- en ten-vear .01(1 chiidren who are* plupils of Domothy L. Pount. Ap- pearing on theprogramn wiil be Eniri S trafford., Mary Mav Crawford, Lil-- 'hian FranesMacFàdde'nPatricia - Fisher. B etty Lu ricson,.Jn *Everson. ami. David Geppert. 2.m..fand i Mms. johin O'Connor, 149 Keniiwomth avenue, Keniiworth, 'at- e tendeti the Kentuckv Derby. They weethe bouse' guests of Mr. andi Mrs. P. J. Duffy of Louisville. I 202 So. Stat. St. I .318-Century BIdg. Webster .7187 SPORTSWEAR> Knitted Dresses and Suits Lightweight Wool Frocks Leather Jackets TrOWN - CLOTH ES Plain and Pnnùted Crepet Wash: Sîlks Cotton Dresses IDUNNIER ANID EVIENING GOWNS Plain and Printed Chiffons Crepes and Lace.s Hats - Purses -JeWelry Scarf S SîIk and SpotHose - Accessorues LNo Retu LI NGI IL Handmade, Lace Trimmed Gowns-Stepins-Slipse Pal Hali, Soaps Exclsie With Wieboldt's in Evanst-on' The Choice -Of thM asimos Four Distinct LVr1iig, i uerries* Wi E IBO LDT'S4IEVANSTO N Davis Street. at Frires 1½2and! Less Ranging from $10.00 to $69.0 No Exchanges Ail Sales Final lents Wilmette 1100