ORDER WORK ON BOOSTER PIUJM P Vill1age Board Requests PromIpt Instaüllaion to jncrease Water Supply Work on the installation of in emiergencv booster. punip at Prairie avenue and Isabella street for the purpose of increa .sin 1g Wilmnete'-- water stipply from Evanston enoughi to take care of Wilmette's water needs for the summer months is ex- pected to start this week. The question, of an adlequa te witer supply for Winmette has been oiie o nuch concern to the miembers of-the Village board as well as to villagerk. in generalin the past few years. The shortage of water, especially inith Rige avenue section of. the v-illage., *becamne acute last summer. Makes Further Report At its regular meeting TuesdaN night the Village,,board again gave considerable time to the discussion' *of* the water. shortage problemn, and Trustee W.. W. DeBerard, chairnian of the sewer and water comnmitteei. *made ýfurther reports:of the work oÇ- bis *cômhmittee in-the niatter and pre-ý sented.resolutions providing nlot onlyý for inmmediate relief but for permia- lient relief as well. After considcring Mr., DeBerar%'ý reports and recommendation s' the-- board: as1 an energencv m ieasure,I autborized Village Manager C. M. Osborn to proceed within twentv- four hôurs on the installation o f the temporary booster pumip.at Prairie avenue and-Isabella street. Use Te Inporairy Shelter Village. Manager Osborn Wau in- sfructed to have the pump placed iti La temporary shelter house on a vacant corner lot atthe intersection of these two, streets provided: the ýowner, of thue lot, who had agreed t enti to the 'Village for three hundred dol- lars for six monihs, .would agree t-a an extension of timce on the lease for another six nonths if neceSsary,. if An Invitation to A Il Citizens Tfo.Ail Organizations: P'atriotic. Civic or Social: As a fitting tribtite Vo the lhcroic dead who have given their lives 'in def ense of their, coutitry's fla g in it's hotr,*.of need, .M1ay 30. bas been designated as thie, la% which, we may devote to the honor o f thlie i r mie morv7. This day, originally dedicated 't, those mîho (lie(l ini th'e Civilm-ar,>,b1as b)een re-dedicated to ail who have lied ini defense of our country. Prior to the \Vorld -war. it ,vas the task of the veterans -;of the Civil Nvar to, sponsoôr the, nîemorial service, but now 'the ranks of thes e veterans have becoîue ( lpleted that.it falîs to veterans of latçr wastc; carry owi. and the daN- is nlow c onmeiorat.ed tînde r ,thie. auspices -of thê éAieric.an Legion. Accordin gl-. Wilinette Post NO. 46 hias arranged a 1)rograni for thec day. s tarting at 7 a. ni. at Memliorial Park cemetery, wvhere services vill be held and. theý gray es of, veterans will 1)e decorated. At 9 'o'clock the parade will forni at the Village hall and w~iiI niarch to Washing~ton phrk. whére Past State Commanider Ferre C. W'atkins -l deliver the address of the day. It.iqsisncerely hôped that \votr>organiiza-ition x-vill joi us on thîs occasioni. D.J. L. Walther, chairnail Patr.iQtic Celebrations comnl ittee. 1167 Wilmette avenuel Allan T. Gilbert- -i Heads 1-amiltonians, Allan T. Gilbert of 240 Leicester road, Kenilworth, was elected presi- dent of the.- Hamnilton club of Chi- cago at its recent election.. Mr.' Gilbert was born iiin Chicago and eu ated _a>University High school.. Lewis institute, Kent College of Law and Northwestern university.i He is,- a member of the law 'firni of Watkins, Ten Hoor and Gilbert, as- sociate counsel Citizens' Traction Settlement committee and special as- sis1t-ntcrnnratinn connsel for. coin- Legion Auxiliary lias May Dance on Saturday Saturday, May 23, is the date of the May dance to be given by the Amier- can Legion Auxýiliary, Minmette Post, No. 46, at the Wilmeêt e Woman's -Club. .Vhether one enjoys dancing or card a good tirre is assured, the Auxiliary promhisés. An exceptionallygo«dor chestra bas been secured. for the oc- casion, it is announced. PLAN DAY Ferre C. Watkin's to Be Speaker* at Wilmette P-rogram-;' Parade Fe ature' Plans, for Meémorial Day. observ- ance 'in 'Wilmette .,are .proceeding apace, according. to. D., J. L. Walther, ..chairman of the Patriotic Celebra-w tions'commnittee of Wilmette PostNo 46, American Legion. The day's festivities wiIl begin a 6:30 o'clock. with flag-raising. cere.- molies conducted, by Boy Scouts at, the Village greený and, at the varions schools. At 7 o'clock .the Scouts will hold a flag-raising ceremony at Memorial> Park cenmetery. Immnediately follow- ing, Xilnette Post will conduct Me- môirial day services th'ere, assisted by Evanston Camip No. 57, United Spanish War Veterans, and Albany Park Post No. 124, American Légion. Frank Camp, a .former member of Albany, Park- Post, is buried in Me- morialpark,; services will be held at bis grave. Parade Starts at 9 a. mu. 'At. 9 o'clock the parade will forni at the Village hall, marching thence to Washington park, where the ex- ercises of the day will be held. In- vitations to participate in the parade have been sent to aIl Wilmette or- ganizations and to the New Trier Higb school band. Full details of the make-up of the parade and the line of miarch will be published next week. Capt. Edward A, Evers will be- parade marshal, assisted by Major George R.- Harbaugh and Lieut. Car!, A.Peterson. Wilmette Post's own drum' corps (hast year's state cham pions) wiil furnish parade music. ferre Watkins S5peaker The ,cèremonies at WashingtonA Park WilI be in charg-e of Post_ Co*n- measure of protection of the flealth of the municlpallties Included .within its, boundarles, principa.ly by insuiing the integrity of their water supplies; WRÈEiUAS, The Village of Wilniette now obtains Its water supply from Ev- anâton, under the provisionsB of the Banl- tary District law. which provides that a municipality, like WIlmette, having no sou*rce of water eupplY but lies. adjacent (ContlnUed on page .62). For this reason ail deadlinés for advertising and news copy are ad- vanced one day. N'ews items must be received not later than Tuesday noon to insure publication. wl eacpe u Classified ads W.l.eacpe u to 9 p. mt. Tuesday. fuel aavertisements in tnis issue are your be st guides to satisfactory service and dependable quality. *The W'ilmette Chamber of Commerce, in a communicationi to the Village board, advises that it will support the newv board in any efforts it may rnake towards obtaining grade separation for Wilmette. The communication w'as read at tbe regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday night.