The Young Peopfles departmnent will hold anî vvening' service' at the Forest Preserv'e this Sunday. The group will meet at the chtirch and from there go i cars. An Insta,!!atioii serv'iee for the rîew- "Iy elected ofl-icer.s of the,,High. School leaguie Was -hgid' last Sunday- evening. The Philathea class wlll attend 'hrhin a group, Sunday morning. Every. mniber is urged to be ýpresent 'at 9 :30 sharp. Te Frlendly, "luche inviteg ail the woînen of the ehurch to meet with 'themi at 9 :45 S ndy orning lu the Woma-n s room., Tht'ý topic of study i s "lun Rememlbrance of M. The,.Friendiy Circie willli old its last social meeting ' of Uit' year Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock lu the Wonan's roOnli. A speeial programn lias beon phaint'tl. It is îlopt'd that every mem- ber wiil be present.,. Each memberi weleomt' to bring a frIind. The Wk'b>înan's .H-oii(, Il'ssionary so- elety wîll h<ldd its atnutial Mite-mBox opening and a- Molter's and 'Daughter's banquet Wedriesday evening, M-ay' 27. at6 :30. Senq reseroations' toMr, Angehbeek, 14R2, or Mus. Mtoi 756, by Monday, May 25 The annual meeting of' Northern dis- trict '%.Il. 'M. S. wvIll be hehd. Junie 21 nt Park Ilidge. The annual meveting of Rock River -conference W. H. M. S. "wi.l be lheld .t ,the' 'Eucid 'Avenue ,'.hurch, .Oak Park, Junt, If. T'he ~'mnsForeignu'leiis4io nary. s.ocit'ty calis attention tqo a' '1 bing- Awvay Party' in heliali f Ms il Miller' who returns shoflY 10 China. This is to be hiehd at First church, Ev- anstoni, next Friday at 2 o'cloek. The -îoeiet y also ask- you to "lsen lu" on Wednesday afterr.on a;t 2 <clr ovel' the National B3rofýtdca-stitig chain. for a i'rterestlng taî .colt-iin 'olee Abroad." Thie' Wonian's Auxiliary of Wse Memnorial hospital wil eet next Mon-. day at 10 :3l aI' the' Sheridan 1Road Methodist church. Thîis il icated at H4azeàl an(] Sunrtyside avenues. Aded'icatfo-n annlveusary.sert'lce will, be lhehd Wednesd*tay, June' l'0. Bishop. H1ughies wjIl make the address .and this will be, followed 'by a n "open houes for ail, the frlends of thé church Chldren's Day weiil be observed June -14. Infants will be baptized at that service. Parents aire asked to confer iwlth the pýastor. Y The'- Methodist Episcopal. Old Peo- plje,'s homne jsyannouniu ýecture by a popuilar spealk L. Rice, Mondlay, .une 1, tbte Flrst , Methodi5t Park. Hîs subJect wil service next Sunday.' 'Musir for Sunday, 1»>' 21 Preluide, "Larýgo" (01). 10, No, 3) 1k;'" ùi Bethoxen solo). "When u1've34th Wondi,'ouuýý. Cross" . . ,Mzîu Offertory, ",'To a -Water Lily" ......' MacDuwell Pos)itlude, -March lu - D-" Bý..1 1ftc 1k Ernia .Roundsý.5u rg.ini'st and direc(to)r Edwaud Otis, :soioist. The' Sunday school is'doînig a sple11- did ijiece of. work lu..Christ ian, educa- tioli foi' al ages ;afid lparents are ini- vited Lu patrticîpate- i lie tht' wok of. tue Seoo, heî'e is' a class for you aýý w'eil as, au olîprtuniitS-, bawsist ln the' w.moî'k eéery Sunday -at 9:30 al,în. Junliol 'chuu'ch ut Il uni, uîîdei the' leu'dià'siiu uf MW-,s 1orothy. NVehîîlier. l'iuve mîeetmîî, ~'edt'sl~ y t S j>lu. Y.,1P. S. fC. '.t e") 5: op.u, thbe honît' (if -ar'y Elizabeth Frel'.ilî, 5ol t 'iu'stiiiit avenue. iNay by MNrs. IL, A. Sniith, 1 ::;l nî."t ax'elue,'VI.2J0 'l'lie XN'<Jmîîu's s<ie,'wi i lutet iii.tilt-, fuo(W'lng - I'oul)s LueS(Â, i, y 26 :- $poke 4 iblt Mus. Pr;îmîk A. Po llock-, 1406 Washingtonî aveituu. SPuke 10 with Mrs.). W. 