Ç Gossar&is Ibcst fillirc- con troilinqtl c&ign 18 n oir.obnc vi G Os s a r t4's ,fanions sletulepiziig <lasti i. The fitting tri ck lies in the wit Une straps.aori"-- the Iba ck, ar- rangêd to c r-a t.t agonal ,pul1l *at' the waîst fine> t1, a flattens the dlia- pohragm and ab domten, siender- izer, the waist and uplifts .the bus4 Eiehorn'-; exper t fitters. $ 5.00, E 'f , ui *priccd front $5. to $3..5O GOSSARD SHOP 72ý East, Madison St. dent:; Mrs. Wal ter Kinrniier of Wil- mette,, vice-president; Mrs. John ýVeb)er of, Vilnette. secretary and treasurer. The Mallinckrodt wishes to expres its apreciation and. gratituide for the splendid spirit -of loyalty and coopera- tion 'shown in the past by the former officers. Mrs. F. Oelericfi of Wilmette, Mrs. P. MUrrav of Hubhard Wood-, and «Mrs. J. Hoffmnan of Wilmé'tte. The Iast great enterprise under the direction' of the retiring officers, is the fanious Edgewater Beach part ý,, scheduled for Saturday, Mav 23, at 2.o'clock.ý Elahorate lireparations are beiîîg made, a 1nd it is hoped that titis, social will nieet with- a greater re- sponse and cooperation than anv pre viotusly undertaken. Mothers andl friends of, The NMM- ilnckrodt, you ill .noî, aitto imiss this important affair. and therefore. von are. reminded. to bear in mind thlis:lbit of* informîation à,.Place: Edge- watèr Beach blotel. *.Date,: Saturda.%, Mfav 23. Timie: 2 1). ni. Mrs. F. G. Coin1 of Slletlllort, Pa., wit.h ber twvo smlall daug.hters Mary B-,eth and( Donjna, is visiting ber p).aren.tts. Mr. and-, Mrs. Lea J. Orr. 1002 GreenIleaf avenue. A REFRESHING BEVERAGE AND FOoD THAT TONES UP THE SYSTEM ýWJELANDpS OLO STYLE BUTTE-RMILK SHood Sealed for Your Protectio Scotlancl, irom Gliasgow to r.uîn- burgh via the Trossachis trip, usin- tally-ho and lake steamers oven Loch Loinond and Loch Katrine;, and EnQv- land with side- trips ta the Burns countirv. the Scott and Shakespearc couintni;es, and the English lake dis trict.. abhode of the poets,;,Word s- w-torth, Coleridge and Southey, as - well as. Oxford and Cambridge wit!:. their colleges. The trip will le entirelyby motor through*the varying, country-sidè and to the important cities, foilowed !)v an exteènsion to France and Paris, via London, Dover and Calais. XVhil e in England, thé l)arty vvil view a perfiormance of a; Shlakesp)eare pla. ini its own setting.at Stratfoc&'- on-Avon, durinig the Shakespeare Sunîmer Festivals. 11,his *is Mrs. Towne's fonrth si ni- mer with European tours,. Last véar ber group- viewed the Passion Play at Qbe)rammergau. Two >years 'igo., she assisted, her htisband in conduct - ing a group of Evanston and. north shore Bloy Scouts, ifothers and sis- ters, ta the England Jamboree. While, thev were, in camp, she attended Part I of the suminer meeting at Oxford. and Part Il at Cambridge tîniiversit", receiving ,tbe summer certificate ini Eniglish literatune and history.e Mrs. W. A. Terry. who lias 1beer nesiding at 909 Central avenue, \' mette, is nowv uîaking ber homie w bier datighter, Mrs. H. V. Verrai! of 465 Grove street, Glencoe. lage. Here are a few ot the books ,hichi have been luring children to the librarv : Johnof -the-Woods-Br0wfl. Prince and the Pauper-Clemefls. Adventures of Billy Topsal-Diincari. Btlly Topsail and Company-Duiican. (ire-at Quest-H-jawes. Futher AdventuresL of Nlhs-Lager-' WonderfulAdventures o~f Nils-Lager- lof. Anne,'> Terrible Good Nature-Lu.cas. HtdnPeople-MiltŽr. Mr. StubbWs Brother-Otis.- Dreadful River Cave-.Schiu!tZ. Lone Bul's Mistake-Schultz, Moni-Spyri. C.rjt-a-Plenity-Wallatce. An Only Child-White,. Tales F'rom Norse Mythooy-Pyie Boy,%' s. Book of Farnous Regirent- ogdefi. Wonder Clok-PYle. Wofider Tàbes Retold-Pybe. %With the Men Who Do Tliings-3oil.. Couriers of the Clouds-Shenton. Every Boy's Book' of, llandicraft- l-andirraft foi* Handy Bos-lal] 'Middle ('nuntry-Prîce. FATHER DIES f r. and Mifs. Grant C. Osborn. 522 Central aveýnue. returncci to their home 1:st week~ from Lima,, Ohio, *where. they had been called Iby the. death on May, 1, of, the formers father. Calvin Osborn. who.had he a history teacher ini the Lima High M rs. Rose O'Brien of Kewanee,: Ill., was. the'bouise gu'est last week- end at :the home of hier brother, J IP. O'Connor, 718 Elmwood avenue. WILMETTE 3029 WINNETKA 137 hIc. AVE. EVANSTON,. ILL. ]I:l11 1 iliI -I FrAppointment FrPhon» WiI1mette. 2526 STUDIO 1 122 Central Ave. N xf door fo Wlm.tte Theatre Bridai Portraits. o rS t ud&Io Exquisite portraits as correct as the Cere- mony itself- yet. at I Every Dayle, Visiting Dey et Our Modern Dairy Plant 3014 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago, 111. t T r- -i7), 1 - Il - ý mil