anid only great forth shore, the play- ground and master chaniber of the- master minds of Chicago industries.. ,Such men seek, demand. and, if you please, are willing to pay for life's best, for their families- and them- selves. They want to build- environm.ent,, w.eld- together their home community, aind this is pos5ible only. through a common, meeting place, for -the. en- tire village.. .we maYý learn to be neighborly,ý to work and play in. ha.rmony. ùnderstand that our. inter-; ests are mutual1 and learn to. appreci- ate the, best north shore village, where we mnav enjov every othier ad- vantage, plus the elevat'ed transpor- tation. AIl of-these %will dev.elop civiec pride, which wvill. tend 'to .further beautj.fy our village, and,- u nite us into a solid, community, .whose virtues. cari, and %ill, bé heralded to,.the world. Thi-s is Your opport ,unity,, with:a Commun- itv Houùse.' *Allow Lné to suggest the possibilitN, f or -international advertising, of the- be-st sort, sighit impressions conveyed h v w.ord of mouth, b)v the thousands of ,visitors from the four corners of. * the earti. whdî will visit o Ur village to admire the beaut-v of the, Baha'i * temple, during, the, next few vears, especially in,1933, duriig, the World Exposit.ion of Progress. Juùst caîl on your imagination and try to visualize,ý vour pride. wheni showing Exposition visitors vour vilý- * lage. itq beautV, knowing that they will selnse. or feel, the civie. pride that fils the air. AUl of t.hes.e virtues. ànd many more, are yours by acting now. LET'S GO! ACOMMUNITY HOUSE FOR WILM ETTE: -Aider R. Tighe. Editor, XNVILNETTiz Li'e:- Nfay is the month of. blossoms. Ev- erywhere the air is filled wvith fra- pe granceand the soil is verdant with growth. Our western crabapple is the queen of alI-the poet of poets. Her song is the song of youth vi- ;brant in love. Her message to you and me is of the best. It sinks deep soins stun adorni our roadsides and woodland dells. Our north shore communities niust redeemn themselves. There bas been too mnuch destruction and. therefore an unredeemable loss of the native beauty of Our forth. Shore townls. A bit of native landscape-a part of our self-bas passed away. To the Amer- ican the poetrv and the grandeur of bis native land is unsurpassable any- where. ]Perhaps no other plant in this region is, more tbogbt of than. our native. or. western crabapple. The friends of our native landscape have for mn vears made yearly. pilgrim. ages- tatbé, crabapple biossom. Attempts bave been madeto plant crabapple trees. in the parkways of towns and villages, and along bigh- ways-sometimes witb, good 'res ,ults. It is more tban a decade ago tbat tbe Wilmette -Parkc board disciissed witb the writer the pssibilitv of, planting bawthornes and crabapples in the parkways. There can be nOý qiuestion that their .cbaracteristic growtb and their beautiful hlossomns will add color and life to the street icture and give, it a native touch of For Peo ple Who Love to Paint and Deco rate Things: A SALE EARLY AMERICAN; Tilt -Top Tables -Jens Jensen. Editor WILMMrE Lipn: At* the meeting, of the *Wilmette Sunday Evening club executive com- mittee Sunday evening, a resolution was 'adopted expressing bearty thanks . to WiLmME r LiVE, for the splendid oooperation tbis p«aper>bas given tbe club, not only during the past year *but also.'iii many years preceding. This resolution was passed unani- mrou slV. W.,Frank McClure Président, Wilmette SundayEvening club STE VENS' of EVANSTýON FIELD & CO0MPA NlYý. Announcing the Opening of Our. NEW SPORTI NO GOQDS SECTION!, where a complote Golf AfI 1: ~ 5Ç 1Mil 16'Button lmported., Kid GlovYes Uine of and Tenni s Equip- has been assembled in antici pationi of the sports :season. *You. are cordially invited to,"- visit this new and ii-ý teresting section. Priced the dozen at $3.45. Tlhe Vdiage Cleaners, mnc. 1209 Washington. Ave. WILMETTE. Founfain Square Evanston 724 FIFTH FLOOýR l