'siIth, J'J ýSpoke 12 witilMu.'i ts ,2iî- dly and iMrîs lilsE,~'l,70Fo- Notici- for XVLjvsv'm.:I irulniist rt'ach tht ecrtr uot htu' t1lali T ues da v muoi'hing. l"oî' tiehlui, iflig pe'ferably bY umail, ti),ls 723t 'od "a'k-Ae. '1'le»hoîîe XVil- mette 68S. B Ba pt i st C/urch Wlneteand Foi-est avenuets Gjeorge D. Ailisoît, pso -A Chîum'cl thxt Crs QuurîIoli-ming pî.og vaibegins' at,9.:30 with 'the. sessiliontf', t' Cuuiîschuol ini ail depa'tinemts. At 1il oclibck -wors.-hip svceDr. AI- lison will pr-ach. Thîerée will be a story for the boys and girls after whieh a period of exl)ressional activities is planned for~ theni. in Chillieni's hall. Services 9:5 Day- of Pentecost a.m.Fit'st service and sîn n 9 :31) Sunday ~ho.ami. Bible classes. 10 am Advaîiced Bible class: Il a.n. Second service and sermo-n. Sermon : "The Greatest Mixtavle of Al- the lIoly Spirît's Power lutfie Fr*ilay' u- t 8:pnî.-The. unrP la y Littie Mte'Baker: Mondày :aI 7 :45 : hoir reh ear-sal. Mý(cday t 8pm. : C on>titulti'îlni - ml-it tee, * Wednesffity at S p.n). Spt'cil;t trs nieetifi g. ,-; sUllday, is the, day, of leitecrist. The nanleîtieans the' Fjftieth, bvecuuse itý is the fiftieth day a fter Eastt'r. In the, 01(1 'Testament àit arked tht' end of tht' grain 'ha1-rvest. t alsi o mflîtflr- atted the ' giving* of the' Laiw *of (.iod on 5mnai. Tfhe New Testaniien t- I ent(-ecost niark thefulfilliienit of' 4 hiist's prionî- ise, fi Mis disciple.s tbsend th-m 'the C('oinCorter, the H-oly Spirit. Tht' day ikownand celebrtted ius the- birt hday of the Chtristian chur-ch. I t is the' third great festi\-' f the chut - ch . etai d cdivets 'oui' thoughits rto the' iraleif 'io first dav of Iete wsî~iînit, 'l' Il- ver-siOn Oi thr'ee thoWIu1mid SOU'lS. T7ac iniraculotis ipower'of the'Spirit is being exe'rted on mien 'today chantgiligtiei 'heaî'ts and wills and conscî'I'uatiiig thieni to the servi(ce' of l'li Te subjut of>1 the- s"o on Puilttci ii -iI be':The 'Uîeatest Miracle of Alil. nFi'idla.N ee lii9 tlext :àt S:5 oi'ult'k the ,1 uni<n' ýVult ezt ùé uetail Youîxg "utlS 50iiy uof ' t, iI n's. is giving it.s ianitui pIiky f 'I thè ý,be'efit, -)f tht- chum'h. itis otttled : Little MoIIther ýBaker.- 1Those »nartieipatiîîg' are : ltuc lolpiî Kas- liucille' Kein, > * Iy~Jexe.( ; i'ge, Leinhai'dt, Jac'k lleiinmnî, Slva 1o 'The vîlay w ill be given ltai t, Suudayz[N -choi roomns of th~e'chui-ch. On Mondlay evening next the i'nî- tee appointed to revise the Consýtitution a:nd L'y Lamws of St.. John's w1ill mleet at 'thé pastoi"s study to Continue thl-fi' woi'-k the' î'esults 'of vhich are '10 be. submitted to the Votera' mieeting of the econgi'egatiori Wednesday e\eing, Ma 27, at 8 o'clock. Tlue Linen' Ciricle of the L;tdies*& aid and Mliissionar-y socjety is:. givinig a', bjakery and linen sale Saturday, ,MaIy 93, ~ail da.v, at the \'acnt store' lu the Wolff-Grliftis building, For fine cale, rea-l home înad- bread, and other tasty thiîlgs corne early and havjýe your hoce another opploi.tuilitY to pass thern. Al b)oys ten or eleven years of age wlfl be' expected to pass the Wolf raiik