The honor society is composed of pupils ini the sixth, seventb and eighth grades whos'e average grade for ail subjects.js "E" (excellent). Al pupils from the third to the eighth- grades inclusive who receive a. grade of "E" in effort, are.,listed, on the honor roll. Follo0Wing -is. the latest list of. josephi Sears honior pupils: HONOÔR SOCIETY' Sixth Grade *Arthur Bonnett, Bettie Jane Cooke, (liarlenie Driver, Edith Gillett, Peggv Ketcham., Arend Knoop, Jane Krause,. Blienie 'MacKinnon, Suzanne Maurer, Billie Stebbins, Donald Stilîman, Jeannette Robertson. Seventh Grade Arthur Carlson., Lucie DiX, Doiris Heaton, Shirley Hermiann, Jane Holiib.v, M iriam Holmnesi Maesba Huck, Alice Kelly, Betty Leach, Car- olin.e Schaefgen, jean Small, John .Sprenger, Betty Thornton, Annette Williams. Eighth Grade Shtirl'ey, Botthof, Barbara Clark, Finor Clark, Russell Cooke. Dorofhy Deèacon., Rov Demmron,. Priscilla Hawlev, Tom 1-Hildebrandt, Mary Huck, Cecelia M.\acKinnioni, Billy Rob- ertson, DorothyvSmythe, Louise Wat-j son, Jane Weese, Paul, Wright HONOR ROLL Tliird Grades Barbara Bell, ,Halstead Cross, Cyn- thia .Fay, Virginia Huck, Charlotte Huck, Stella Jannotta. Betty, Jordan, Paul, Kelly, Joan' Kilnér, Isobelý Mý,atliieson, 'Mimi Streed, Conine Tor-. Lidecker; Yeggy Mars11, Robert Os-1 ternianti, Georgé Rothermel, Eliza- beth Simon, Ralph Starrett, Earli TopNancy Weishaar. Fourth Grades r_ Bol) Anderson, Bob Barr, Betsy Davis, Tom Ellis, Martha Hale, Dor- 1 New Trier High school's senior track team, shown i n the upper picture, the sprint relay teani, shown at the othiv Henderson, Madelin Jergenisen. I lowver left, and the distance relay team, at lower right, wil I participate in the annual Suburban league outdoor track Joan Ketcham, Rkichard Krause, jack' meet at Newv Triers new athletic field Saturday afternoo n, May 23 at 2 o'clock. The meet will mark the opening of Lawsoni, Denise Armstrong, R etty ithe new field. Beckr, etty Bonet, arbra' Nearly . two hundred athiletes f roni the six Suburban I eague schools-New Trier, Oak Park, Evanston, Deerfield, Burch. Suzanne Erwi, Winston Mortoni and Proviso-will be entered. New Trier is' expecting to accommodate a large crowd of spectators. Frederick, Suzanne Hazelet, Frank1 Oak Park kàst week retained its titie of state intersc holastic track champion, nosing. out New Trier, which fin- K inn 'N nrV irtIpTnGndi . . - Peggy Ketcham, Aren4l &noop, jane Schweitzer, Au Krause, Benjie MacKirinon, Suzanne Small, John Spr Maurer, Jeanette Robertson, Marv ton,, Anuette W Jane Smith,, Billie Stebbins, Donald .Eighi Stilîman..,' 1Shirley Bettli SSeveoth Grade Elinor Clark, Ru Jnic 13Bou.hard , Arthur Carlson Deacon, Roy Mary Martha Cross, Gridley DemnHîly o Lucie Dix,- Ruth -Forster, Jeanne Huck, Cecelia thi Grade ganization for ýof, Barba.ra Clark, spring of their issell Cooke,' Dorothy ship,,character, Demmon, Priscilla versity. 'Inad Hildebrandt, Mary ont of the a MacKinnon. Billy Queen. ice to the uni- Mr. and Mrs. Joshua P. Youtng of' e Brown was 1030 Ashland avenue are on a motor' to the Maty Itnp through Kentucky. ýThe>y will re- j tùmrn this week.