Roses and other floWers are the candies to be served at your wedding parties. May we send you saniples P 13j1~-tn3Canbg Shops 1135 centalAve., Wilnitte Wilmeçtte 308 Read the Want.,Ads. HUNDREDS of; aur customfers Who. usod +0 go +to Evanston and Chicago for thoie per- mflfetf..rnEI ftat kere n Wilmette they could get expert work-and so conveniently and eco-, nomkially-tbat t key' are.. SATISFIED with 1167 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Chamber of Comnmerce for sponsoring the meeting which resulted in definite steps toward the firist per- manent community bouse association in the bistory of Wilnette. Followinig.àre,,the îiames and repre- s.entatives. ôf the twenty-sik, organiza- tionfs, at Monday 's meeting: Wilmnette Metbodist churcb-'Harr C. Kinnre PI First Presbyterian chirch- Stanley M.. Peterson; St. John's Lu-, theran church-Alfred H. Priebe; XViI- mette. Federation of Churche-HarrY C. Kinne;4 St. Joseph's,Catholic cburch' -James B. Hoffman; Woman's Club of Wilmette-Mrs. E. H. Freeman: Catholic Wonian'scluh-Mrs. F. Thale; Catholic Daugbters of America-Mrs. P[RMAN[NT Wilmette 4517 Amierican Legion, W iinette P'ost No. 4Ô'-'Fred M. Coxcon; Amnerican Legion, Peter J. Huerter Post No. 669- W. A. Hillinger; Knights of Columbus-John W.Seizer; North Shore Real Estate hoard-F, H. Gathercoal; B oy Scout c0uncil-Ralph H Rice; Wilmhetteý ('ommiunity- Chest-Harry C. Kinne; Olde ,Towne Foikes assoiation-Dr. G.D pson; àRoyal Neighbors o Anierica-Mrs. J. P, Schaefgen; XVil- mnette. Civic league-Paul' C. Lang; Northwest' Men'ls lub-W. T. Purceil; North Ridge Woiman's club-Mrs. ýR. È. Fjeliman; Wilmette Healtht Qenter -Mrs. j A. L. Grinneil; and Wilmette Cliarber of Coimeree. TO LIVE IN EAST Mrs. Roger Behan, the former Es- telle Farley of Keiiilwoarth,. with her smnall son, Farley Behan, are the bhouse :guess 'Of :Mr. and Mrs. J,.-K. Farley iii, Kenilworth,. previous to leav- ing very sport to make thieir home in. B~oston; AMass. Mr. Behan, xwho lit ia-st Saturday for the east, wilI find a home. in Boston, or its suburbs, after which tirne Mrs. Behan-aind David wiil join hinu. -Mr. Behani has. been transferred east by bis business firm. Miss Margaret Burton, ofe Nashville' officiai over a :period of more than twentv-five years. Presentation of the gift wvas made by Hoyt King in the name of the Xilmette' Civic league at a dinner Môndai evening in the Shawnee Country 7club at which the former Vill age president *as guest of honor. Appreciation t*vas >also expressed- forý the splendid service to thec commun- Jtv- of rctiring Trustees' E. .C.Caziel and Stanton Van lnwagen. both of wvhom -were guests at the league din-, Dr. Donald M. Gallie, retiring pres- i(lcft of the Civic league. was t oast- master at the dinner., Dr. Horace Gm. Sffitb.. pastor *of the Wilmette Parish church, %vas the- principal Ispeaker. At the dinner, also. a -welcomne. w~as extetidcd to'the recentlv elected Vit- lage offic iaIs., Village' President Car-' bon P. Dubbs, inst returned front Californaiv as, askcd to addresk the ineeting. Other ncw officiaIs presý- ent wer.e Trtnstees Arthur Lee and Albert XVT. Froehdc. Trustee Stacv C.. Bennett was unal)le to attend. Holdover trustees, Mrs. Ruthi M. Si!vder. . V DeP>erard, and Carl Remieckarj also were. introduced and C( .n11mended for tlîcir to XVil- Ten., who lias been the bouse guest f or __ flhc past twvo -wceks of Mrs« Vrnn r.:aiid Mrs. F. E. M. Cote of 315 Louckces of *224 Sheridan road,V Kenil- Essex road. Kenilworth, mnotored Wort'h, will return to her .homé on Sat- througt-h Indiana and Michigan dur- urday. inoe the last wveek. Cet our Prices, they are the .LQWES1 service is free. Charge Accounts can1 %SALE FV1UDAY & r. See our Me be arranged! -they are thé FINEST. Our delivery teen year8 next January at this location. DAY~ MAY 22m.231. I SANIN RI RAS DEF SECAL Best Cuts. 2-90 STANINGRIBROAT BEIFSPICIA:' tier Cts210 ci r STEAK '32e 627 CITYMARKET Co- Phione Wilmette .1870 ALRIHTBEAUTY' -SHQP mli for Appointment 0o mý