Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 5

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KeynoIus, cotraîto, andi ian Urnuîcy, tenor. Paul Leyssac, narrator, ail of whom take part ini "King David." The' festival chorus and the Chicago Symphony orchestra also take part. On Tuesday' evening, May 19, Ignace Jan Paderewski, the world's' inost famnous and beiov>ed piano. vir- tuosoý Wil- play, his o wn concerto for piano and orchestra, and ,Will be heard in a group of Chopin solos. On Thursday night, May 21. Fior- ence Austral, contralto, and Dan Gridley, new American*ý.tenor,. appearý ,as,*soloistsg. Dean Lutkin. wiii direct the A Cappella choir,,and the fes-. tival chorus will sing Roussel's 'Eightieth Psalm." >On Saturday afternoon, M av 23,. Jaennette Vreeland. aàvoung .Anueri- can artist wrho also seng at tie, festival iast. seasoni, ill sing Englislî sOngS. andthe childrens chorus -%ill he hieard lu.t selections from i e Gil- bert and Sullivan operas,,aiuJ in otlier, ,vords. The closing concert, on Saturday evenîing. MNfai,;23, hrings Eleatiot ReN - nolds and -Walter- Widdop as soloists. Dran Lutkin xiii conduct the festival chortus in Parker's "Gloria in E-- celsis." Miss Reynolds,- a famous Cternian contralto., wiii sing Handel and* V(\ag.er arias. Mr. X'ddop. on e of the finest operatic tenors of Enigland, is to sing Handel and WVag- ner arias aiso. Arrange Summer Work for New Trier Sehool (Continued frorn Page 3) tlnlg. Ev\en thiese students will haVeý ,eveval diays free tirne. before sunirneri soliool itnd thirty deays 0 f vacation after suinivr school. "Suet~with just enough eredits to m1ake their grade rnay flot hlave as many ceissthey should h-ave if theyr plan to graduate. on, tinie with, their class- They niust therefole take summner work soIi iC ie to make up -this slighit de- ficieney. For exaniple,* a studenýt niaY be t junior îifhe has 37 credits and 50 )ii owever,. since he is. haif Wayý throuh biscou;e he should havehi t1he recjuireineflts for graduation-that is 421,4 credits and 64 points. -many, students have to attend at leajst onle summiet session durig their (ourse. suinmer ,work this summfer 11-Y 1)e muw<e convleiet than it .wilil.be next Mr. and Mrs. Z. Marx, former resi- ~ ~ TMF 'W 4E1 dents of Evanston, are now residing DAVIS 113143Wl M TTE 464-. at 1330 Sheridan road. Tbey bave been Aiso Cýars.. Duilding'Pharmacy, 636 Chnrch St., Evansion, Gre. 3316 i'~ WOuL- f-Itrç&. fo bott ees Golf Sticks rivers-Bra sses- Irons - Mashies - Putters with steel or w o od shafts. ]"!-!ce (1froni $8'50 tn- Golf 13a11a WiIson's CAPITOL ait a .very jov prive. Dozen $3.50. 3 for $1.00 $7.50 per Jiozel Fiahing Tackle of All Kinds Rods-reels-line - hooks - bait and tackle boxces - in fact everything for, the lishermnan; ài I Garden Fumniture A Wide Se1oction of Folding Chairs - Metal Chairs of spring, steel - Camp Cots Swvings - Gliders - Birdl Batths- Stone Seats Trellises!- Arches and Pergolas- Folding.Cai For the sun parlor, porcb or lawn., Green or red lacquer. tramne built t0f Northern Rock -Elnl, speuiallIY wovenl fabrles; in n e w desligius., Chairs numbers 33 or 40 $5.25 R.cliuing Chair Bujlît tb give more. service. and eomifort. Adjus,.table to fnnr positions. Varnlshed fraine -withi striped canvas.. $2.45 foot rests aiîd conupi extra Fielderps 01kbe. Raa Hornaby mod el.Hs ail the, I mpro vements de- manded: by the real playerS., Spieclal $3.95 Othera at 95c-80.5'0 - .95and $6.50 ,%m. Ijeagle $1.25 Arnat. Leagne 4ée Bats P>rof. League $1.2é Arnerican Boy 50e Tennis Bail, 3 for $1.25 Wilson C Hl A M P- IONSHIIP always fresh a.nd llvelY. Hernietlcally seal- ed under pressure ln metai tubes. "&GOLI)D EALFolding Furniture has STYLE . . . BEAUTY . . . PERMA. NENCE . . . See the brilliaflt new de- signis for 1931 now on display at nioney- saving prices. cially accecpte L y u vJ . --... This is necessary before the crew cari take 1possession. The niew station, which is located> about two anid, a haîf miles north f roin the present -historie location, is one of ihe best equipped, iii the coun- try. It wiii hbandie catis as far north 16 enchafltifl "-l ors, for fu4rniture and wQodwork. No] disagreefiblo odor.1 Phone Avenue 30M0 Large1 pr4oti 1n t e r Iular pi Spo<

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