Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 7

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a dinner meeting 'held Th'nrsday eve- ning, May 14, in the Congregational church. Outstanding accomplish- ments of the club as shown by the reports were th.e largest mieml)ership i the his torv of the club a consider- able iicrease, in the: fund set, aside for schoàlarship banS,.' icrease in SO-; cial activities wthiln 'fhe local club, ifiter-club), and-public relations witlh othe '\ Villagegroups, a surplus in the wvhich it wil1 be 'possible to 'continue because of' fûnds whichi have been raise( f or:that purpose. * Mrs. Martini Kent. Northani of Ev- anlston chairman of the Speakers' *Bureau of the 1933 Century ,of Prog- re ss Ex)osition, vas the speaker of * the eveniîig. Mrs. Northam tôld thle plans for the arrangement of the, grounids, interiors, and financing of, *tie.project îi*i a most interesting talk, and invite(1ý the 'menibers of the club to be lber guests onl a tour of the Administration building which Nvith lie replica of Fort Dearborin is now complete 'and ini use.- The annual clection whielh had been postpolied until after' the pro- grain resulted in the electiono Ms SAV SAET * Eudow your teeth witli1.astiug beautyl More imp>r4bt than keep., iM your'tefth clean je keeping your teeth. Some dentifrices e 1 e a n your teeth but contribute noth-. * ing to their preservation. Rexali Milk of Magnesia, 'Tooth Paste, on the other hand, not' only beautifies your ýteeth by removing disfiguring statis, but also tnds te lessn tooth decay by neutralizing the acids that cause it. Add to these features -the breath-sweet- ening power of Rexali L Central- Phones:1 mette 28,and 29 Warren Shaw, Former Wilrnette Resident, Dies Warren ShawýN, 30 years old, of Des Moines, la., a foÉmer resident of Wil- m!iette, died on Friday, May 15, f ollow- Ing an-operation. The funeral serv- ices and buiriall took place Mondav afternoon at1 Graceland cernetery in Chica go. Mr. Shaw, W-ho was conn ected witi. an advertisiig. agencv in Des Moine-; wvhere he had iived: for the past threc years, spent bis boyhood> and yout- in Wilmiette vvher e he wvas a Scott- mas te r. Heis survived'by his wife, Doro- thy, andby aà daughtér. Patricià. An aunit of .M.Nr. Shaw, Mrm Benjamin J. Ott, lives at 1228 Lake avenue, XVi -. mette.: Mrs. Shaw and her daughter home of'the widovv's parents,;, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Chiallinior, 933 Eim- lyood avenuec.. OATMBAL COOKIES ... Doctors. recoin. mend therm for tliey are healthful as a be. tween nieai* "gack."' The 'kiddies love them and ýprere to drink a glass of' milk if you wi il give thein these Oatmneàl Cookies. too. F111 yornr co<cke jar Monday . . . these cookies will stay fresh 'for many days!1 EPECIAL HEUR MONDAY ..,...14,c qdozen, TÙESPAY. iJ me sventViiLf J.Jstri The place of mee MO.NDAY FORM CAKE . .. Filled wîth juat lots of good 'things. This yeast ra-ised canke in deliic,,us as a roffee cake or te serve with iceceai'nwr eveflngs. Yau've eaten this cake bero)re. but neyer have You found t more inviting than it I'will appear bere. TUESDAY ONLY .....................- ......2.. this Meeting. nounced later, but in the meantime, remember the date-Wednesdlay, June 17-eight days later than the USUUlI meeting ,ight. State Commandeýr Arthur. Poorman will bee speaker of the. evening.: At the May meeting, Chairman AI- bright of the entertainment commit- tee announced that -hereafter. there wo'uld be an, extra entertajument mleeting9 every, month; détail*-, will be announced later. It %vas announced that the Post' membership now exceeds'. 161 memn- bers. Th're Legion ha-smore than.887 000, menibers, of. whom more than 7.5p- 000 are in- Illinois. Mémorial Day schedule.: 6 :30 a. m. flag raising, Village hall; 7 a. m. cer e- mony, at Memorial park; 9 a..nm. parade forms at Village hall. FulI de- tails 'next %week., -J. B. Stanton 414: treshments'.will beserved; 'Ii a small charge' for tickets. Mrs. Hen'ry A. Everett, w ho bas been spending the fail and winter at the Kenilworth Inn, is leaving te-- night to join ber sisfer-in-law and motor to the latter's summner home in Waukazoéo, Holland, Mich. ý'Mrs. Everett expects to spend the montli f August with ber daughter Àin Sagi- nwand thenwili return to Wauka-" zoo for, a time before coing>in to Keniliwoith in October. GRADUATION SPECIAL i0Q50 LA. JEUNESSE' Juniors' andi Girls' Wear I 'I Six Mort DeIicacits for thé Weelc SAIURDAY W BLACK WALNUT LOAF CAKE ~. i '. Here is a' eak: th:t :vpeals tový-rvone. may b. garnished with so rmany deJir-acies,ý Q like fruit, ice crearn or whipped cream. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY.23e THE WILSON BAKERY 1162 Wilmette -Ave., Phone 4

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