if thev lhave it already dloue so. A special hikè and e'ýursion is being planned foi' thiose" boys %vho' pass thceirBeu an te-sts on Saturday. English Lutheran C'orner 4 Ireenleaf avenue ýand Seventh street. Wilnîette Carni1. Enîpson. pastor, Tite 1,estival of Pentecost-Wltsunday !f .45 .Il..........Sunday school- Arthur Stark, superitendent Il. a.11.............Mýornîng orshil. Sermon: -What doth Jehovah Require 0fThee?" The Holy Commiiunion will be éei*b ate t this service. The pastor wili be at Rockford, 111; ail this îveek. The Illinois Synod of the UCnited Lutheran cehurch in Arnerica iÏ. meeting inIi Rockford. i vet femet'- geiicy, e all Wilmette 42-19 and Mus. Enipson* will con-iiutnîra;te with tilt pzistEJi' for' you. Trhe Litt Lutheln chitirclh. iii Atuievica is tue largest siingl± body of Luthean Ch'isti n uAneri(ca. This unuvch'.iý a. imbet'of -one of ît- Coni- s titticlit Synlods, the llioils Synod. The ý I-oly Comm11union vil1 be adniîîh'i- terud ut the *no-iiing survit-e ne,,a SUi- ua.Evorv eontfirmed memiiber r the. vclurch should Commune. The séreri j at eclev'cii o'ell4)'k.'V i.-itor.s ar~e cordially, -weloozn.' iii.th15 chluc.. Kenilworth, Union, I<<nilw'oîth 'ave-nue and Wai'Wick r4aq Drllerbut L. Wiilett, milinister M' 2,will be *Qlrts"J C'i41 aI>I)'uhiiate Io Mum'nirIl Day. The' SunIday sdihudi meets at 9 :45 o'clock. Thiîs week there will b)e specijl. Meîmorial Day services lield ,arounid th,. wifldowsW vhich ai'c in nîmory of the- three UnlIoli churcviuboy ,S ho gave theil. lives Ili the .oudwar. 01nSUndaY,'. .May 31,. the or .of% l3ap)tisnî ivili be observed, newv memb.eil veceived' iito the churuçh', and the Coi-. munion elebrated,' Ail the membnters and Èrieuds-of *the chuiî'chIlare miost cordially iluvited to, attend. Julie 7 will be celebrated as Childretns dây with a united.service' in the churçh and Suiffay 'setiool field lui the gymnasi- uni of thé2 chur-ch.'June 14 will be the *Clo-Silug church service of the seasoni. 'There ivill be a sumîier ýSunday school however for those in the village who î'emain a, home. for 'l, entire or just a part Q« the suiiirneî. vlo5 will mee1t MornlnK worship conducted by te Rev. Selden L. 1fla3nes, D.D., who. con- tinues supplying ur piuIpit. Comimunionl of the Lord's $upper, re- ceptionm of new members and the ordi- nane of B,4itisni willbe held next Sun- day. Màay'î24 at Il a.nî. Al, meinbeus are' urKed to iattend. A cordial iîreitatioP Io given to unite. Link "H- I'sL F. Lynch, chiairînian: meeting' to be' on May 29. The Wedniesday ýevening mieetinigs'. at 8 'clock ai-e extreniely iliteresting and helpful ..Dr. Allison will spealç next wÀeek.oit -The Nloeieiit.toward Chris- tian 'Uuit4,,2 The Boa-rd Of Religions Eduhjatioîî .wvl: 11o1d its îegular nîonthly meeting on Tuesidzay at S 'ljOck ln the church office. 'Thursday, May 2S, the Blue Birds will meet at 3 :15 .m., the Junior choir at 4' p.m., the 'Senior choir at 7:30 pn, and Troo» No., 1, Boy Scouts, a 7 :30' Mr. Hindley will address the Opti- or otner causes, neeci special help in certain fundaniental 'subjects.' How- ever, practice exercises will flot oc - cupy ail their timne, for children en- rolled in the clinic -will have* an op? portunity for out-of-door activities of a recreational type.