residents since St. George is ýe vs. Hallahan (no declsionX, 7urtiss (no 4ecislon). MOST fOR. YOUR MO0NE'Y AT, THE, A MigtySaef $65$5 8 I MN.Sý I, QUAL:TýY. ai ýCUSTOM SUITS $33 Scoires of Year '-Round Suits. are Includedd Asale like tliis grips the iaî utin.I'stk reatest in our 44 yesrs of business. We"ve taken the iuest custom. HEM;q ty C. LYTTON &'S Orriington and Church-EVANSTON Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursdmy and Saturday Evenings No Toli Charge to Phoneý-CgI1 Winnetka 188 HUB OMS